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  1. Did a brisket flat. Took almost twelve hours and it came out to be my best brisket yet. Crunchy candy like outside and super moist on inside.
    6 points
  2. Bizarrely, marmite has a role to play in my access to this beautiful lump of rump. The restaurant that served us the wonderful marmite butter also served mutton. My friend's teenage son said the mutton was "life changing" after he had eaten it. I asked the chef for his supplier's name. And so began a long saga. The supplier only sold to restaurants and his website said sales were "by invitation only". I badgered and begged and even threw in a bit of needle by telling him that I regularly buy from one of his main competitors. Eventually he gave in and has been supplying me with ever more wonderful old sheep for the last couple of years. When I asked for another sheep a few months ago he sent me a note about a scheme they have going to improve the welfare and sale value of old dairy cows. Once dairy cows become unproductive they rest and feed them a special diet for a further 7-8 months to get them in tip top condition and then sell the meat at a premium. Under normal circs I might have thought this was a wheeze to con me out of my money but I had seen the Netflix programme about steak which included the mad Spaniard who specifically breeds bulls/cows to an old age to deliver what they considered to be the best steak in the world. I was all in. The supplier managed to persuade me that I didn't need half of a 440kg cow and that I should try a rump first. Hung for 60 days, the aforesaid rump arrived last week. Here it is with most of the mould rubbed off and cut into steaks: I know the green from the ageing process looks off putting but I tell you, these are some of the best steaks I have ever seen or smelt. We ate some chopped up raw and had an off cut with chips for lunch yesterday. Both very very good. KK action tonight. Will report back.
    4 points
  3. I haven’t opened the stone, cold smoker or rotisserie yet. As I use them for cooking I’ll take some pictures. Beverage of choice for unpacking and set up was Polamas and water. For dinner I made huli huli chicken, grilled pineapple, cilantro garlic corn and butter garlic soup vide shrimp. Everything received a healthy dose of purple crack and it was cooked over full circle lump charcoal. I received a round of applause from my wife and her friend the dogs gave me big puppy dog eyes which turned into growling because no table scraps. Sorry I didn’t give any descriptions with the pictures but I am dead tired and sunburnt. I will try to do a better job for the pizzas tomorrow and the pork shoulder on Sunday. thanks again to everyone on here for the advice and gentle ribbing and a big thanks to Dennis! It feels like I bought the best damn grill around and it came with a weird family to boot.
    4 points
  4. Okay. This brisket is going in tomorrow. Will have to get up early for this one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. How appropriate!
    3 points
  6. LOL - I actually bought a handmade (in Portugal) ceramic baking dish. It was really, really expensive but it did come with a free WFO
    3 points
  7. Thanks guys. I went to the footy last night with my boy. Our team won their 10th game in a row. That said, they nearly gave it away in the last quarter. My plan was to put it in the morning but I was still awake at 12:30am so thought I would get it started. By the time I got the KK fired up and meat prepped it was near 1:30am. So hopefully I should be right for 5pm dinner tonight. It’s 5:30am and it looks like it’s starting to stall. I have butchers paper on the ready. I will take it off and put in cooler when done. Here’s the temp chart thus so far. The temp in the KK is pretty steady. I started on 225 and it’s gone up to 237. No fan involved. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. @tekobo 3:30 am but it was for work and not to bask in all the KK glory. But I did have a huge smile on my face when I looked out the back window at my KK. thanks @Bruce Pearson I honestly couldn’t be happier with this cooker and all of the great things that come with it. @DennisLinkletter yep I am left handed that’s why we did left table and right side cabinet.
    2 points
  9. Hoping that sanity will prevail before things get too out of hand. Our silly government wants to start trade wars with EVERYONE it seems.
    2 points
  10. Baby backs with Lane’s Sweet Heat and Spicy Apple BBQ sauce (from Steven Raichlen’s Barbecue sauces book) and @Kevin H inspired Barbecued onions from Project Smoke.
    1 point
  11. I fear a "Bosco deja vu" all over again!
    1 point
  12. Ha. I usually check facts before I post but this time I typed in cheese=rotten milk AFTER I had submitted the last post. I found this: "Cheese is not made from "rotten" milk, let me clarify that. Rotting is an uncontrolled process in which bacteria, molds and other life forms colonize milk, eat it, release waste into it and die. The resulting, rather unpredictable, crud we call rotten (or more precisely spoiled) milk. Most cheese is the product of highly controlled action by bacteria that produce acids that coagulate the casein in the milk. The type of bacteria, the temperature, the amount of time they are allowed to act, the amount of water you drain out of the curdling milk, all control the end result in terms of texture, taste and flavor. The kicker, though, is that cheese is by no means a sterile product - not even cheese made with pasteurized milk. Bacteria remain inside the cheese, and of course bacteria (and molds and yeasts) land on its surface through its processing and shelf time" There were lots of people who came on after that to say they were happy that they didn't like cheese and so had less bacteria in their lives. Poor things, they don't know what they are missing. Same with the controlled aging of meat. It has been interesting to stay in touch with people who work to get the balance between ageing and rot just right in a natural product like this. When they do, it is sublime.
