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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Well, there's one benefit of the animated avatar. I can see what's really on the codpiece. I was concerned, presented only with the small avatar pic. Looks like, well, never mind. But it DOES look like...
  2. Hey, isn't this thread about Chubby? Gerard and the Hoff have NO right to hijack it. Besides, permanent damage has already been done. Chubby's incision is NUTHIN compared to the years of medical attention I'm gonna need as a result of Gerard and the Hoff.
  3. Blinded Yeeesh!! Gerard!! You gotta WARN a girl before you spring something like that on her. Gotta be against some sorta work policy to have that on my computer screen. I think I've gone blind, besides.
  4. NY Times Bread http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract. ... 94DE404482 Here's a link, but I'm afraid it's gone to archive now. Pay per view. I wrote the ingredients out, but don't have it on this computer (work). Maybe someone else has them? I know we discussed the recipe on this board when we first read it in the paper. Maybe if you use "search" you can find it? The gist of it is make a very wet dough, with just a teeeny tweak of yeast, and let it bubble for 18 hours. That allows gluten to develop, and the flavor of the ferment adds to the delicious flavor of the bread. Then paw it into a round ball, let it rest for a bit, then plop it into a preheated (very hot) dutch oven. Put the lid on, and bake. The moisture in the closed pot is like the misting of water in an oven for other recipes. Take the finished bread from the pan immediately, and let it cool (if you can wait that long!).
  5. I guess this is a little something extra. Not really a ceramic cooker thing, or even a recipe. Just a wonderful discovery. I have a stovetop popcorn popper. Put the corns and oil in, pop, put in bowl. Delicious! So, today I tried a new addition - sugar free Dizzy rub. I forget what kind I used - might have been a steak one, but it didn't have sugar in it. Toss into the pan with the corns and oil, and it gets distributed all over the popped kernels!! Most excellent.
  6. pat pat for Chubby Good doggy. Glad he's coming home safe and sound. I sorta missed him while he was gone. Sigh. He's one of the forum crowd, too, after all.
  7. well, remember that turtles weigh their houses along with the turtle part. Makes a difference.
  8. Wow, those are some heavy butts!! But extremely photogenic.
  9. Post pics, so the voyeurs among us can share in the joy! Wheee!
  10. Sanny

    Rib Eye heaven

    I think I liked it better when you couldn't get the camera workin.
  11. John, I'm bald Silly, Curly. He means put shower cap on the GURU!!! Or on the EZq. lol.
  12. Re: My new name... You'd make a good one. You are excellent at show and tell. ::::applause::::
  13. Is that a good thing? What if he likes bein small and select? Elite, even. Keeps the riff raff out, after all.
  14. You said you let him fire it up and look at your raw meat. Did you let him have any of the finished product? Your loins sure look good. You know, if one didn't know what the thread was about, that could read really oddly.... Good thing we know. Good for you for spreading the word about the amazing cookers. An ambassador!
  15. At this rate, we'll NEVER get to 10,000! I think they all ate too much yummy bbq food, and lapsed into satisfied comas. Hope they're having sweet dreams, anyway. Or maybe they ODd on Valentines! Mmmm!! Sign me up!
  16. Re: Maverick Remote Smoker Thermometer - ET-73 Not as good as a pocket protector, but it'll do.
  17. Sanny


    First time brining Well, I did it. Overnight, chicken, salt, water, sugar, ground black pepper, bay leaf. OH MY!!! Pat dry, rubbed with Dizzy's Tsunami Spin. Roasted on a chicken rocket for just over an hour (breast to 160) at 350. Woo hooo!! Moist and delicious. Ok, since there was sleet and freezing rain going on, I did it in the oven (so sue me), but STILL it was terrific. Imagine how delicious it'll be on the cooker! Mother said it was the best Valentine's supper she ever had. Oh Mom. lol
  18. Sanny

    Dirty Rice

    Well, it was an important matter, and required a prompt response. You think he should have waited longer, and considered it?
  19. The one to the right is flat topped. Probably not be Egypt. Could be X'ian China. Lots of farm around it, and the Emperor of Qin dynasty had a flat topped one. Egypt would be arid, and I don't recall seeing farm land around the Central American ones. There is, though, cultivation around the X'ian one, as I recall.
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