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Everything posted by Curly

  1. I guess I'm gonna beat you after all DJ...I'm gonna go get mine this week-end
  2. Ouch, coming from a tobacco-lander, that hurts! Oh yeah, that baccer is a good cash group. Never growed none, well none of the kind you get at the store, but did work for RJ Reynolds fer a spell.
  3. Dude, you are from Iowa, you can only deal in corn futures Walk outside, look at the corn, it looks good, "Buy corn futures", it's brown and withered, sell 'em.
  4. I thought yours was green?? -=Jasen=- Maybe that explains the kissy kissy emoticon
  5. Curly

    Family Pics

    Re: Yea yea.. Shoot, I can eat purdy much anythang
  6. Ah yeah, not like pink gay though
  7. Alright man, it's time to cut back a tad on the pain meds. Those things are making you to happy You're gonna end up getting green no matter what this survey says
  8. Yeah...that way you guys will have someone else to make fun of when the sun hits it just right! No, actually the brick color has become my new favorite. But even if DJ and I had identical cookers I'd make fun of his. He'd have his all pimped out with dice hanging from the rear-view mirror or shocks that would make it bounce or something weird
  9. I go the opposite on this issue. I put the polder in the meat, and when the temp is where I want it...it's done. Don't care how long it took (or how short) or how many hours per pound, when it get's there, it's done
  10. They are both rather lame. Get the brick color, or that pretty yeller like lead dogs getting. Out of all those really nice colors, how could you possibly like those two? Are you nuts, go back into the tile yard and look around til you can come up with something I really like...else I'm not coming to your house to grill at all Just kidding, they are both nice colors, I'd say flip a coin
  11. I've got scratch and sniff...but don't have the taste part installed yet
  12. What ARE you talkin about?? You musta missed this small detail Council If we order it, and we can't mail order it, we gone haveta take a road trip to where it is.
  13. I recently saw a big deer beside the road and the car (with cop car) that hit it so I knew it was pretty fresh. I stopped to have a look cause I was gonna get it after the cop left, but it was a pregnant one and I did not want to deal with that. Cars can bruise the heck outta the meat, but this one didn't look bad in that way.
  14. Dude, you can't just post like that and not be willing to sell us some of your lump...that would just be wrong
  15. Yeah, he's loving that...cute rascal too
  16. What kind of prices for any of this stuff?
  17. Welcome to the K-Klub (Oh Lord, I promised myself I'd never do anything like that)
  18. Glen, welcome to the world of ceramics...you gonna love that cooker. Get the rotis for it...I'm sure that OTB is gonna turn into your favorite cooker.
  19. So does that mean you could fit 4 on there? Looks like 3 might fit the size of Cruzmisl's.
  20. Is there a way to cook more than one at a time? Can more than one cradle fit on there? I guess a little bailing wire would do it huh?
  21. Curly

    Tri tip

    -=Jasen=- That's some juicy looking ribs huh? Wonder if DJ would make me a form so I could melt some boloni and pour it in. I could sell em at the flea market for 3 dollars easy.
  22. Curly

    Tri tip

    You'll learn how to grill. Shoot, as much time as you spend out here on the forum it shouldn't take you anytime to learn. Just gotta get you a grill first dude. You can be our poster boy onst we get ya going. Yehaw
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