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BB32 Rotisserie Basket Splitter

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Hi Folks,

I am considering ordering the rotisserie basket splitter for my BB32. I do quite a few spinning cooks and until now I have just pilled up the coals on either the front/back or left/right. I generally use the wire frame thing that clips on top of the charcoal basket (I think it is for the heat deflectors) to sit a cast iron frying pan full or potatoes  to catch the dripping.

I am tight on storage space, so before I pull the trigger on another accessory I wanted to get some input;

1) Would it still be possible to rest a pan under the protein while using the splitter? From photos it looks like it would be but wanted to confirm.

2) For those that have "upgraded" to the splitter, has it been worthwhile, vs just stacking coals on either side? I assume it would improve temp control?




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I have a basket splitter for my 23" KK. It doesn't stick up any higher than the basket rails, so there shouldn't be any interference with putting a pan under the rotisserie like you're currently doing. I'm making an assumption that it will be the same on the 32.

The advantage of the splitter is than it forces the airflow through the charcoal and doesn't allow a bypass, like when you just stack the coals off to one side in a regular basket. 

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@DennisLinkletter are there any plans to make a pan that fits over the rotisserie basket splitter so for example potatoes can sit in the pan and get the juices that drip off the rotating protein, or to collect the juices to make a gravy?

I have small oven trays but they still slightly overhang over the coals and any pan can’t have a raised edge or it gets caught by whatever is on the spit. 


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No plans to make a pan like that because I've never had anyone ask for one.. 

A better idea might be to use the upper grate upside down with the handles on the firebox and tall legs up instead of the lower grate..
This would give you extra room for a tray with sides. 

You can also put a couple of those large foil meatloaf trays on the roti splitter and fold the foil over the center rail.

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Let's make this even more confusing, I ordered this for my Weber Summit grill, made by Flame Tech grills for a number of purposes on the Weber. It's a drip pan, water pan, and the 4 in high wall is for piling charcoal in front to split for two zone. Useful little gadget well made from 403 SS, has all the numbers backwards, but obviously of a cheaper grade. It's 17.5 inches wide, 4 inches at the high wall, 1 1/2 inches lower wall and 11 inches from the high wall to the lower wall center arc. They may sell these on Amazon now, at the time I spoke with the manufacturer. Excuse the dirt, it's been sitting outside for the last 4 months.



Edited by Tyrus
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