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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Agree. It's Dukes or nothing! Yes, please. I'm on my last jar.
  2. Typical reaction that we've all had! They are stunning, especially the dark autumn nebula ones!
  3. @ckreef - it's a Brit thing, dude! Just like we Southerners live for the first tomato sandwich of the season from the homegrown tomatoes! But, I'm just guessing that's not Dukes on that sandwich!
  4. 2nd, those suggestions - rotisserie basket & spit rod, pizza stone and cover. I like the cold smoker for doing bacon, cheese and nuts. YMMV
  5. Welcome to the Obsession! What a great deal! Can't wait to see the pics of it in its new home.
  6. Nice job, Tekobo! This part just screams "sous vide" to me.
  7. Nice that they were accommodating for you, Tekobo!
  8. I wrap mostly briskets in the pink Butcher paper while still on the KK (wrap right after the stall around 170F) when it hit target IT (203F), I wrap everything up in foil to put into the cooler to rest for an hour. I'm assuming he was following a similar technique here for the butt?? No explanation for the last minute jump up in temps with the Guru?? Was there any appreciable wind? That can sometimes cause a vacuum drag on the top vent and pull extra air through the Guru damper, but I don't normally see this when the top is that closed down (one of the reasons that we recommend keeping it almost fully closed).
  9. Welcome to the Obsession! Like everyone else, looking forward to the uncrating pics and seeing it in its brand new home! I'll be curious as well to see how the altitude affects things. You might be flying solo on this one, as I don't think anyone else on the Forum lives up in the clouds!
  10. Happy for your bounty, MacKenzie. Not looking good for the home team here though. My tomato plants are stunted and not producing.
  11. My condolences on the loss of your brother, Bruce!
  12. I'm shocked that the POSK still has almost all of its tiles, being that old! Glad you decided to bypass this one. Smart move - coming from a previous POSK owner.
  13. That's why I suggested to MacKenzie that her mechanic friend incorporate a damper similar to the Guru fan. Since he ended up using the Guru parts in his adapter design, the slide damper was included.
  14. Nice chooks! Can't wait to hear how the pastrami comes out.
  15. Hint, hint, hint. A special shipment coming my way could possibly include a bottle of that syrup!
  16. More corn tonight, with a chicken breast and some of the leftover mushroom pasta from the cowboy ribeye cook.
  17. Scored those at CostCo as a Father's Day special back in June. Saved them just for this weekend. Prime grade for $12.99/lb!!
  18. on the accessory list, especially loading up on the coco char! Only 1 piece of advice, if it's not too late, get a second charcoal basket for the basket splitter. It makes swapping back and forth sooooo much easier if all you have to do is lift out one and drop in the other, no assembly required!!
  19. Great cooks, everyone!! I had out of town guests for the weekend, so I had to welcome them properly on Friday with a nice cowboy ribeye steak cook. On the KK with the local corn. Sorry no plated shots of the full meal (steaks, corn, mushroom pasta, Greek Salad), but a nice close up of the ribeyes after the sear.
  20. Sorry, not much help here on that part, as mine was in the warehouse inventory when I picked it out (23" Dark Autumn Nebula).
  21. Seeing the pictures, I now know why this didn't make sense to me when you first talked about it, as mine doesn't attach to the grill at all, the tube just slides into the Guru port.
  22. Welcome to the Obsession! You're going to be blown away by what this grill/smoker can do. I will bet the Farm that some of those other pieces of hardware you have now will be on Craig's list within a few months! Chicken is probably the best thing you can do on a KK, especially if you went with the rotisserie option. The low airflow in the KK keeps birds very moist without much hassle (no brining). If no rotisserie, then you will find spatchcocked chicken (aka roadkill) will be just as good.
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