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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Aussie, only YOU would put maple syrup on the lobster! Crazy, but I guess as long as it worked - ha, ha!!
  2. Like Jon said, depends on the thickness of the cut. If you try to reverse sear a thin cut (< 1") after doing a low & slow roast, you'll likely overcook it.
  3. They bend easily enough; just go slow and steady until the easily fit through the portal.
  4. Welcome to the Obsession! Nice uncrating and 1st cook. Looks like you're all set now! Just bang out the burn-in and it's off to the races!
  5. Like Dennis says, some folks are just content with a Chevy and don't want a Ferrari, even if they could afford one!
  6. Way to go Mrs. Reef! What DON'T you own now, ckreef?
  7. Merry Christmas everyone. Yes, it's a white Christmas here, just because of all the previous snow build up. Too warm now to snow right now. Mini heat wave.
  8. Yeah, but it's like a rollercoaster this week, bouncing between 50s and 20s. Crazy.
  9. Yummy! Happy Christmas Eve, everyone.
  10. We're having a heat wave here. In the low 50s and upper 40s. Way above normal.
  11. Great cooks, indeed. Good to hear that you are still smoking away. Second that - MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone!
  12. Very nice. Worth braving the elements for.
  13. tony b

    Tri Tip 3

    I just got a pichana from Porter Road. I've done one from them before - very good.
  14. Wait until you do a whole chicken. You'll really be blown away.
  15. MacKenzie said, "I bet chocolate coated macadamia nuts from Hawaii are delicious. " I've had them and yes, they're addictive. I can see how Bruce ate the whole box!
  16. I have had it. It is very, very good - melts like butter on your tongue. Worth the money, maybe? Same category as Wagyu beef.
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