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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Haven't gotten to try the hot sauce yet. May just have to open it up and do a simple taste test rather than wait for a cook where I think it would work.
  2. I'm shocked your daughter likes anchovies? That's big, bold flavor for a young palate.
  3. Lost me on this one, Aussie???
  4. Plus, why is this thread in the Jokes section???
  5. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much food you can cook on a 23".
  6. To eat all the food in the house and have Mom do his laundry - typical college student!
  7. Welcome to the Obsession! Can't wait to see that beauty in action. When/what's the inaugural cook? btw - where in SC are you? I grew up in Greenville.
  8. Beat me to the punch - the basket splitter is the key here. When you order your 23" KK, get a second charcoal basket and the basket splitter. It's so much easier to just swap out the whole thing rather than to fiddle with the splitter parts in/out of a single basket, especially if it has leftover charcoal in it from the last cook. One of the benefits of the 23" is the basket is round, so you can put the fire side of the splitter either to one side or the other OR front or back. So, for your steak cook, I'd suggest putting the fire in the back and cooking your wife's steak on the front half and yours in the back half. You'll have a tad more control in that configuration. However, the best solution to your wife's steak cook (IMHO) is to just do it Sous Vide, without any sear afterwards.
  9. Our supermarket does something very similar - even the layout and photography is similar. Must be a template somewhere that they all follow, or they all hire the same production company.
  10. Nice way to tailgate for sure! But, you didn't say whether you were going to sell the Jr now? The conservation of grills rule - One new grill comes in, one old grill goes out. Gotta maintain grill equilibrium.
  11. Ditto! And, don't forget those all important pics of the uncrating and first cook!
  12. Great story, Jon! Sorry to hear that Jasper is no longer with us, but sounds like he had a very good life! So now we know the backstory to your profile "picture." LOVE IT!!!
  13. Thanks for the link MacKenzie. I bookmarked it, so hopefully I'll remember next spring planting time.
  14. Let me know how it works for you, may alter my technique.
  15. Nice job on the brisket. @MacKenzie - did you flatten it out to keep the block thin so you could break off pieces? I have a set of small plastic cubes with attached lids that I fill up with pesto and freeze. Similar idea to the ice cube tray, but I leave the pesto in them, so they don't get as much freezer burn having only the top layer exposed. Don't remember where I scored them?
  16. There ya go! Will be a bit of a trek from La to IN, but could be worth it.
  17. Love the new name!!! So, this is where you've been hiding all summer. Well, at least you weren't in the poky or the hospital - LOL!!
  18. Need to find a source for it, as I might try and grow some myself next year! Any tips on where to find seeds or live plants?
  19. I'd describe farofa as having that sandy texture. Kinda makes it unique and interesting from other starches. Plus, anything where the preferred cooking method is to cook it with bacon fat, is top notch in my book! Look for it also as "manioc flour."
  20. The main reason for using it, beside the real estate aspect, is if you want to utilize the radiant heat from being near the dome. As noted, pizza is the prime example, breads are another. I like to cook spatchcocked chickens up there, as both sides seem to cook evenly that way. Or, if you just want to cook direct, but want a little extra distance between the food and the fire, like for a casserole.
  21. Also, prepare to go buy a new belt, as the old one won't be big enough shortly!
  22. Hey, Jon!! Where have you been hiding?
  23. Have you tried frying the shiso leaves? - amazing how cooking it changes their flavor I don't have access to them here, but toss a couple in the air fryer until crispy and see what you think? I've had them in Japanese restaurants done tempura style.
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