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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Now now... Deej is waiting for the extra special "Deej" model to come out. THEN he'll get his. Besides, he's not in condition to uncrate it and set it up. Too much back required. I think all you people in that area should go do that part for him. After all, think of the enjoyment we've all gotten from the boards that he takes care of. Pat pat, Deej. I'm sure if they didn't love you, they wouldn't poke fun.
  2. Good doggy! Yah, what he said.
  3. Re: Status of kk lump? That's Lead Doggy's almond lump. You can go to the website (HotStuff Charcoal http://hotstuff.servehttp.com/), or PM him through this site. I'm sure he can give you the skinny. Or not so skinny, depending on your preference.
  4. TOLDJA!!! Toldja Dennis (and tony) is on the ball, and it was just a momentary lapse of attention. Good to have a meat and potatoes customer, Dennis. Good for you! Shoes for yer kids again this year! YAY!! Glad you're back with us. Ain't no sunshine when yer gone. 'Cept from Deej, and he's usually tryin to blow the sunshine up our pantlegs.
  5. Seee? Even though I left out tcoliver's "c," he still responded. Is that magic, or what??
  6. Re: Hair dryer Well, SHOOT! Now you tell me. With all the particulates I emitted, I'm sure I violated any number of environmental regulations. However, I'm sure there are some fellas around here who would think my new cologne (eau de ceramic cooker) is rather attractive. Better than musk!
  7. Hair dryer Hmm. That tip about the hair dryer stuck in my head over the weekend. So, I tried it when I fired up the cooker to make paella. Goodness, what a sooty dusty mess! UGH!! I was coated in ash. AND, just for extra fun, I now smell like fireplace every morning when I dry my hair. The smoke smell is still in the hair dryer, and hasn't worked its way gone yet, so it blows into my hairs. No wonder you guys use OLD ones for the job.
  8. Re: How's Chubby? You gonna let him wear a Blue's Clues, or Snoopy bandaid? A kid's gotta wear a cool bandaid on an owie. Helps the healing process, ya know.
  9. Mud update How's the mud, Dennis? I understand "they" are trying to stop it by strangling it with cement necklaces of giant concrete beads. Does the mud have any redeeming features? I mean, is it usable as a construction material, spa mud bath, or anything? Or just a horrid mess? Hope you are all still un-mudded. Any news so far?
  10. How's Chubby? How's the filthy little carcass eater? Is he healing nicely? Good doggy.
  11. Re: Another idea.. Wow... the wisdom of Solomon! I reposted in recipes.
  12. Adapted from Paella!! by Penelope Casas Marinade: 8 teaspoons dry sherry or dry white wine 4 tablespoons extra V olive oil fresh ground black pepper to taste 6 tsp fresh thyme leaves (or 1.5 tsp dried) 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 4 garlic cloves, crushed Other stuff: 4 chicken thighs, skinned, and deboned kosher salt 6 cups hot chicken broth 1/4 teaspoon crumbled thread saffron 4 teaspoons olive oil 6 minced garlic cloves 1 medium onion, chopped 2 green onions, chopped 2 medium bell peppers (I used yellow/orange ones) 1 medium tomato, chopped 3 cups arborio rice 1/4 cup frozen peas handful of shrimp in shells I used scissors to cut the meat off the chicken bones. Then tossed the bones into pot to make the chicken broth. Also added (later) some chicken stock paste Cut chicken into 2 inch squares, and put into marinade for an hour at room temp. Ok, if you get twitchy at room temp marinade, put in frigerator for longer. Take chicken out of marinade and let drain on paper towel (dunno why), and put the leftover marinade in the chicken stock. Add saffron to stock. Fish the crushed garlic cloves out (I forgot, and didn't matter to me). Recipe says salt the chicken pieces when they come out of marinade, but I didn't. I don't use much salt. Assume you have the cooker fired up. I used low grill as a stove. Put the paella pan (about 15 inches wide) on the grill, and add the olive oil. Heat it and put the chicken in. Cook, turning once, until not quite finished. Put in bowl and save for later. Same pan, still on the grill, sautee the onion, green onion, peppers, garlic, and sautee until slightly soft. Add the tomato, and cook another minute or two. Add the uncooked rice, and stir so the rice is coated with oil and veggie mixture. Pour in the hot broth and bring to boil. Add peas. Taste whether it needs salt. Mine didn't. Stir and boil and stir and simmer and stir until the rice isn't soupy anymore, but there's still liquid. That's about 5 minutes. Arrange chicken pieces over the rice, put some shrimp around it so it's pretty, and close the lid. Your goal is 400-450 for 10-12 minutes, until the rice is almost finished. I did 7, cause I was afraid the cooker was too hot, and I didn't get quite enough crusty on the bottom, although the dish is delicious. Remove from heat, cover with foil, and put in a warm spot to rest (it'll keep cooking while it sits), until the rice is cooked to the way you like it. Probably 5-10 mins. Hope you have a good crusty bit on the bottom!
