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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2018 in all areas

  1. This is the end result of the various cooks I did throughout the week. Somethings just taste better the next day so why not actually plan for that. An idea was born. Here is our BBQ Sampler. A little bit of everything. Sunday was the final cook. Hope you enjoyed the ride, I was stuffed after all that food. I wanted Beef plate ribs but all they had was meaty short ribs. They'll do. Rub from part 1 applied Saturday night. Wrapped tight and in the refrigerator until go time.   Smoked using Hickory Blend pellets.   Made some cream corn using fresh corn on the cob.   Mrs skreef made a Ranier cherry pie. Ranier cherries were short lived this season. Glad we got a few.  While the ribs were resting we got all the various parts together. BBQ Sampler Menu: Pulled pork topped with a summer slaw and Blueberry BBQ Sauce, served on a WFO bun. Beef short ribs with a drizzle of a vinegar BBQ sauce. Summer slaw. Cowboy baked beans. Dill potato salad. Brunswick stew.  Cream corn. 3 homemade BBQ sauces to choose from.  Last but not least a Ranier cherry pie for desert. It was a fun week of cooking but glad this challenge is under my belt. I have a few kewl cooks I want to try coming up.
    6 points
  2. Hey Forum members , just like to introduce myself , I’m a soon to be new owner . You guys have helped me a lot in taking the plunge in choosing one of these Crazy BBq’s . Great honest and helpful feedback on the whole range of models . Well done Dennis for creating this platform , damn good business sense , when you know you’ve a product better than the rest just let the punters do the selling for you . I know how you love some action photos , I do too and when this beauty arrives for sure I will get some snaps , Il be needing some mechanical assistance getting it over a fence and a garden shed at 750kg . Not quite figured out my plan of attack yet though . For now I’m tracking this bad boy on the high seas on my Marine App . Captain needs to get that vessel moving . My local butcher is hanging some Ribeye for me ageing for 28 days which co-incidentally is the transit time here to UK. for now I have to wait just like the meat ...... Darren
    5 points
  3. The Alabama brother-in-law was passing through last week so I made dinner for a small family gathering. Started with some corn and mushrooms. Cranked up the KK, added some top sirloin, evo and seasoning, seared the sirloin, let it rest, then sliced (some of it; kept the rest for later). Plated the lot with heirloom tomatoes, loaded mashed potatoes, baguette and some Cabernet. A good time was had by all.
    5 points
  4. Cooking some ribs today!
    3 points
  5. Afriend came out this afternoon for a specialty coffee and we thought it was be a fine time to make tekobo's clafoutis recipe. It was new to us and why not do it on one of the hottest days of the year, temp. was well into the 40s and the perspiration was dripping of us. Set the KK for 325F and put the drop muffin pan on to heat up for 30 mins or more. We used banana bits soaked in Frangelico for the topping. For some reason my my temp. dropped to 300F during the cook. When we checked it we thought for sure we messed up, but obviously it wasn't cooked and it had hardly risen, nothing to loose jack the heat up and let them cook a little more. The two missing ones are on our plates. Next time I'd sprinkle a little icing sugar on, just for looks. This was fun thing to do, thanks a bunch, Tekobo, for the idea.
    3 points
  6. And from last night. It's the heat of the summer. No excuse not to fire up the Primo and keep the heat outside. I tried @dstr8 's recommended 3-5 day cold fermented dough recipe. The wetter dough is a little harder to work with. It kept soaking through the flour I put in the board to let it slide off the peel, hence the misshaped crusts. I did my usual pepperoni, mozz and pecorino using a marcella hazan-style pasta sauce altered to be a pizza sauce. Grilled at 550F air temp, 500F baking steel temp. Dough after 5 days and some proofing in the warm oven. Fire (mostly from grease burning off the main grates). Pepperoni Pizza. The dough on this one ended up being chewy. Might have been from keeping it warm while the other one cooked. At 550F on the kamado grill, these both took about 6mins each. Tomato, basil, burrata, mozzarella pizza. The crust on this one was perfect and crispy. Keeping the baking steel slightly cooler than the grill seemed to help cook the top and bottom at the same rate.
    3 points
  7. I just had to make something after seeing CK,s WFO buns so got out my Lekue and made mini bagettes. This is a no fuss no muss bake.
    2 points
  8. Just wanted to let you all know that we are all fine. The Big shaker 7.0 was one island down on Lombok about 25 min flight away.. Bali shook pretty well but no lives lost. Thanks for all your emails and concern..
    2 points
  9. My old, meat-loving partner was in town and staying with us this weekend. So we ended up grilling Friday and Sunday, and went to the local BBQ place on Saturday. Friday night I grilled some sweet sriracha marinated jumbo shrimp, garlic bread, peaches and burrata, and summer squash skewers. Saturday we had brisket, candied bacon, smoked chicken wings, mac n cheese, greens, buttermilk biscuits, etc. Sunday night, we had friends over to see my old partner. And I loaded up the grill more than ever before (corn on the deflector plates, lamb and ribs on the main grate and chicken up top). We grilled 18 lamb shanks; a rosemary/garlic rubbed, spatchcocked, heirloom chicken; corn for a miso roasted corn salad; half a rack of ribs; watermelon, mint and feta salad, and fresh artisan bread with some 2010 Coquelicot estate sauvignon blanc. I really recommend that winery if you're every in the Santa Ynez area. I swear this was a candid photo. And last weekend, I grilled a rack of ribs, peaches with burrata and mint, garlic bread, and yellow beets.
