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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Thinking out loud... The wood is very pretty. And I know that it's The Other Thing That Dennis Does. But I wonder if an all refractory knob wouldn't work, too. Hmm....
  2. Three cheers for you!
  3. CNN's i-report is looking for people who take grilling to the next level. I think most of this forum qualifies, don't you? Link here. http://www.ireport.com/ir-topic-stories ... cId=267002 There's a photo of a guy with a tin kettle cooker, and the caption suggests, "c'mon, you can beat this guy." Uh huh.... May I recommend a flood of KK participation? Not to mention, shameless plugs?
  4. If your stoker tweets when it's cooking chicken, is that cannibalism? Hmm... The philosophical mind wonders...
  5. Which would, of course, imply that one of the Mikes dabbles in Gynecology....
  6. Hmm... doubles as an urn for storing its owners ashes?
  7. Sanny

    Chuck Rolling

    A roast in a dutch oven is going to be like pot roast. You would be using the cooker instead of an oven. Very moist cooking - more a braise, really. That's really a perfect use for a dutch oven. Tie the roast, if needed. Season the roast, brown it on all sides, put it in the dutch oven with some liquid (wine, stock, water, whatever). Don't put the veggies in until later, if they're for food, not flavoring, or they'll be overcooked. The roast will benefit from the addition of some onions (just cut them in half and stick them in the pot). Lid on, put on the cooker at a mid heat.
  8. Assorted cousins are coming in from Taiwan (via Cape Cod), so we're grilling steaks on the 2d. Grilled steaks, corn, salad, berry dessert. Of course, this could be entirely imaginary. Time will tell.
  9. Sanny

    Wheel Dimensions?

    Sorry. There's a "stupidity" exclusion.
  10. Who could argue with that, Curly? Spoken like a true gourmand.
  11. esRay saIpay oquitorLay....
  12. Re: Yeah that's what I meant uh.. post.
  13. I recommend, Pirate, that you email Dennis. He can't always find and field questions quickly if they're posted on the boards.
  14. Looks good, FM. You know, it wasn't so much the fish on the grill that was the problem with Secret Agent's post. Those little fish sticks in a bowl seemed so... so... well, anyway, they didn't seem grillworthy, if you know what I mean. Yah, and the breadsticks.
  15. Re: Welcome Home Curly! Good to have Curly home with us again. Now, go cook something and post a picture, so we know you love us.
  16. I don't sauce my pulled pork. I serve it pulled plain, and let the person eating it put the sauce on. I usually serve a choice of sauces. Some like a sweet/hot (like raspberry chipotle), some prefer a vinegar based (like Dennis' Lexington). When I'm reheating the meat and have it in a roasting pan or crock pot, I like the apple juice/vinegar liquid. Not much at all! You are just using it as a liquid to steam the meat in, not a sauce for serving. As always, YMMV.
  17. Re: Three years of wasted time But I hope that day doesn't come soon.
  18. Sanny

    lighting the grill

    Ain't napalm grand?
  19. A handsome beast, to be sure!
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