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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. You don't have to bend it much to get it to fit. Only about 15 degrees.
  2. Awesome, Bosco! But, you just think the worst part of the waiting is over. We'll check back with you in about a week or so - LOL!
  3. Looks like a giant empanada!
  4. There was some wine left to go on the onions??
  5. Was probably one of the agenda items for the summit between our presidents. Fingers crossed that they lift it. Means cattle ranchers will start raising more cows, which sends the price back down!
  6. For temps that low, be careful that you don't light too much charcoal, or like you said in #1, you'll be fighting to keep the temps down where you want them. I haven't used my deflector stone in years. For indirect cooks, I just put the drip pan on the lower grill. For low & slows, I don't load any grates, etc. until I see the dome temp start to rise, i.e., have good confidence my fire is going well. Then, I put in my smoker pot, the lower grill/drip pan, and the main grate (and upper grate if I'm using it) and let everything come up to target. Then on goes the meat. By the time the whole assembly gets to target, the smoker pot has usually started as well, so I have good smoke right out of the gate. I pretty much follow this routine whether or not I'm using the Guru fan/controllers. Hope this is helpful.
  7. Great steak cook! Quite a few of us on the Forum do sous vide to the point that Dennis added a specific topic on it for us to post there. Check it out sometime, if you haven't already.
  8. No, but I live in the middle of the agricultural center of the country.
  9. Now I am jonesing for some beef ribs.
  10. Good to hear that they reached their goal. Now the hard part, going from a prototype in the lab to tooling up for production. This is where many Kickstarter projects hit a wall. But I have confidence in these guys, as they have a proven track record. This is like my 6th campaign that I have funded, so I went in with eyes wide open.
  11. Agree, Wilbur. Vienna makes a tasty dog, too.
  12. Just a tad outside my price range, but it does look nice.
  13. tony b

    Grill Cleaning

    Great news, Ken! Glad to hear it worked out well for you.
  14. It's like most other hobbies - collect them and gather dust. I have probably a dozen or so that I open at least once a year - most are go-to's for specific cuisines, like Thai, Italian, etc. Some, like Alton Brown's, are just a fun read. If I'm looking for a specific recipe, I'll dig through my books first, and if I don't find what I'm looking for (very rare), then I'll turn to the Internet.
  15. Nice, but you didn't spiral cut them?? Can't wait to see the "real first cook"! ckreef, nothing wrong with a good brat! I live in IA; we make some pretty damned good brats here that will rival what the folks in WI can do!
  16. Please post results of your trials. We'd all like to hear some feedback on how well they worked.
  17. Welcome to the Obsession, Mike! Great testimonial! All of us here can just second what you said so well.
  18. Paybacks, Robert. You've gotten me to buy a few things on Amazon, so turn about, fair play!
  19. I pulled the trigger on the single Meater probe/charger. What sold me was the ability to use it with the rotisserie. That's why I only bought one. Fingers crossed that they reach their target funding. Only 28 days left to raised the last 25% of their goal.
  20. For me, it's Nathan's or Hebrew National for commercial dogs. My buddy that runs a sausage shop makes a nice dog, patterned after Nathan's, so that's what I've been buying lately.
  21. Tried to preserve my drip pan by wrapping in AL foil. Gave up that ghost about 3 cooks in. Never looked back. It, like the grates, develop a "patina" over time. Just roll with it.
  22. Yes, I've done corn in the husks in the microwave before. It's very good and super easy. But I only do it in bad weather when you don't want to fire up the grill, or if you're not doing the protein on the grill and don't want to fire it up just for corn.
  23. I'm probably the poster child for laziness here. I haven't used the ceramic heat deflector in ages. I just put the drip pan on the lower grate for indirect cooking. I only give it a cursory cleaning between cooks (often this is just leaving it out in the rain, then scraping the gunk out with a rubber spatula) and periodically soak it in PBW (Powdered Brewers Wash), which is great for breaking down proteins. Can never get it back to "pristine" condition, but that's never been my goal.
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