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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Don't we all??? If I include all my small/medium ramekins that I use mostly for mis-en-place, I probably have at least that many of just those. Then I have all the larger dishes for actually cooking in, maybe another 6 (not counting the Pyrex). And, there's a whole shelf in the other cabinet with the smaller serving bowls/dishes, most of which were bought at various art shows. And wait, there's more (beginning to sound like an infomercial - ha, ha!) - the entire undercabinet storage area with the larger serving platters, trays, and bowls (a lot of Pier 1). No, you don't have a problem, Charles; I do!! LOL!
  2. Thanks, it's my fav!! Happy Australia Day to you, too, mate!!
  3. You lost me on the upper grate - did you cook something else up there?
  4. @erik6bd - excellent. Welcome back, indeed!!
  5. tony b

    Short Ribs

    No advice here on the whole piggie cook - never even dreamed of doing one. Search the Forum, as I know that there are pics of suckling pig cooks.
  6. Love me some lambsie! Looks yummy.
  7. Same here, we never sing the other 3 verses in ours either.
  8. Not much more snow in the immediate forecast, but the temps have plummeted. Several days ahead where the High temp for the day won't break 0F!! Now that's brrrr! I see lots of indoor cooking in my future!
  9. Glad that I got in my cook last night. Karma's a bitch sometimes! Woke up this morning to a new 6" of the white stuff, on top of what we already had gotten on Saturday. At least it's sunny today and barely any wind, so snowblowing the drive and walk wasn't too terrible. Wind is supposed to pick up later, dropping the windchills below zero. So, probably not going to grill out tonight!
  10. Snow, bah! Can't let a bit of snow keep you from grilling. The forecast was wrong (surprise!) and the snow storm didn't pan out this afternoon (we'll see if the overnight snow will be a make-up for the afternoon!) Fired up the KK to do a Mojo marinated pork tenderloin. While I was grilling, spotted these guys next door having a snack under the neighbor's bird feeders. Plated with some drunken black beans, Caribbean rice and one of my favorite beers - Bell's Hopslam. It only comes out once a year around this time in limited quantities, so you have to be on your toes (or lucky in my case) to score some! Keep on grillin'!!
  11. Toss up - pork ribs, whole chicken or pork butt/shoulder??
  12. Very cool. Welcome to the Obsession! If you have any questions, especially about accessories, etc., don't be afraid to ask. Pics, pics, and more pics of that crane delivery!
  13. Nice cooks all ya'll. I'd take 40 degrees here (Fahrenheit even!), as it's 12F outside and a -5F wind chill. AND, more snow on the way tomorrow - possibly another 3" - 5".
  14. I snowblowed today somewhere between 4 - 8" of snow (depending on drifts) from my driveway. And I still managed to grill out a nice flat iron steak for dinner. Sorry, with the windchills in the single digits, I'm not dickin' around taking pictures!
  15. As you said, the Mrs will almost never cook on the grill, so that immediately eliminates that variable. So, make it the height that works best for you.
  16. Using the long t-handled allen wrench, loosen the 2 screws inside of the spring cover near the top (Don't completely remove them.) Then, slide out the cover from the screws to remove the cover off the spring in the back. Then, using the supplied socket wrench, remove the bolt from the bottom of the spring. Make sure the lid is closed and fully latched first! Remove the spring. On the hinge assembly, pull out the cotter pin out of the bolt. Then remove the bolt (you might have to use a hammer to gently tap the bolt out.) You can then unlatch the lid in the front and lift it off the grill. Re-installation is just the reverse of this process. Other Forum Members - Did I leave anything out??
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