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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2016 in all areas

  1. Newspaper this morning announced that we are FINALLY getting a Trader Joe's in this area. It will actually be down in Coralville, where the CostCo is, so a short 25 minute drive for me! So, in celebration, plus to take advantage of one of our probably last nice fall days (50F today and sunny), I did some lamb kabobs for dinner, with Trader Joe's Burgundy Pepper Lamb Tips. Skewered with some slices of onion and onto the KK, direct, @ 350F, with a chunk of apple wood. Done. Looking yummy! Plated with some nice Greek roasted potatoes, a nice green salad and because it's that time of year - a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau! The stars of the show. For all ya'll out there that don't have a Trader Joe's near you, hears hoping that 2017 will bring good news for you!
    3 points
  2. Great pics of the eagle down here everything wants to kill you lol. We have the notorious magpie during breeding season the males will swoop on you and give you a nasty peck on the head lol they are persistent buggers also Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. I'm in! Talked to Dennis today and thanks to all of your input 32 is for me. Officially on order. John
    3 points
  4. Oh boy ... its a slippery slope Now you need to get yourself a good burr grinder Dennis; of course, assuming you don't already have one. And don't even think about asking us ... we all have too many opinions
    2 points
  5. Now look what you all did... Got me jonesing for espresso that looks like melted dark chocolate ice cream.. After watching endless videos and reviews I just landed this open box new La Pavoni Stradivari PSC-16 Cup on Ebay.
    2 points
  6. We had a snow storm last night that closed the schools for the day and after snow blowing the deck and feeding the birds I saw this from inside my kitchen. I have among others a feeder that hanging in the window over my kitchen sink. This one is a woodpecker.:)
    2 points
  7. It has been a while since I've grilled sausage and I needed a quick dinner today so sausage, pressure cooked carrots and previously made tater tots it was.
    1 point
  8. Those raccoons are a real pain. I have to take down all the feeders every night and put them back up in the morning all spring, summer and fall or they will be destroyed. The only one I can leave up all night is the one in the kitchen window. When I had a dog it was only allowed out front in the fenced in yard and the feeders are all out back on the opposite side of the house so not a problem. I wouldn't be feeding if my dog was in danger from raccoons that's for sure.:)
    1 point
  9. Do you like McCann's steel cut Irish oats? Best oatmeal ever. You can stand at the stove for an hour stirring it. Or... Throw in the oats and the water at bedtime, set the pressure cooker to go off in the morning for 10 minutes, and wake up to a hot pot of McCann's! Now take that hour and set up the KK and smoke something.
    1 point
  10. Thanks, FotonDrv, I have lots of food out and a heated water bath, my yard is just like a spa for birds, chipmunks and red squirrels.
    1 point
  11. Always get the best photo possible in camera so you have the least work in post... I HATE post processing. For food photos put the camera on a tripod. Try using aperture priority, and try a few different apertures to get the depth of focus you like. Most cameras have a function to get the white balance correct by taking a test photo of a white object. If you don't know what this is, it's easy to learn it in less that 30 minutes. Don't use direct flash. If you can get the right light with the sun and/or the room lighting so much the better. If you need to flash, try bouncing it off the ceiling or maybe a wall. There are tons of other tips, these are just a few quick ones.
    1 point
  12. It's not different.. it's just magnified 3 X My eyes are not what they used to be and three times bigger is just what I need for focus LOL.
    1 point
  13. What a nice surprise. Time to check my mail box...
    1 point
  14. Classic love it lol Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. So, this may not be of precise help, but I just measured my side tables / wing for a 23". They are, of course, comma-shaped with a radius which hugs the body of the grill. For a 23, the widest part (from the body radius perpendicular to the edge) is 14.5". The depth, front to back (the length of the "comma", but measured as a straight line), is 21". For comparison, on the 32, the Side View Outside dimension (above chart, right view) is 35". On the 23, the same dimension is 31", which fits the 21" deep side table. Some proportional math should get you in the ballpark for your square of plywood. Hope this helps. Jon
    1 point
  16. Another great shot. That fish is bigger than the ones I caught as kid.;)
    1 point
  17. That fish is now snack food!
    1 point
  18. Not this year so far, but there is a little time left. Here is another shot of an osprey, I think, in a power dive, came up with a meal!
    1 point
  19. Can we get an Admin to move some of the recent posts on Pressure Cookery over here? Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  20. That explains why I was being baffled Hire the elderly, they are fun to watch was a motto years ago and now I fit right into it; how embarrassing
    1 point
  21. Undoubtedly one of the best forums and best vendors on the internet. Thanks Dennis. You ask, you get it. I asked for a small portable KK years ago, he made it. I asked for a storage cabinet with steel or stone surfaces, he made it. I had a product QC issue, he solved it, gratis. There's no better forum and no better product; and product support, out there.
    1 point
  22. Well, after weeks of waiting, my grill is in the port awaiting release. Hoping to get it delivered either tomorrow or Friday. Will post plenty of pics. Can't wait.
    1 point
  23. Awesome nice looking car Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. I posted this here, since the dinner was not done on the KK. I was out of town and had to use a Weber kettle. I had planned to celebrate my 60th birthday in style. And did I ever! So, here goes. Champagne, but of course, this is my 60th after all. So, it had to be special. What goes best with champagne - well, caviar and fois gras, naturally. So, what's for dinner? Wagyu cowboy ribeye. Cooked sous vide @ 130F for 3 hours and finished off on the Weber. That's 2 3/4 pounds of luscious beef! Made a lovely potato galette in duck fat to go with the steak. Plated, with black truffle butter and more fois gras on the steak, because you can never have enough fois! So, what do you drink with this meal? I guess I'll have to make do with a "89 Opus One from my cellar that I've been saving for 25 years for this particular birthday. And for dessert? No, not cake, a nice "77 vintage port from the cellar! To say that this was epic is an understatement. My only concern is "How do I top this @ 65?"
    1 point
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