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2 pounds of beef pepperoni stuffed in natural casing is on the KK for smoking.

Looks a little anemic but just wait.







Smoked with cherry and apple. Started about 160 F and worked up to 210F.

Colour is added:)




After 6 hours and with internal temp. 150F it is off the grill.



It should make a nice pizza topping;)




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Mackenzie that looks fantastic.


If I can offer one small suggestion for your next batch.  Natural hog casings are my personal favorite to use. When smoking sausage a great trick when using the natural casings is to bring it off the grill and immediately place it in an ice cold bath.  What this does is preserves the casing from drying out and shriveling from the trapped moisture.  Let it soak for 30 min or so to bring the temp right down.   It also stops the sausage from over cooking


here are links to my sausage cooks





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