    2 points
  10. I’m not going to say don’t get it, but I know of very few that do. The gas door can sometimes be a source of air, it can work open a bit and cause temp control problems because it’s somewhat out of sight. There’s a kit to close it somewhat permanently available. You’re getting into a whole new world with a kk, so you might consider sticking with what you know you’ll use. The gas burner can be purchased at any time, and I suggest using your grill first, and buy the burner after the fact, if you think you want it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. I see. Yes thanks for the pecan. That wood that you gave to me is great. Might do chicken this weekend and use pecan. Though I feel like brisket. Thanks again. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12. TY tekobo - lots of leftovers - LOL
    2 points
  13. Sooooo happy for you @Wahoo! I am trying to figure out how to get to Bali next year to see a 42 but now that I see you have one on the high seas and heading my way, I will camp out at the port and follow it to your house! Great. Really looking forward to your delivery pictures!!!
    2 points
  14. @tony b, we say biscuits, you say cookies. You say biscuits...you mean scones! I had to google a photo of an "American biscuit" to figure out what you meant. Yeah, you can add scones/biscuits to the list of things this versatile pan can do. I think Lodge should give us a cut of their profits.
    2 points
  15. This says it all @MacKenzie. It took EVERYTHING in your fridge to make that chicken breast taste good!
    2 points
  16. Hi John and welcome, Alimac beat me to it but as regarding roti gear I've got both baskets but haven't used them yet (I'm sure i will though) if your cooker is out in the elements recommend getting a cover for it.
    2 points
  17. Hi John! I've just gone through this process myself and had a BB32 imported into Perth. Dennis and his team make the whole process extremely simple from start to finish, the hardest part is choosing the colour and whether you want tile or pebble finish. From order to patio, mine took 9 weeks, but i hit Ramadan which slowed things down by 2 or 3 weeks, the other guys from Perth have all said that theirs took around the 6 week mark, i imagine it might take about the same time to get around the top to Queensland? Regarding the cold smoker, i can imagine it would be a useful accessory to have, but personally i just throw my wood chunks on top of the coals and wait until the dirty smoke stops before putting the food in. The import process is fairly simple, the KK team will ship the unit and assign an agent to it that is local to you, the agent will be in touch just before the unit hits your local port to arrange the payment of import duties etc and paperwork etc. I was also able to arrange delivery to my house through the agent was really useful. I'll message you regarding the import costs to Australia. Hope you find this useful, the others will be along shortly to fill in anything i've missed.
    2 points
  18. TY Jon - a bit of work but I had a 4 day weekend so I worked on an indoor house project while things were cooking. Made Mrs skreef happy in the process - win, win.
    2 points
  19. Sous vide the meat and then needed some colour just because I could. Plated with the last of my spinach, a sad day.
    1 point
  20. And, a true Southern biscuit is NOT a scone, honey!
    1 point
  21. @tekobo - the problem is ya'll don't speak plain English! And, a true Southern biscuit is NOT a scone, honey! It's so much better than that!
    1 point
  22. Break a leg, kid! That's one helluva Guru Challenge entry!!
    1 point
  23. Just to second many other's ideas here - Your list of accessories is a good start. Only add-on would be lots of boxes of cocochar, coffee wood chunks and charcoal, if allowed to be imported to Australia?? Yes on the basket splitter! It's a "must have" in my book. I like having both the roti spit rod/forks and baskets - use both equally. I also got a 3rd party accessory - the Octo-Forks, but I'm not a big fan of them. I always manage to cut myself either putting the food on the forks or taking it off after the cook. Plus, you end up having to tie many food items on with silicon bands or butcher's twine to keep stuff from falling off during the spinning. Kinda defeats the purpose of them in my book. I was an early adopter of the cast iron smoker pot and think it's a great tool, but I did get the cold smoker accessory when Dennis brought it out. I'm using it about as much as the cast iron pot - my challenge (which you won't have with a 32") is that I only have 1 port (your 32" will have 2) - so I can only use either the smoker or my Guru fan on a long cook. And on that topic, I've owned my Guru fan/controller for many years (longer than my KK.) I use mine on most longer cooks (> 4 hours), just for the piece of mind of not worrying about runaway temperatures. Since it's a 3rd party item, you can wait until you get your KK and then decide if you want one or not. I was an early Kickstarter backer of the MEATER wireless thermometer probes. Only way to actively measure food temperature during a rotisserie cook that's on the market as far as I know. All the other "wireless" temperature monitors have wired probes. If you don't have one the new Maverick XR-50 is a very nice setup. And last, but certainly not least - WELCOME to the Obsession! You'll understand once yours arrives and you start cooking on it!
