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Hello....My Name is RedStick

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I think I'm lost.  Can somebody point me in the direction of the KJ forum? :).


Bosceaux talked me in to joining the KK forum as I am very interested and hopeful that one day, I'll be the proud owner of a Komodo Kamado.  I've got a couple Kamado Joe cookers, the Big Joe and Joe Jr. that I really enjoy cooking on at every opportunity.


I'm not a fancy "chef" but I do enjoy throwing something together.


I can't make the big KK purchase for a while, but I thought I should start learning about the KK brand.  I'll only be purchasing one (at least at first) so I'll need to determine what works for me and my 3 person family (Me, wife, kid...and dog).  I'm leaning towards the 23 at this time as that closely resembles the size of the Big Joe I suppose, but again, I'm in no hurry as I've got a lot of moving parts to sort out before I move forward with a potential purchase.


At any rate, don't mind me....I'll just read and learn.


I'm a Baton Rouge, Louisiana native that now resides in Spring, Texas (40 miles or so north of Houston).  I might have to "special order" some purple and gold tiles to go on my hopeful and eventual Komodo Kamado.



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Hi, tinyfish.  It says I don't have permission or some sort.


I've had trouble with this forum as I never received the "confirmation" email after signing up.  I sent two other resend confirmation notices, but never get them.  I've checked my spam and everything.


Oh well.


What are the prices as I'd like to find out at least.

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Somehow I was able to see the "sale prices" linked elsewhere.  While that price is inviting, very inviting, I must stick to my plan.


I've got to sell some things to order one, now!  Kidding.


I've got the fever, but I've taken some medicine given to me by my wife (ha).  


I "think" the 23 Ultimate would be best for my family, but I want to make sure.  I'm sure this is a very popular question here on the forum, as it is on all kamado related forums.


I read  an earlier post from Rak relating to cooking capacity with pictures from tinyfish and wilber on cooking racks of ribs.  Seems to me the KJ Big Joe can easily handle 3 racks of ribs on the main grate, but since the 23 Ultimate's circumference isn't round, the fit is a bit more snug.  That by no means is a bad thing, just trying to figure things out.  I assume you guys have zero trouble with that?  


Also, on the 23 Ultimate, what is the largest brisket you've cooked as I'm trying to decide or get a better idea between the 32 and the 23.  I can't see needing the 32 all that often as the 23 may very well fall in to the sweet spot...but.....




Also, if I do not go with some crazy custom color design (my wife wouldn't approve as she's a Texas A&M Aggie), I really like the Terra Cotta tile as that would really go with our current back yard stuff.  


OK.  Time to take some more fever medicine.  Must hold off (and get busy selling things for my KK fundraiser).  

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Just give Dennis a call. He'll answer all your questions, and no pressure to buy until you're ready. Bosco talked his ears off - LOL!


I have a 23", and I've done a full packer cut of brisket with no problem. Could have easily put a second one on the upper grate. I have a rib rack and can do 5 racks at a time.


You can get a surprsing amount of food on the various cooking levels on a 23". I'd only say to go for the 32" Big Bad, if you do a fair amount of grilling or entertaining, with more than a half a dozen guests. 

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Red stick I know you have a big joe and a jr. I believe.

I think a 23" will be great. I think between the grill and the upper grill I saw wilbur do 6 racks at once. I can't see needeing more than that

As for the grill space and someone correct me if I am wrong but the 23 is 23" wide and 22" deep. You really aren't losing that much space from that of a big joe. Also big joe total grilling space is 452 sq in and the 23" is 375 sq in plus 274 sq in upper grill and 329 lower grill

So in reality you are comparing 452 vs 978

You can't tell me that a brisket won't fit on a 23" oval

Shape grill opposed to a 24" round.

I would order before the deals are gone brother!!!!

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  On 9/7/2015 at 3:04 PM, RedStick said:

I "think" the 23 Ultimate would be best for my family, but I want to make sure.  I'm sure this is a very popular question here on the forum, as it is on all kamado related forums.


I read  an earlier post from Rak relating to cooking capacity with pictures from tinyfish and wilber on cooking racks of ribs.  Seems to me the KJ Big Joe can easily handle 3 racks of ribs on the main grate, but since the 23 Ultimate's circumference isn't round, the fit is a bit more snug.  That by no means is a bad thing, just trying to figure things out.  I assume you guys have zero trouble with that?