    1 point
  13. Oooh. It feels like I have put a lot of pressure on a summer's evening steak dinner. Hope I don't drink too much and forget to take photos at the critical time! The In-Laws are coming to dinner so you will see the full range from very well done to blue. @Bruce Pearson, funny you should remark on the mould. I had been thinking about it and the outcome of ageing meat. I was very surprised and impressed by the fact that, after two days in the fridge, absolutely no liquid had leached out of the beef and onto the pink butcher paper that it was wrapped in. That may be a feature of the fact that the butcher paper allows it to breathe but good nonetheless. When I had that off cut for lunch yesterday the meat was great but I ate very little of the fat because we had not properly trimmed off all the mould. What I did eat of the "clean" fat reminded me of rancid butter but in a good way. After all, cheese is rotten milk and blue cheese is mouldy rotten milk and like both. Proper KK taste test tonight.
    1 point
  14. I’ve only smoked about ten of them. Lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. The probe end is pushed into the tube about 11 3/4" so it's basically reading the inside dome temperature. I have a really nice peel I got from GIMETAL. And of course I also have a wooden peel for launching the pies. Now I just need Mrs skreef to finish some landscaping.
    1 point
  16. I got a couple of new accessories for the WFO. The first one is not really new just repurposed into a new accessory. I cut my old pizza peel down. It is now a coal rake/ash scoop.  My second accessory is a remote temperature gauge. It came with an analog gauge in celsius that the people who sells these ovens fully admits it's a piece of crap. When you pull out the gauge there is a brass tube that runs to the inside of the oven. That tube sticks out on the inside of the oven by about 1 1/4". Looking at the length of the temperature gauge the thickness of that front wall is about 10 1/2" That is being replaced by a ThermoQ Bluetooth version with a high temperature flexible ceramic probe rated up to 2,200*f. It is 10' in length. Here is the installation of this unit. At some point in the future I might shrink wrap the cable in black or gray. This is Bluetooth connected to a tablet. The Bluetooth range easily reaches the porch where I sit. It'll reach into the house but not quit to the kitchen counter. This is the live probe display. Of course I had to start a small fire to test it out It also has a graph mode. At around 9 minutes I pushed the fire to the side and added more wood. At about 18 minutes I once again added more wood. Since I wasn't cooking anything I didn't want to waste any more wood so I just let it ride at that point. Very, very pleased with this purchase. This is basically waterproof and built like a tank. It can accommodate 2 probes and has a wide selection of probes. It's not cheap but worth every penny.
    1 point
  17. Tony, you’re no help at all..[emoji35][emoji35] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. What do you suggest, push the button and be done with all. LOL He'll wonder what happened to his KK when he wakes up. ROFL
    1 point
  19. Mac, don’t let him off that easy.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I am a tease... between unpacking it, cleaning it, moving it, dinner and running errands for my 96 grandmother I haven’t sat down and posted anything. But once I get a few seconds of down time I’ll give everyone their “fix.” Unless everyone wants to wait for the table in a monthish and you can get the full experience? i will say my father and uncle helped move it and they wouldn’t stop ranting and raving how amazing and well built everything is! Then we opened the shipping crate and their jaws hit the floor! @DennisLinkletter Mad respect and thanks for all the help, can’t wait to see the covers, table and cutting board!
    1 point
  22. And the journey begins...
    1 point
  23. @tekobo - you'll just have to roll with this one (pun intended!)
    1 point
  24. Worked for me! When it came time to add the 32 to my 23, my wife looked at me in that way only a spouse can (penetrating to the depths of your soul...yup...she sees right through me) and asked, “is there a bigger one?” To which I replied, “well yeah...but it’s huge. And it comes with a goat. Too expensive and we already have a goat.” Worked like a charm.
    1 point
  25. That looks marvelous yum Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  26. Grilled some sweet Sriracha glazed jumbo shrimp, garlic bread, squash and carrots on Saturday. And some yogurt marinated lamb kabobs and bread on Sunday.
    1 point
  27. Same advice here, foil/towel/cooler for transport, sauce and re-heat at BILs. Set oven as low as it will go, just want to set the sauce and bring back to temp.
    1 point
  28. Gary, you really don’t have much choice but to wrap in foil towel cooler. You can always reheat a bit in the oven when you get there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. The money has gone across and I’m hoping that it ships before the 6th as Dennis mentioned that the port is shut due to the holidays. If it doesn’t ship before then it will be a 3 week wait until the port is open again. Fingers crossed!!
    0 points
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