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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Not this time...probably to Atl and down 75 ftom there.
  2. I'm humming the Jepardy song now do-do-do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do-do-do do do do do-do-do-do
  3. Re: Yes... Got that salsa recipe dug up yet
  4. Re: Shredded Beef Tacos need i remind you that CHUCK ROLL is bbq and makes EXCELLENT tacos! great post majestik! them with frozen pulled beef sitting in the freezer might want to do a little THAW! would love to see the salsa recipes, and, if you have one, a good enchilada sauce recipe! Zackly what I was thinking...cause I still have a few foodsavered bags in the fridge.
  5. The dude needs to learn to come when you tell him to come (please, no jokes Gerard and DJ). whole wheat and sesame seeds...that sounds really good to me too
  6. I wonder if some arm twisting could get them to make something that would work for a cooker? Can't we just get Dennis to add one more layer, a water layer . Great insulation Dennis!
  7. Dang right, let's make Deej earn his keep
  8. I did think these 2 were real though. I thougght the fakess always had a website link to viagra or gambling or something. What good are these...that they don't advertise? What are they up to? Come on resident geek...splain it in laymens terms too.
  9. I'm just trying to beat you to 1000 man
  10. Welcome to the Newest Ceramic cooking forum on the net. Join in and post some of your favorite recipes. Make fun of Drunk-J too
  11. Welcome George Davis, Come on in and sit a spell. If you smell pork don't be surprised, some of us are pigs!!
  12. Sounds good, if it's not too complicated and needing special stuff to make, I'll give it a try. The stuff in the link above is really good. Blenheims Ginger Ale. Give it a try if you see it anywhere.
  13. Great now that I have that statement in quotes I can ask the next question. Curly I made naturally carbonated ginger beer, is that what you were thinking of? I going to be making up a test batch soon to see if I remember the recipe correctly. To tell you the truth, I don't know, but my promise stands none the less . Bring it on Blenhiem Ginger Ale http://theacf.com/blenheim/
  14. Great...when you find that recipe please post it. And I take back all that stuff I said about that purdy ole Mustard Urn
  15. Hey LeadDog, is that a non-alcoholic beverage? Is it pretty hot? If so, I'd love to have that recipe. There was a local company that had something like that in SC that I haven't seen in a long long time.
  16. Yeah, I was thinking that dude looked pretty good myself. Man, them crunchies are outstanding
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