  13. Well, I love the love, but hate the spanking.
  14. Well, Deej, it didn't START as a recipe post, and that area says "recipes only please." So, I posted here. Only later saw the cooking area. And then there was a recipe, but it was already here and not there. You tidy up, as you see fit.
  15. Curly, you like the corners of the lasagna, too? mmm! Same with the mac and cheese. Crunchy parts.
  16. Recipe?? Oh my goodness, no. Not holding out on you. Adapted from Paella!! by Penelope Casas Marinade: 8 teaspoons dry sherry or dry white wine 4 tablespoons extra V olive oil fresh ground black pepper to taste 6 tsp fresh thyme leaves (or 1.5 tsp dried) 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 4 garlic cloves, crushed Other stuff: 4 chicken thighs, skinned, and deboned kosher salt 6 cups hot chicken broth 1/4 teaspoon crumbled thread saffron 4 teaspoons olive oil 6 minced garlic cloves 1 medium onion, chopped 2 green onions, chopped 2 medium bell peppers (I used yellow/orange ones) 1 medium tomato, chopped 3 cups arborio rice 1/4 cup frozen peas handful of shrimp in shells I used scissors to cut the meat off the chicken bones. Then tossed the bones into pot to make the chicken broth. Also added (later) some chicken stock paste Cut chicken into 2 inch squares, and put into marinade for an hour at room temp. Ok, if you get twitchy at room temp marinade, put in frigerator for longer. Take chicken out of marinade and let drain on paper towel (dunno why), and put the leftover marinade in the chicken stock. Add saffron to stock. Fish the crushed garlic cloves out (I forgot, and didn't matter to me). Recipe says salt the chicken pieces when they come out of marinade, but I didn't. I don't use much salt. Assume you have the cooker fired up. I used low grill as a stove. Put the paella pan (about 15 inches wide) on the grill, and add the olive oil. Heat it and put the chicken in. Cook, turning once, until not quite finished. Put in bowl and save for later. Same pan, still on the grill, sautee the onion, green onion, peppers, garlic, and sautee until slightly soft. Add the tomato, and cook another minute or two. Add the uncooked rice, and stir so the rice is coated with oil and veggie mixture. Pour in the hot broht an dbring to boil. Add peas. Taste whether it needs salt. Mine didn't. Stir and boil and stir and simmer and stir until the rice isn't soupy anymore, but there's still liquid. That's about 5 minutes. Arrange chicken pieces over the rice, put some shrimp around it so it's pretty, and close the lid. Your goal is 400-450 for 10-12 minutes, until the rice is almost finished. I did 7, cause I was afraid the cooker was too hot, and I didn't get quite enough crusty on the bottom, although the dish is delicious. Remove from heat, cover with foil, and put in a warm spot to rest (it'll keep cooking while it sits), until the rice is cooked to the way you like it. Probably 5-10 mins. Hope you have a good crusty bit on the bottom!
  17. post mortem Wow, it tastes wonderful!! There's some of the required crust underneath (there's a name, but I forget what), but it could use some more. I could have left it in the 'baking' stage a little longer. Funny to use the ceramic cooker as a stove, AND an oven. I got it going, and put the pan on, and sauteed the chicken and veggies on it. And then did the rice and stock on it. When it came to the last part, I shut the lid and baked. I'm so proud that I was able to keep the temp at the recommended 400 degrees! After I took the paella off, I shut the dampers, and put peppers on to roast them while the cooker was cooling down. The kid's learning.
  18. Curlydeer, you're telling falsehoods again. NOT a dead-end relationship, and it's not ended. But you're a sweet thing anyway. How could you not be, with a punkin headed dog like you have? (welcome blterman)
  19. never made paella before, so I thought I'd give it a try. OH MY!!! It's a chicken paella recipe, but I added shrimp during the bake. Can't wait to taste it! Mm!
  20. Good for you, Curly! The overcooked meat was a sacrifice to education. By overcooking, you let the lovely Mrs. Curly find out she likes pinky meat. Looks like a wonderful sup! And I agree - nekkid shrimps are deeelicious. YAY!
  21. Feel the love... It's only cause we like you that we would bother poking fun. Wouldn't bother with just "anyone." smooooch, Curlydeer...
  22. Sugar free root beer, Curly! I'll have one with you. :*
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