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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. All in how you're raised. Southern boys eat grits for breakfast, Yankees eat oatmeal. So, I'd have to say the same thing about Oatmeal = mucilage! Anything that needs that much brown sugar, honey, butter, milk, etc. to be able to choke down is pushing the limits of food (IMHO!) Flaked oats are only good for 2 things - Scotchies and Stout!
  2. Helpful hint: leave the main grate in place as a "safety net" to catch any that might fall off the wall!!
  3. While the Outer Banks of NC are very nice, next time go to the "real" Beaufort, the one in SOUTH Carolina, for shimp and grits. It's a "low country" dish and Beaufort, SC is in the heart of the low country. Beautiful city, too!
  4. Hence, my question. Everyone's dome gets pretty black and sooty, so I was looking for suggestions on how to prep an area for baking.
  5. Didn't know that I was surrounded by Yankees! Folks will go to a fancy Italian restaurant and rave about the polenta. Well guess what folks, them's grits!
  6. Well done, sir! BTW - who DOESN'T keep a jar of bacon fat sitting next to the stove??
  7. Thanks for the tip, CookShack. Raichlen didn't say, but I assume this was a direct cook on the main grate? Also, I was wondering if anyone slapped the dough against the dome, like they'd do in an actual tandoor?
  8. Awesome looking dessert! We'll have to share shrimp & grits recipes. I think mine is a pretty damned good one if I do say so myself. I'm from SC, so I'd better know how to make decent shrimp & grits or they'll take away my visiting privileges!
  9. If you're doing a reverse sear, you need to flip often and quickly so you don't overcook the steak. Initially roast it to about 15 degrees below your final temp. You pick up about half of that during the reverse sear and the remainder during the rest period. Final sear on the KK (lower grate, not sear grate) screaming hot fire - 1 minute each side, then rotate 90 degrees for 30 seconds each side, to get sear and grill marks, without overcooking. Like ckreef said, you do need to make adjustments for the thickness. I normally cook steaks in the 1" thick range, hence the flip quickly and often method. The big boys (1.5" + range) are a lot more forgiving on the reverse sear, but obviously take more time in the roasting phase. That's one of the side benefits of sous vide - the thickness doesn't really change the cooking time in the bath, since it's so long to start with (typically 2 - 4 hours).
  10. Great food porn as usual, MacKenzie!
  11. I put booze into a lot of my cooking, especially fond of "drunken" beans, but have never put it into MNC - sounds good, though! Like the old saying goes, "I cook with wine, some actually ends up in the food!"
  12. tony b


    My current 2 favorite methods - 1) sous vide w/final sear on the KK (lower grate, not sear grate). 1 minute each side, then rotate 90 degrees for 30 seconds each side, to get sear and grill marks, without overcooking. 2) "frozen" - straight out of the freezer and onto the lower grate, 2 min per side initially, then 1 minute per side as I get close to final temp. If you're doing a reverse sear, you need to flip often and quickly so you don't overcook the steak. Initially roast it to about 15 degrees below your final temp. You pick up about half of that during the reverse sear and the remainder during the rest period. I basically follow the SV searing method here too.
  13. Don't make me get all George Bush, Sr on you now!!
  14. Most of us here own multiple grills as well. I have 2 - the 23" KK and a baby Grill Dome.
  15. Poached eggs for the first time in the SV bath. Only way to describe it - PERFECTION!!! 142F for 50 minutes, in the shell. Yes, leave them in the shell. I was initially concerned about being able to get them out after the cook without breaking the yokes. NO PROBLEM. Light tap on the counter, just like you'd crack a raw one, and they slide out of the shell easily and in one piece. Now, for the best part (sorry, no pics), but the eggs were for one of my favorite pasta dishes - cacio e pepe, with a poached egg. Think carbonara without the panchetta. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/cacio-e-pepe-365162 I tweaked it a little by using a blend of olive oils - Stonehouse basil, Trader Joe's Sicilian and White Truffle oils, with a pinch of garlic powder instead of the butter. The poached egg just takes it over the top! Simple, but elegant and will put you into a full-on foodgasm!
  16. Update. I did another batch of asparagus on the Cookina mat. Cook was on the main grill, basket splitter, 350F. No deflector, but the mat was mainly on the "cool side" of the grill to keep the mat off the direct heat. This time I drizzled some olive oil on top with some S&P. Worked much better than naked. Still no grill marks, but they kinda fried in the oil, so they were crispy on the outside with some char color. Mat makes it easy to rotate the spears without worrying about loosing some between the grates. Will definitely do this one again. Will keep experimenting with the mat and post results.
  17. dstr8's the pizza master on this site, so do WHATEVER he says!!
  18. I can see doing it in the oven, but on the KK, I'm not sure that it's all that necessary. It might speed up the cook a little, but don't think it makes the skin any crispier than what we normally get on the upper grate. YMMV.
  19. OMG, you are seriously killing me here today looking at all that food porn!!! Won't make it to lunchtime before having to eat something!!
  20. Welcome to the Obsession! Like others have said, PICTURES, lots and lots of pictures! Uncrating, setup, and especially that virgin cook! One thing others didn't mention, you don't have to do the burn-in right away. If you're only doing lower temperature cooks (<350F) to start with, you don't need to do the burn in. It's only for when you want to do seriously high temperature cooks (>450F), like searing steaks or making pizzas. And don't waste that burn in either, it's perfectly safe to cook during the burn in process, as the volatiles you are trying purge are all on the outside of the grill under the tiles. Lastly, go out right now and buy a new belt at least 2" bigger than the one you have now. Trust me, you'll be needing it sooner than you think; because once you start cooking on this amazing grill, you won't want to stop. Oh yeah, if you aren't feeding hoards of people, get a vacuum sealer (e.g., FoodSaver) if you don't have one already, for all the leftovers!!
  21. HOLY CRAP, you did that too!?! Maybe that's why we're wired differently than most folks - he, he, he!
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