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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Well, looks like an ok place, albeit hot, but I don't see a ceramic cooker there. I think it needs one or two. See to it, won't you?
  2. Well, I was disappointed, but no. Not gonna send him away. He's a nice snooky. And most of the time he does make me happy. Brought flowers the other evening, for a treat.
  3. Like magic. Oops - now it's here, too!
  4. Woo hooo! Dan's pic is here. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... highlight= They look good! Excellent job, Dan.
  5. Thanks! Tasted good too. Snooks decided not to come over, so I gave his to the neighbors. I ate mine, though!
  6. Calzone I made a couple of the calzone. Ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, fresh herbs, pepper and eggwhites (recipe called for a whole egg, but I didn't want that and porky goodness). Simple dough recipe - takes only about 10 mins to make, plus rest. It'll sit in the frigerator, wrapped, for a few days, too. They look pretty so far! I've not cooked them yet, though. They need to be served right out of the oven to be best. Ok, here's the cooked pic. One of them unpinched, but sure looks good!
  7. Almost done! Well done, Dan! You've got supper! You professionals can tell me, but is the 24 hour cook really worth it? My project last weekend didn't take more than 6 (heat was higher than 250 for a couple hours, when I fell asleep), and the result was lovely! Good bark, thick smoke ring, excellent pull, etc. Is the 24 hour pork butt really so much better than the 6 hour butt?
  8. Re: I did feel a little like it was cheating...LOL Admirable restraint, Dan. We're proud of you. Keep up the good work! How big were the butts when you started, btw?
  9. opinions please... Is that cheating? lol. Sitting inside by the fireplace, and not outside checking the thermometers. Not getting the sheets smelling like smoke from periodic cooker checking. Just wrong, I tell you. lol Jealousy isn't pretty. Report when they come off the cooker! How did you season them?
  10. Curly, you doing okay? I had to ask because the clip DID go to the end. The marketer finally hung up on him. Maybe he gotta phone call and had to turn off computer to tell someone he din't want to switch his long distance service, buy new siding, or have his house painted. Din't get to hear about Mr Mabe bein a ragin' homoseckshooool.
  11. Re: Hyooge loaf.... OVEN? You have a fabulous cooker, and you put it in the OVEN? Oooh, the SHAME! (ok, so it looks fabulous... )
  12. My dad sent me this. He was ROARING describing it to me over coffee. Maybe you'll agree. :::snicker::: http://howtoprankatelemarketer.ytmnd.com/
  13. won't be anyone, if they keep posting the way they have in the past couple days. Hope everyone is ok...
  14. You guys slacking off, or what? It seems like DAYS since anyone posted anything. Deej, is the forum broken? It has that same problem I talked to you about before - I log on, and there's nuthin new. Very sad. Good weekend, all!
  15. Re: A BBQ Contest But do you WANT a BGE? Sure, you could whup the competition, hands down, with your classy cooker. But what would be the point, if your prize were an egg? I mean, better to give you a snow scraper, or something.
  16. Poooor Curly. Pat pat pat. We'll share porky goodness with you, not to worry. You're OUR Curly, after all.
  17. Ooooh! Doesn't that sound yummy? Grandma used to make something like that, only not fried. It was in a cast iron thingy long handled thingy that she'd hold over the stove. Kinda like those electric sammich pocket thingies they sell now, but this was manual. Put dough on one side, fill, put dough on top, clamp shut and hold over the burner until it cooked. She'd make some with apple sauce or cheese, or other delicious stuff. If you've not seen it, the cookbook Silver Spoons is amaaaaazing! It's immense, and there aren't enough pictures, but there are Italian recipes for everything. Fun to read and see that the stuff grandma (anna lucia) used to make for grandpa (angelo) are right out of the Old Country!
  18. I have the saffron! Yer on. Dunno how to make a tamale - don't think I've ever had one. Enchilada, either, now you mention. Just burrito and wrapped thingies. And crunchy thingies that are the same as the wrapped ones, only in a crunchy holder.
  19. Porky goodness Tonight's recipe is leftover pork in an iron pot, with dry rice, corn, peas, carrots, onions and celery. Add water. Baked (covered) in the oven. Dunno how it'll taste. I was gonna put some chicken stock in, but decided that might dilute porky goodness. So, porky's on its own in the recipe. Coulda put tomatoes, or little beans, but kinda wanted to not have something that was just chili sideways. Something different, instead. Film at 11, and all.
  20. Oh, Curly, you're so sweet. :* He's worth it, I think. Just I hate cleaning and tidying. House doesn't have grubby dirt, just clutter. And I'd be happy if it were tidy, too. An uncluttered house is more restful. Just I hate doing it. It's a good exercise, I suppose. Problem is, it's an old house with limited closets. So everything has to have a place to live, or else it has to go. Friend has a practical suggestion. She says find out his intentions. Is he gonna move on in Rochester, and wave Sanny g'bye? If so, no cleaning!! If he's gonna try to make it work long distance, then some tidying is ok. lol
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