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tony b

Pizza Challenge entry - Chicken Enchilada Pizza

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You people inspired me to try to do something different for the challenge with all your great entries! The heat was on!!! This is not a pizza that I’ve made before.


Made the pizza dough a couple of days ago. It’s my “standard†yeasted pizza dough recipe except that it has ½ cup of blue corn masa in it.


The sauce is homemade red enchilada sauce – soaked dried chiles in hot water, then pressed out the pulp in the chinois (PITA), fried up some onions and garlic, then added them to the pepper pulp, with Mexican oregano, a splash of cider vinegar, and a splash of chile water, pureed that with the stick blender.


But first, we have to cook the chicken. Leg quarters rubbed with Sucklebusters Texas Gunpowder and Gold Dust rubs. {Adult beverages were involved. Oktoberfest is one of my favorite beer styles and I look forward to its arrival every year!}




Onto the KK, 375F, direct for an hour.




Getting my mis en place together. Sauce, dough, shredded chicken, onion, green and black olives, peppers (green is Hatch, red is from my Shisito pepper plant), yellow tomato from my garden, and pepper jack cheese (Hatch peppers).




Roll out the dough.




Par-bake the crust on the KK, which has been cranked up to 425F and soaked for an hour with the new pizza stone!




Crust is ready.




Some assembly required. First, on goes the homemade enchilada sauce.




Then the chicken.




Next come the onions, and peppers, and olives.




Those nice golden tomato pieces.




Don’t forget the cheese!




Off to the waiting KK.








Finishing touch – a squirt of sour cream over the top.




Money Shot!




Interesting experiment in pizza making for sure. Was tasty; nice spicy chicken, with lots of bright pepper and tomato flavors with the briny olives, and crunch from the onions to go with a little burn from the pepper sauce, balanced nicely with the sour cream. Not something I'll be making everyday, but was fun to do for the Challenge!

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Don't know your supply chain, but we're fat in it up here. Should be on the waning side of harvest, with only another week or two left of the local stuff. I get mine direct from the grower; they set up roadside stands all over town. It's fresh-picked everyday! Nothing better!

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By now in years past I've bought sweet corn by the bushel; not so this year. There were big displays in the produce sections, ears roasting out front of the groceries, samples of products made with fresh corn, etc. Not so this year.

I think it's sadly a case of you Iowa farm boys hoarding! I'm wanting to see a Federal investigation? Hell, we investigate everything else, why not Iowa hoarding corn? There oughtta be a law! It's an outrage, an outrage I tell ya!

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I feel your pain! Wish I could ship you some of the "good stuff," but by the time it got there, it would be the same a supermarket corn!


I never buy more than enough for a couple of days at a time, as that's about how long you want to hold it. Even then, I'll soak 2nd day corn in salt water for a couple of hours before tossing them on the KK. Will go out and buy some today for dinner tonight, just because I can - bwah, ha, ha!  :evil2:

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