    1 point
  24. I had a Smoke Daddy’s Big Kahuna from the BJoe days that I’ve retro-fitted for the KK, you tried any of that Pecan yet.
    1 point
  25. Welcome, I don't think I can add anything to what has already been posted about accessories. You will love the flavour of the food you cook on this beauty. Like everyone, I will be watching for the landing and unpacking pixs.
    1 point
  26. Welcome John. Glad to see the Aussie contingent growing. I have a 23 which is great for me. I do have a large family and when cooking for a large group I just do low and slows. I did 4large Boston butts that was served for a company function. It was a tight squeeze though. One day I may get a second but the advice most people give is get the largest one that the pocket can absorb. I love my 23 but would be tempted to go 32 if I had my chance again. I have the roti spit as well as the cradle. I seem to use the roti spit more often. Both are good for their own purposes. On the 32you can fit a suckling pig. I just use wood chunks or banksia cones for smoking. Works well. That said the cold smoker seems to be getting great reviews. May have to get one down the track. I have a basket splitter and use it often. It’s good for 2 zones as well as roti cooking. On the 23 you can use it so the back part of the kk is on direct heat for roti cooks. Shipping and import duties are pretty easy and nothing to worry about. Dennis works the shipping. He can advise of shipping agents. I can ping you what I paid which was mid last year. Dennis will be your friend during this process. If you speak to him about what type of cooking you will do he will advise of the best cooker. He is a gentleman and is not pushy at all. Also ask Dennis if he is stocking the Fireboard thermometers. I have one and it’s great. I had mine shipped from the US directly from Fireboard . He was looking at stocking them too. Pebble vs tiles is a personal choice. That said, I hear that people with pebbles are better looking. [emoji3] I use the pizza stone all the time. It’s a great! The cover is also great. Best to get all the assessories up front. Dennis may talk you out of some but you will kick yourself afterwards. Feel free to PM if you have any other questions. You will also find the folk in here very helpful. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. Its a Met Bronze Tekobo , your welcome anytime , Stay for a dinner !
    1 point
  28. I'd be super happy with that. Delicious looking meal. I hope you win!
    1 point
  29. Hey there John. Welcome to the circle of fanatics. I know that you have researched and decided but I would like to add the idea of having two KKs. It sounds like you cook for a number of people at once and having a second KK really increases the range of what you can do. Low and slow at the same time as grilling, sides, desserts, all come out great on using the KK(s). They are also so fuel efficient and air tight that you use much less fuel than you are used to and you can turn them off just as soon as you are done to preserve your coals for another cook. Also, turning them up for grilling/searing is fast and easy. Did I tell you I love my KKs? Don't forget your non-Dennis accessories. My current go-to's are my MAPP torch, leaf blower (I resisted for ages but they are great for getting the fire going), MEATER wireless thermometer and a super cheap ash vacuum cleaner. Oh yes, and I wouldn't be without my smoke pot. In the absence of a hot/cold smoker from Dennis it is a good, self contained way to get your smoke. Good luck and I look forward to following your journey.
    1 point
  30. Welcome! I'll let those with experience on the 32 (or live in Australia) answer your specific questions, but I think all of us would agree no matter what your expectations of a Komodo Kamado are from your research, the actual KK you receive will exceed them. It is a terrific cooker.
    1 point
  31. This was the dough I made up yesterday .00 and semolina. .on it goes. . Looking good . . . . Yum Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  32. I got given a dry aged tomahawk from the butchers that sponsor the team, been meaning to cook this all week and today was the day. Cooked using the reverse sear method. The KK performed flawlessly and got up to a high searing temp in a matter of minutes after I had finished cooking the steak to the desired temp. This was one absolutely sensational steak, one of, if not the best I’ve ever had!
    1 point
  33. Remember those chicken breasts the other day that tekobo raved about well here they are again. The last of my Lebanese Mountain Bread put to good use on a hot day. I need to make more. It is great to have on hand. I opened the fridge and took out every bottle, dish I could get my hands on for this wrap, including pickled chili pepper. There is mayo, tarragon mustard, relish, red onion, lettuce and orange pepper. Then came the chicken and the purple crack. Roll up the devil sandwich and we have lift off. and that's why there are chicken breasts.
    1 point
  34. So much for having it all in a summary thread - LOL Love me some Brunswick Stew. Pulled Pork from part 2.  The different components go in at different times along the way depending on how long they need to cook for. This is the very beginning.  Smoke rolling throughout the cook.  Fresh corn about to go in. I had a few other pictures but they were way crappy. Anyway towards the end the pulled pork and okra went in. Total time open top in the KK just shy of 7 hours at 300*.  Yup final cook is definitely going down tomorrow. Also I have a few gorgeous veal chops about to go on for tonight's dinner 
    1 point
  35. We will see if two headed reef is better than one.. Lol.. Sorry haven't been over here much. I lurk still but no cooks to post. Ckreef does most of it.. But wanted to say hi to everyone.
    1 point
  36. Loving all these cooks .was speaking with Dennis the other day and he metioned for the first time the 32 was out selling the 23 because of the 42..look honey I'm not getting the biggest one lol Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
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