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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. I did Mad Max turkey, only with a chicken. I guess it was really Mad Maxine. It was SPECTACULAR!!
  2. So, yer sayin that a junker of a ceramic cooker is better than a gasser? Imagine that. Imagine how fabu a top of the line cooker like a KK is, compared to a gasser! Oooh! Someone invite me to supper, quick! Prolly should invite Deej, too, cause he doesn't have a KK either.
  3. a joy forever A thing of beauty!! Most excellent photos, thanks. Especially like the audience participation shot. You didn't say if it TASTED good!! Other than spicy. Did you like it? You gonna do it again, 3x a week? What's the next cook? YAY!!! Oh, your "audience" wanted me to tell you that some vets are recommending that people cook for their pets, in light of the pet food recall. A bit of bbq deliciousness would be just the thing. Since they should also have starch and veggies, your audience suggested you put a baked potato and roasted carrots, lightly seasoned, on with the meat next time.
  4. Re: Thanks. Suppose you could listen for it, but not quite as likely to find it that way. :::giggle::: Have fun with your new cooker, Bob! We want PICTURES!!!!
  5. Hi ClausenK! Howdy! C'mon into the pool. The water's fine!
  6. Yah, Curly, and that last guy seemed like you were MADE to be buds, too! So much in common!! Bummer that they keep deleting em, just when you're about to get to know em.
  7. Re: Another source FV, I emailed Johnnyboy this morning, to let him know there's an inquiry on the boards for him. He's been remodeling his son's house. What a job!! Bet the kid needs a ceramic cooker in his yard, don't you think? House isn't complete without one.
  8. Congratulations on your new addition! Most excellent. We want pictures! Bunch of BBQ voyeurs, we are... Sick, really...
  9. Re: I did of course! Most appropriate that you should post it. YAY!! Good for you.
  10. Sanny

    Fish Tacos

    Ok, so you spread the batter in the shell, and then put sour cream on, and then fish? Or batter the salsa, and spread the cheese on the fish? I see ingredients, but never heard of a fish taco. Whatchado with all the stuff?
  11. Re: for sale- OTB Supreme in Connecticut Them? Them what? You mean his PITA wife and the OTB side by side? Not everyone has as purty a lil lady as YOU have, yaknow. Maybe we could make do with just a photo of the OTB. Wish I hadda means of transporting, but nope. Not gonna fit in back of a Prius!
  12. Looks like a thing of beauty to me, Deej. Specially with that fresh ham in there. Mmmm! You do make a beautiful roast, that's for sure. Pleasing to the eye. Bet it's gonna taste wonderful, too!!
  13. Chick 'n Dumplings - the ultimate comfort food. Mmmm. My gramma used to make those, too. Nuthin like it. When I'm cookin, Livvy lies across my feet, between me and the counter. Never know when something will fall on the ground and need cleaning up, after all. She insists she's helping. I'm not completely convinced, but I hate to discourage good intentions.
  14. You put Chubby in the truck so he'd not eat yer tenderloins? Seems mean to me. The meat looks wonderful!! Sure beats my instant mashed potatoes and broc. Sigh.
  15. Um... wonder if he numbered all the parts, so he can puttem all back together... No, really! Just kidding! Step away from the hammer, Leejp...
  16. Leejp, hunny, you talk to your therapist about that? Really - he WANTS to know. Purty little white jacket, just for you - buttons a little funny, but don't you worry about a thing.... (guys, don't tell him the boards are stacked crooked. Dunno WHAT he'll do if he notices!) Hey, maybe if you sent all that back to Dennis, he'd give you a discount on another one, and you could take it apart, too!
  17. Re: Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!! Dad's a hero!!
  18. Re: Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!! How did the jerky go, Curly? Tasty treats?
  19. tried again I tried the paella again, only as risotto, rather than paella. In dutch oven on the stove, rather than paella pan in cooker. Finished in the oven. Ok, I admit it. An indoor recipe. This time I cut the chicken into smaller pieces, as Majestik did. MUCH less rubbery pieces, and the marinade got into it sooner than an hour. Good variation. Also, I didn't have fresh tomatoes, so I used sun dried, chopped small. Also excellent. Added with the onions and garlic in the saute stage. Skipped the bell peppers, but added one shot of chinese hot oil to the marinade. Topped with the chicken and broc. florettes. No shrimp this time. Yup, good choice. Made it for the snooks, whom I've decided to hang onto for now, instead of waiting for Curly's cousin to get out. Samantha, he's all yours!
  20. Re: Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!! Well, if The Lovely Mrs. Majestik had some of the paella, I bet she knows about the hugs and kisses already. It looks WONDERFUL, M! Well done. I can almost smell it, it looks so good.
  21. Re: If I can't do it better... You've got the Hoff. You don't need more than that!
  22. Um... sometimes hard for some of us to lift 50lb bags. But I do unnerstand it might make shipping easier. And packaging that size could be less expensive. But it's not easy to heave and move those big bags to store. Wonder if there's a way to pack two 20lb bags in one 40lb bag? Compromise...
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