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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. When you said "Pavillion," I was just assume like a gazebo, not a complete outdoor kitchen - WOW! That KK fits right in. Too bad you don't get to play with your new toy before leaving for 10+ days. But, it will give you plenty of time to plan that first cook and order any stuff you might need for it.
  2. Can't wait to see the pics and how you liked it!
  3. Just make sure that they haven't applied any stains, poly, or other chemicals to them beforehand. Just naked wood.
  4. Oakridge BBQ Santa Maria rub is my "go to" for tri-tip! https://www.oakridgebbq.com/?product=santa-maria-steak-seasoning
  5. As if we needed another excuse to use Sriracha in our cooking? I'm excited to try these. http://www.srirachastix.com/
  6. Nice "All Day'er!" But, inquiring minds like ours would like to know - Where's the adult beverages?
  7. Could be any of the Eye states - Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Idaho - LOL!
  8. Some of those old patterns are quite collectable.
  9. That's a lot of grills! Looks like they just need a 42" to complete the set.
  10. tony b

    Bovine Bash

    AND, it's in pink butcher paper, so you know it's going to be insanely moist!!
  11. My classic example for this is parsley - dried parsley is practically worthless in cooking. Cilantro is almost as bad. Always use fresh for each of these. Just about everything else, dry is OK.
  12. I was going to ask if the "peach" was your smoking wood or in your rub? Now I know.
  13. Very interesting, indeed! I'll remember this tip for sure.
  14. Thanks, MacKenzie, but I know not to get used to this nice weather - there's still lots of winter left before it's really spring here. I'm just hoping that it doesn't fake out the trees and plants into blooming early and they get frozen later.
  15. I love to buy Parm/Regg in a store that has the full wheels. It's fun watching them crack one open. There's some real skill in doing it correctly - involves chisels and mallets! And for folks not in the know - save the rinds. They are amazing when tossed into soups, like minestrone.
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