We had some thunderstorms roll in so we had to put the pizza on a little early. Here is the pizza and the cook. Everything went very well! Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
When I was in high school, I worked in a pizza joint as head pizza man. I guess I retained some of what I was taught. The first time I made pizza for my wife, I threw the dough in the air and spread flour all over the kitchen. She put the brakes on the dough toss, lol!
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
You have more control of how old the beans are when you using them. There is a learning curve to roasting but not insurmountable. I had more difficulty with the software and eventually gave up and just roast with sight, sound and smell.
Nice grinder.
At this point I think your package is at the bottom of the ocean - eeeekkk - LOL. I mean it left the Miami airport more than 24 hours ago. An airplane only has so much fuel - LOL
Another experiment today. I bought a bag of crispy frozen fries and a bag of onion rings. I normally do not buy these things as I have never liked them but I thought perhaps the air fryer might work.This was just a test cook and I put the fries and onion rings in at the same time and still frozen. Set the fryer for 400F for 8 mins. Shook them a about 3 times and then added 2 more mins to the cook time bringing that to a total of 10 mins. at 400 F and no added fat.
Here they are-
They were very good and I can see that I'll be visiting the frozen food section more often. Both were crispy and tasty as hard as that maybe to believe.
I'm pretty sure this is an all-time daily record for the forum for any month.. 822 Unique IP visits one day! Even more impressive because it's mid-winter not June. Thanks all..
This is the StatCounter screen shot from this last week. 7 day average 600 per day
This is the StatCounter screen shot from this last week Last Year. 7 day average 372 per day
I'd say we are killing it! Can't wait to see this spring and summer..
When reading through the food lab (excellent book, btw). I was caught off guard by a recipie for lamb with anchovies, garlic and rosemary. I decided to try it kamado style over spring break, along with some board dressing (the best thing to ever happen to roasts in my opinion)