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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. Hi there. Have any of you tried this grate out yet? I just looked on the char-broil website and it had some poor reviews. Keen to get a back up grate for my konro on my trip to the US next month given the grates that they come with are no where near the quality of what we get in our KKs. Thanks.
  2. Ooooh. I have to say that I am more interested in the KK itself. Great colour and I just love the 22 TT. Way to go, whatever height it ends up at!
  3. I would like to post a photograph of a drink but whenever a nice drink is put in front of me I am so focussed on drinking it that I don't remember to take a photo. Does that mean I have a drink problem?
  4. Yup, ribs trump currency alright. They look great @Tyrus. We paid cash to the guys who helped us unpack and move our KKs into place given we were taking them away from doing paid work for real clients. Your post reminded me that we still have not given them the KK dinner that we promised as their tip. Must rectify that or some real bad karma will be coming my way!
  5. All of these pictures of drink and ice are making this girl very thirsty indeed! I am working away from home but looking forward to getting back home where the food and alcohol are, invariably, better than anything you can get on the road.
  6. I am guessing you enjoyed Game Day this weekend @Tyrus. Mine extended until tonight because I had to get to bed before the Philly-New Orleans game was over. I have now seen the result. The better team won. Looking forward to a really competitive conference championship weekend. Might even break out a brisket!
  7. Yay! That looks mighty tasty @Tyrus. I love shrimps and scallops on their own so they must be twice as good together. Will go searching for that recipe methinks....
  8. Looking very good so far Steve. Even better than a mermaid on a motorbike.
  9. Lots of lovely cooks while the site was down but a special woohoo has to go to @Syzygies' egg and short rib creation. I am sure that was delicious.
  10. Never was a truer word said in jest. Luckily Dennis averted an international incident by getting the forum back up and running. We've now just got to be patient and hope that @Steve M remembers what the shape was BEFORE he finds that bottle opener.
  11. I thought it was an octopus when it was blue. Now I KNOW it's a mermaid on a motorbike.
  12. tekobo


    Ha ha. Good luck!!!
  13. Thanks for this recipe. Tried it out with Apache potatoes last night. Cut the cooking times because these potatoes cook more quickly than others. I took @BalconySmoken's advice re: salting: Covered them in goose fat for the roasting phase. Didn't have bacon to hand so wrapped in proscuitto once cooked. Added a bit of creamy Gorgonzola for good measure. Delicious!
  14. Very nice looking results @tony b. And it sounds like you are going to have some KK fraternity (and sorority!) help with the left overs. A bit too far for me to come but certainly good to see this technique in use again. Only trouble is, I have a lot of meat to get through and none of it is that shape! I also like @alimac23's use of the basket on a spatchcock chicken. Must get around to using my basket again soon. I think it could work well with wings. And things.
  15. Yum. I particularly like the sound of the beans. Not so sure about the snow...
  16. Happy New Year all. Looks like @MacKenzie had a particularly (sophisticated) boozy start to the new year!
  17. Great, I have not seen this way of doing potatoes before. I have some sweet potatoes that I was going to bake. They have a whole new destiny now that I have seen your recipe.
  18. They look interesting Tyrus but I am not sure when you would choose to use them. Sticky sauce time, to keep clean up down? Or might they reduce flare ups? I found it interesting that the Quirky folk thought that their selling point was the slider to get food off the skewers more easily. I have never really had much trouble with that. However, I am hoping that their slider piece might help with getting the 1/4 turn effect that you have with the Todd English. We shall see...
  19. All cool. My expectation is that we are at the back of the queue for the block. I didn't want to swap for the MEATER + and so I have not pestered my brother at all. It is a gift after all is said and done. Here's hoping for a birthday surprise in February or, failing that, a Christmas 2019 surprise.
  20. Nice kebabs and even better product placement! Thanks both - @ckreef and @Tyrus - for helping me break my new year's resolution not to buy any more STUFF. Two packs of the skewers are on their way to me courtesy of quirky in the UK. Added bonus - I found a good late Christmas present for my friend's son. All good. New year's resolutions can wait until the new year.
  21. That looks really good Charles. I too like the "time remaining" feature and have taken to using the MEATER even when I am using the IDK oven. Range not great but I use a second phone to overcome that. True story: over the holidays I received one too many emails from the MEATER folk telling me how fast they could dispatch a range extended MEATER + in time for Christmas. I could feel myself starting to foam at the mouth, angry about the fact that they still have not delivered the MEATER block that my brother ordered for me as a surprise LAST Christmas. Made me smile to think I had contracted @ckreef's fury at the way this company sets its priorities. Oh well, you're happy now and I am sure I too will be...eventually.
  22. The perfect KK instagram shot. Beauty!
  23. Great job! I can't read the label on the middle bottle but it looks like your glaze was made with all-Australian ingredients. You could market it as an authentic, home grown Aussie special
  24. Meat I love, but meat and a good cocktail? I'm all in!
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