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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. Your daughter has great taste @sfdrew28! Lovely looking ribs.
  2. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    I've had a wonderful meat adventure over the last 24 hours. It culminated in this wonderful, beef dripping that smells eerily of butter. What better fat to baste a dairy cow steak with than its own? Here is a stack of steaks. We had a lot of these stacks. The long suffering Husband got up early today to cut 27kg of sirloin into steaks before he got picked up to go to the airport for work. I trimmed them up. The ones below weigh about 660g each. I was left with a lot of fat, which I pushed through a mincer and then melted down to get the cow fat butter above. And I know the rump joint looked scarily funky but it cleaned up nicely. It was too large to fit into any vacuum bag that we have so it got triple wrapped in greaseproof paper before it went in the freezer. I foresee a wonderful low and slow in the KK for about ten people sometime in its future. We had friends round last night and they have not stopped talking about how good the meal was and I just took a call from one friend who a) wants to buy some off me and b) described a wonderful wobbly in the middle and crusty outside steak that she had in Vancouver. I am pretty certain she had sous vide and so will experiment with that for her. Yum!
  3. tekobo

    Nigerian Suya

    That is a really well researched piece @Pequod. I do drink gari with my suya and my mother was only last Sunday telling me about eating kilishi and how delicious it was. I have used a lot of superlatives to describe my excitement about my KK friends' adventures in suya but this time I will use a word that my mother invented. I am flabberwhelmed!
  4. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    My normal guy at the meat place isn't working much at the moment. He usually protects me from myself and curbs my worst excesses. His colleague doesn't know to do that. Next time I will know to ask him "how much?" so I know what weight of meat is being offered and what it is going to cost. Instead I have just looked at the invoice and am saying "how much????" We will have some tonight and I am sure it will be so fabulous that I will forget the bill...
  5. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    So, I have been waiting for some months now for some more funky old cow. I finally got a message last week, offering me some strip loins and a rump on the bone. I replied, yes, yes please! Feeling a little overwhelmed now that it has all arrived. 27kg of sirloin steak and a whole rump. What can I say? Wow.
  6. Wow that looks really good @Lannoos. Will you do a test of the slice, vac and reheat with sous vide plan? I would be very interested to know how well the brisket comes through that process. It would be really cool if it is possible to preserve and serve brisket that way. Whatever happens - have fun!!
  7. tekobo

    Nigerian Suya

    woohoo. I am so happy. So cool that you are colonising America for us, one suya stick at a time!!!
  8. tekobo

    Nigerian Suya

    Yippee! My Konro arrived pretty fast once that email came through. Your wife is going to get such a lovely surprise. Will you let her unwrap it and try it out before Christmas?
  9. @tony b I love the fact that your place settings always have a nicely poured glass of wine in the shot. Very restrained. I always seem to have a bottle right next to my glass. Maybe that is where I am going wrong!!!
  10. Fantastic Mac. Pre-loading rolls with butter. I love it.
  11. Oats. Trying to kill you. Who'd have thunk it?? Good that you are homing in on the causes. Good luck and here's hoping you'll be back into pork soon.
  12. @MacKenzie you get so much more winter than most. Not sure that I could handle that much dreaming time!
  13. Hey man, sounds serious if pork avoidance genuinely has to be part of your long term future. Good luck with trying to rule it out or limit the types of cooking/treatment that most aggravate your allergy. I know from previous posts that you are not a fan of cats and couldn't resist teasing when I found that they are associated with pork allergies (according to mr google and uncorroborated by any other method).
  14. Ooooh. I did a quick google search @Pequod and t'interweb says that pork allergies are caused by an allergy to cats. Stay away from cool cats and you'll be fine.
  15. Hmmm. Those sauces look good @tony b! Looking forward to seeing how they turn out. Here I am finding that the sauces that I have made are not as hot as I would (sometimes) like. Going to do a bit more experimenting. Also need to decide which chillis to grow next year. Out and out heat is not the deal. I am liking the Seven Pot chilli, it is hot enough for seven pots of food and has a nice rounded flavour. Winter was invented for such dreaming.
  16. Funny, the birds match your KK! They all look very beautiful.
  17. I've been wondering about the service end of your story @Lannoos. Will you be anywhere near your KKs when it comes to serving and how much capacity do you have for sous vide on site on the day? I was thinking that brisket is great when sliced fresh and wondered whether you could time it so you had the briskets from your final cook resting in a cooler warm and ready to cut up at the party venue. Meanwhile, the briskets you cooked earlier could potentially be heated up at low temp in your KK and transported over to the venue for a second and third round of service? Just a thought...
  18. That chicken looks like it was worth braving the cold for Mac!
  19. That turkey looks really good @BBQ Iguana. Like, really good. I haven't cooked or eaten turkey for years but looking at how well you have managed to cook it on a KK, I am tempted!
  20. tekobo

    Nigerian Suya

    `I hadn't thought of tacos but now that you mention it, I had some really good fish tacos last time I was in NY and suya pepper would do well with some silky fish. Looks like we are going to have to run a shrimp v fish taco test very soon...
  21. Super pretty. Congratulations!
  22. That looks gloriously yummy @MacKenzie. Liking the look of the pork in those nice soft buns @alimac23
  23. tekobo

    Nigerian Suya

    Nice job! Your next challenge, if you are up to it, is to try some on seafood.
  24. tekobo

    Nigerian Suya

    I know you think you are the winner but I think your family is really smart. They indulge your "excesses" because they know they will get to eat the results. I am looking forward to seeing your/their Christmas present!
  25. Promises, promises. The chicken came out well. We had it with chips and the first of the fermented hot sauce that I made to @tony b's recipe. All good.
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