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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Oh, and for those of you keeping track, the snooky came by for supper. He brought Chinese, but I pulled some crunchy barky corners off the roast and served it. He said it was wonderful! And went back for some more. Pork fat rules! lol
  2. Snicker... No no, I do like the smokey flavor of a pork butt. Cherry's not usually a butt smoking wood, is it? But that's what I had. It made a lovely deep smoke ring in the meat, too! I had the heat going in the cooker for nearly an hour before I put the meat on. Checked it a couple times, and took a nap. It was in the 250 range for quite a while before that. Woke up and found the heat was up to 450! Yikes! Outa control butts! They smelled wonderful! So, closed assorted vents and dampers and let the cooker work its way down - very slowly, what with the saturated heat. Two boneless butts of Costco size took about 5.5 hours to reach 190. Seemed fast, but I wasn't complaining. Higher heat than a traditional low and slow, for sure. But they're pullable perfection! Dizzy rubs made a spectaculous bark around the outsides, there's a thick pink smoke ring, and then tender and delicious middle. One I'll pull for myself, and the other one I'll give to Dad. He's gotta take something to a supper this week, and this could be his answer. Next time I'll try Dennis' vinegar recipe. That sounds great! I love vinegar - been known to eat a spoonful now and then. Gramma said it was healthy. ::::
  3. Well, we'll see what sort of someones show up from the smells of cooking. It's got hours and hours left of smoking, so never know what tomorrow will bring. Friend always says porkfat is the way to a man's heart. She recommends feeding men some regularly (pulled pork, bacon, etc.). We'll see if she's right. lol.
  4. Anyone have anything in particular going to impress the neighborhood? I just fired up the cooker and am going to do 2 butts. Costco, of course. With Dizzy Dust on one, and Raging River Rub on the other. Threw in some cherry chips of a sort for smoke at first. It's 27 degrees (f) here, so kinda strange to be firing up the cooker outside. But sunny and pretty, and WAY worth the effort. Oh yes, the obligatory guac, salsa, and chips, too (nope, not home made). Only thing is, I'm all by myself to enjoy them! No party - just me and the dog. What's wrong with that picture??
  5. Re: Thanks PC Yah, that's a fine temp for butts. It's going to take a good long while to cook. If you have a meat thermometer, you can watch the progress, and then the inevitable stall for a while, when you think that you did something wrong. Not to worry - that's the plateau, and it's normal. You'll sit around 165-170 for what feels like weeks, while the collagen breaks down in the meat. Don't mess with the cooker if it's still the proper temp (250 ish). It won't help, and will make you nutty. When the plateau finished, the temp will ease up to where you want it to end up. The collagen break down is what's making the whole thing tender and delicious. You probably want to stick a foil pan on a lower rack underneath to catch the drippings. Otherwise, they'll drip on the coals and make smoke that doesn't taste as nice as what the lump and wood makes. Check out the posts on here about cooking butts. Try the search feature. Good luck!
  6. Yer a good man, PC. Just don't pee in a circle around the lovely Mrs. Porkchop. She might not understand it, although we KNOW you were just bein territorial and respectful. Nuthin wrong with growling a little at the other guys who sniff in her direction. That's just bein appreciative of the lovely Mrs., after all.
  7. Sanny

    left over

    That looks like one of those really good Starlite mints, or a candy cane for Christmas. Or that yummy fluffy cherry or strawberry pudding with marshmallows and stuff that gramma used to make. That one's full of happy memories for me. I like it.
  8. Um... I think that must be something like Three Stooges. Completely beyond the above average female's ability to comprehend. All I can say is, "HUH???" Ok, so I do "get" some Stooges humor, but Fockers, not so much. It's genetic - don't try to explain it or justify it. It is what it is. That said, glad you like the pics, and I'm flattered by your (albeit repressed) urge to flirt. My compliments to the lovely Mrs. Porkchop.
  9. Well, it's understood, isn't it, that everything is all about me? Even if it has nothing to do with me, it's ALL about me. Or, at least, all about my dog. Surely, even things that are about me are really about her. She is the center of the known (and unknown) universe. Just ask her. One wag for "yes," two wags for "H-- yes!"
  10. Hey, is that new KK unpacked and fired up yet, Marco? We need a progress report. I know you wouldn't do your first cook on Superbowl Sunday. That's not the day for a first cook - too much other stuff going on. Sooo, you'd better get started! We're all living through you, so don't keep us on tenterhooks!
  11. You're right - the career change has nothing to do with me. Nor does the move to Rochester. Just one of those "oh well" sorts of things. Like the frozen bufflemoose, something to deal with until the next adventure happens.
  12. Had a wonderful trip to Yellowstone last month! VERY cold, though. Even the bufflemoose were frozen, as you can see. I went with the snooky, who was invited to Wyoming for a job interview. He turned it down, and is instead going to nursing school in Rochester, NY, for a career change (leaving being a certified financial planner, and going into nursing). BRRR!! Couldn't he find a program somewhere warm?? And that's another thing. Moving away to Rochester after dating me for over a year. Sannydeer, who hadn't had a serious date since the Reagan administration, finally finds a great guy and he goes off to save the world in Rochester. Sigh. A 6 hour drive. Oh well. There's still the dog...
  13. Yah, I hear they self destruct from neglect, if they don't get smoke and 'que in them within 12 hours of delivery. Hate to have that happen, after all the work you went to opening the crate.
  14. psssst... look for the prybar that Dennis packs inside. Might be helpful.
  15. The roto thingy holds 5 lbs of uncooked food. Since when have any of you cooked only 5 lbs of anything on the cooker? Maybe a steak or two, or single 4 lb. chicken, but usually it's a larger cut of meat, no? Seems to me that even if it's a good idea, it's too small for the average (or above average) KK-forum person.
  16. Of course you're invited, PC! And Deej, and anyone else who wants to count some. When it comes to blessings, we ALL count! Plenty to share.
  17. .....I guess I do have my KK..... and snow......wait, the snow is not a blessing.... Well, it's a blessing to be able to cook even if power goes out in the storms (on your luxury KK). And to have moisture coming to the soil to water flowers so they will bloom in a couple months. And the snow does cover (and freeze) the dog poo that I didn't scoop cause I have toncilitis, so it's sort of a blessing. And Ol' Curly's truck prolly would look right elegant under a gentle blanket of white... On the whole, maybe snow can be a bit of a blessing.
  18. My yard has a dog in it. And snow just now. :::: And a condo where the bunnies live in luxury. No spa, no island, no kitchen range. Instead, it has a fig tree, asparagus, daffodils, kiwi vines, tulips and grandma's peonies, and a wonderful old maple (too big for 2 people to wrap arms around) for the squirrels and woodpeckers to live in. Fetzervalve, you come sit in my back yard, and we can count our blessings together. Bet we come up with a lot!
  19. How would one make jerky on a ceramic cooker?
  20. Re: I guess no one else is childish enough to comment but:
  21. Sanny

    Air Leaks

    See? It feels like winter here, but spring is coming. Or at least pictures of springs.
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