We’re a family of four: me, my wife, two growing boys. We’ll have friends over for dinner on a reasonably frequent basis. I think a KK 23†is perfect for us. 


Three racks of ribs on the main grate of a KK 23†is completely doable, unless you’re sourcing your ribs from some mutant giant pig farm. ^_^ The time I cooked 6 racks of ribs all at once, the main grate had three racks laid out going left to right, as did the top grate. The ribs overhung the top grate a little, but it wasn’t a problem at all. And if you need more capacity, you can always get a rib rack.


The KK 23†main grate is a little smaller than the main grate of a Big Joe. Where the KK really shines in terms of capacity is the top grate. You can get a grill expander for a Big Joe, but it’s not nearly the amount of real estate that you get with the top grate on a KK 23â€. I don’t think I could get three racks of ribs on a Big Joe grill expander.


Oh, and welcome to the KK forum! Keep asking questions, and we’ll keep answering them. One thing to keep in mind: it seems that the only regret anyone has ever had form buying a KK grill is wondering why they didn’t place the order sooner. ^_^

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I've put seven racks of baby backs granted they were not the biggest racks on using the main and upper grids. For low and slow cooks you can probably utilize the lower rack too which would hold 3 racks or use a rib rack on the lowest grid thats hold 5-6 racks plus another 6-7 racks on the upper two grids...thats alot of ribs.

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Thank you all for your posts. I was trying to see how comparable the grill grate cooking size is between the two. If I am at all serious about purchasing a KK one day, I do think the 23 would work quite well.

I have to admit the 32 looks awfully nice! I personally don't know that I can work that out with the other half.

Bosco, while I wouldn't mind calling Dennis this week to order, I'm going to take my time until things fall in place. Patience may win out. Time will tell!

What's up with the front double vents? That appears to be an upgrade from reading posts. I don't think I would go with a gas line, but do you guys have the temp wire hole (don't know what you would call that), and if so, how do you close that when not in use?

Just so I know, what other accessories would you order? Rotisserie would be a must. I'm not 100% what all is included with the purchase but I'll figure it out.

Thanks again folks.

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good questions!!


the double vent comes with newer models now standard.  Its just a new vent system that can be purchased for older cookers.  Dennis told me that it really isn't that big of a deal either way so I wouldn't worry about that.  


Gas port has a door at the back to insert it.  I wanted mine removed from the 23s, so I had a new one cast. Dennis recommended me keeping it on the 32" for two reasons.  Winter cooks I can pre heat with gas.. and more importantly I can remove that cover for cold smoking (better air flow).  So I think keeping it is a good call.


the probe hole has rubber plugs that seal it up when not in use.  Your KK kit will have 5 extras apparently as well.


I think personally for accessories



baking stone

splitter basket (with extra basket optional.  I think having a primary charcoal basket for the splitter to sit in is a great idea)

Side tables if free standing

double lined drip pan (custom fit)


as for the 23 or 32 I have nothing to compare to, however, I am thinking the 32 is pretty sweet!!  But in the case, I really don't think that you can go wrong with either... or in my case... Both!!!

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RedStick - it's really great to see you over here! Welcome aboard! And congrats on choosing to get a KK! It's a decision you'll never regret.

I really can't help you with your questions regarding the 23. I have a 19 and a 32. What I will tell you is that the 23 really is a versatile cooker that can hold a lot of whatever your cooking. I think you got some very good advice above from Wilbur and Rob, aka 5698k. Of course, if you still have questions about size, you can always ask here or phone the King of all things KK, Dennis.

Again, welcome! We're glad you're here.

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From RedStick "I have to admit the 32 looks awfully nice! I personally don't know that I can work that out with the other half." "I've got the fever, but I've taken some medicine given to me by my wife (ha)."


Glad you came here for the magic answer to that problem. First of all you can tell her about all the yummy stuff you'll cook just for her. Then tell her about the romantic suppers of surf and turf by candlelight with a nice glass of wine. 


If neither one of those work, just say "Sweetie, I'm getting a 32" Komodo Kamado and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."  Women love men with an assertive attitude. If she starts to give you any lip, just put your finger to your lips in the universal sign that means "Close your beak."  I'm not responsible for an attorney's fees or having to give the house away if my suggestions don't work. 

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