I had in mind to smoke a couple of pork butts low and slow. I had not cooked on Mable in about a year, due to a number of factors. I had not cleaned her since the last cook, nor had I done any routine spring maintenance this year. To make a long story short, Mable remained true to her pedigree, all the fault was mine. I first became aware of an issue when I could not stabilize her temperature. After seven years of set and forget simplicity, I was not expecting her temp to continue to climb. I knew that air was getting in somewhere, though. I discovered the problem was the knob on the back door. it was loose and unable to be tightened with fire in the cooker. I MacGuyvered a quick fix using some Gorilla tape. Fortunately, Mable had not stabilized at 300. After the improvised repair, I was able to slowly back down the temp to 210 over the course of the next two hours. The problem started around 2:00 am, and by 4:30 am I was able to get some shuteye. As I type this, the temp is about 240 and the meat is 163 degrees. I anticipate a delicious pulled pork dinner, thanks to the incredible engineering that goes into these cookers. They are engineered to be airtight, but it does take some routine maintenance to keep it that way. Once the air leak was sealed, Mable was as happy as a clam at high tide. I am posting a few photos to support the verbiage. I will post a finished product pic or two.
Note: I just went out and took pics 7 and 8. Internal is 168. I will foil at 175.