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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Ok, now this is getting worrisome. Snooky has asked if I could make room for him at my house for a while between when he gives up the local apartment and moves to Rochester. That's all smoochy, and all, but my "clutter" makes snooks nutty. That means I have to tidy and throw things out and put away. And the second bedroom (known also as the home of lost toys) hasn't been habitable since 1993. Not a chance that's opening up. 900 square feet of ME and MINE (ok, and Gramma's, since it used to be her house, and I've not completely cleaned out her stuff in only 14 years), and I have to make room. Not that I don't want him there - don't mistake me. It's all delightful. But my mother (Queen of Clutter - I come by it naturally) said, "Horrors!" Not about his moving in, but about my having to clean. She feels my pain. She suffers complete paralysis if a family member says he/she is coming to visit her for a few days. I think she'd almost prefer the end of the world. Yesterday I made invisible progress. I cleaned out four junk drawers in the kitchen. You know the ones - they have the extra screws and picture hanging thingies, and the manuals for the kitchen appliances that we threw out in 1995, and the twist ties from the Dawn of Time, and rubber bands that disintegrate on contact. I got 1.5 tall kitchen bags of stuff out of them! I figure if I start with the innards of the clutter, there will be a place to stash the "visible" stuff. Horrors... Snooks suggested I hire a professional organizer. I'm thinkin Vinny "the Torch" and Antny "hot fingers" would be more helpful.
  2. Hmmm. I think it sounds like you're expanding my waistline, more than Q consciousness... Wonder how scalloped tatoes with pork in them would be? I've heard of putting bacon in. Why not some pulled pork, instead? Not that I'm gonna run right out and do that, cause I cannot get through a 5 lb bag of tatoes before they sprout eyes and run for office. Speaking of storing stuff, I always have a lot of waste when I get celery, carrots, onions, peas for soup and stuff. Just cannot go through the stuff fast enough to justify buying a bunch. And yet, soup isn't the same without those things. Answer!! www.honeyvillegrain.com. I bought the freeze dried, and it's perfect!! You want onions so small that the kids cannot pick them out? Get the freeze dried and roll em with rolling pin. Rehydrate, and they'll never find em in there. "What onions, honey? I know you don't like them. Do you see any in there?" lol
  3. :::giggle::: Gramma prolly would make Deviled pork salad. Throw in some mayo and pickle pieces and you got sammich spread! Or maybe pork croquettes (cream sauce, celery and bread crumbs, patty, fry in pan like a latke). Boggles the mind, really.
  4. Ok, Costco run (again). I bought 12 lbs of basmati rice, so I'm not gonna run out any time soon. Chili tastes quite yummy, now that a day or two have passed and the flavors are gettin all chummy. Of course, there's only a meal of it left, after today's lunch. Hmmm. what to make with the next portion of pork? The beans/pork/rice thing sounds good, but kinda similar to the chili. But since that was yummy, no reason not to do it. Except not having black beans. Any suggestions? Don't like tacos much.
  5. Hmmm. Chili isn't too "hot." Of course, I didn't have any ancho/jalepeno/habanero/poblano peppers to put in. I used chili powder, and some dried red pepper from a summertime crop. But, because I'm always prepared for Chinese dumpling fixings, I have hot oil! I put a shot of that in. Don't want to light it on fire, but it should have some mouth action. Marco's basmati rice sounded so good! I KNOW I have some. Somewhere. Or coulda sworn I did. Brown will have to do. Couldn't find the basmati or jasmine.
  6. Well, he did look at the post. Just got seduced by the photos, is all. lol
  7. I added some extra liquid, PC, because the starting combination was very very thick. Now it's simmering nicely. House smells heavenly! Dog is following me around, in case she might be the beneficiary of dropped Q. Snooky is on his own for a few days. He's got a stats exam, and lots to do in the next couple of days. No chili for him. And, he's committed to ending his present lease at the end of March, and start new one in Rochester on the Ides of March. I keep telling myself 6 hours isn't really very far away.
  8. Well, I took your suggestions. I chopped some of the pork shoulder and have it in a cast iron pot with beans, onion, tomatoes. Chili! Nuthin made with that pork could taste bad, I'm convinced. Probably won't get to stuffing peppers, like Marco did, but I'm sure going to make rice. Smells great! No, didn't fire up the cooker for heating the chili. It's WAY too cold outside today. Stovetop will have to do.
  9. Years and years of practice. Important thing is, not to let them notice. Or better yet, let them think it's their idea.
  10. True... Savings are one thing. But I figger with all the $$ he makes at tax season, he can "relieve" Dennis of one of the high priced ones.
  11. Well done! We're proud of you, MP! You cooked, and made lots of recipes, and are hankerin for more. AND you got pics before the vultures sucked it all down. :::applause:::
  12. We're down to the wire, folks. So far the list of items we've made for Superbowl is limited. We've got pork butt, and bambi and wilbur ribs. Anything else? You're running outa time, unless you're searing. Status?
  13. You betcha! Showed him sale stuff, and the stuff in various locations around, and even Clifford! He got "that" gleam in his eye. We all know that look. lol
  14. LDoggy, don't let him bother you. I have mac, too. Got my first one in 1984. That naan looks amazing! I'm going to try that, too! But not today. I was showing a coworker pics of the KKs, and telling him all he could do with it. I think I've got him convinced. I think my telling him about making pizza like in an Italian oven did the trick. He's does taxes this time of year (along with counting beans at our office), and said that looks like his post-tax season purchase.
  15. Those are bambi ribs, LDoggy? How come you cook them cut apart, instead of in a slab? I'm not a very experienced rib cooker, so I like learning why folkses use different cooking methods.
  16. Uh huh! Didn't mean to step in it or anything. Just casual comment, not intended to offend. Yeesh. Me and Senator Biden this week, huh? Apologies to all I offended, and even those I didn't!
  17. Well, there you go - right to the nub of it. Excellent looking ribs there, Deej. Good crusty bits on the outside, and I bet they have a terrific tooth to them. Costco had ribs yesterday, too, and I must say I was tempted... Next time. mmm
  18. Sanny


    Good. It's a far better use of your time.
  19. I'm afraid I'm not up on campgrounds, but try the NJ state parks. I know there's camping there. www.nj.gov/dep and find parks in the menus. Pa has some good state parks for camping, too. Allentown is about 2 hours from me, I think. I'm just outside Philadelphia.
  20. Last night I went out and saw Letters from Iwo Jima. Not your usual war movie, for sure. I know there are lots of WW2 movies out there, and people have different opinions of what Japan or the US did. Some of you know, my mom was in a Japanese concentration camp in China during the war. I must applaud Clint Eastwood for making this companion movie to Flags of Our Fathers. It's all in Japanese, with subtitles, except in the very few scenes when Americans are talking. Gory, yes, but not in a gratuitous way. We don't often, in the US, see a humanizing view of Japanese soldiers. It's worth seeing.
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