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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2018 in all areas

  1. 2nd Update ! Unpacking Yes the Hyab had limited reach and couldn’t get it onto the flags so left me short by 4m or so , couldn’t obviously let the casters land in the gravel so I enlisted the help of a friendly neighbour who is one of those engineering thinking type of guys [emoji56] So we set to work building a step by step same level walkway all the way to the patio area eliminating the need to push it up hill . Thanks Frank [emoji2]. Removing the block footings that hold each foot of the 42” in place was the next job to release it from the Pallet. Honestly and thanks to Dennis and Rini at the factory you can’t believe how safely and securely this thing has been packed . Now the excitement was starting to build and I have resisted the temptation to rip off the cling film of this great beast and see her undressed in her true glory . I knew it wouldn’t be long now . Her final destination is the bottom end of patio down a small gradient where I have a nice secluded leafy private area but enough was enough I had to see this thing now . So I just undressed her there and then stood back and just smiled at her in awe , my expectations were great and did not disappoint. After opening her up and removing the obscene amount of some of the heaviest grating I have seen I realised time was ticking on . The nights fading now here in UK but I was determined to get this thing lit and get some heat through it before the cook [emoji67]‍[emoji505] turns up tomorrow [emoji2]. She’s a true beauty . Still not decided on my first cook but you all will get a final update for sure soon [emoji16]. Wahoo . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  2. Greetings KK’ers. Whilst on sabbatical, I have acquired a Mockmill and been experimenting with Fresh Milled flour. The flavor boost is incredible. Quickbreads require no adaptation at all (so far). My first two sourdough experiments have also been smashingly successful and superbly tasty. A demonstration for your amusement: The mill doing what it does...milling. A loaf of 50% fresh milled hard red spring wheat. The other 50% is Giusto’s Artisan bread flour. This was 84% hydration with only sourdough starter as leaven (no commercial yeast), and no other agents like ascorbic acid or vital wheat gluten. This was baked in a cast iron combo pot in my oven and the result was superb. Much better flavor than any whole wheat bread I’ve ever had. This week’s victim was Spelt Sourdough, using 30% fresh milled spelt, 30% fresh milled high extraction hard red spring wheat (high extraction == some bran removed using a 40 mesh sieve), and 40% Giusto’s Artisan. This was 85% hydration and only sourdough starter leaven. Also, no ascorbic acid or vital wheat gluten. Used an oblong banneton for proofing and oblong clay baker for...well...baking. Again, a superb result and incredible flavor.
    3 points
  3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1454087358252658/permalink/2083122702015784/
    3 points
  4. "welcome back Pequod, you're wonderful!". No charge...
    2 points
  5. Thanks! Mac gets it. Turns out flour has flavor! Who knew?? There's a compliment in there somewhere...I'll just go with, "thanks!" Thanks! @tekobo take note...that's how compliments are done! HEATHEN!!!
    2 points
  6. Tekobo wanted crackle let's face it the KK is the most moist cooker out there we all love our chicken the kj and green egg are hot and moist and the tin varieties are hot perfect for crackle .but the KK has the advantage of being able to dial done making it oven like .got myself a shoulder. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Started my pumpkin soup - Maybe I'd better cut it up first. Done after about an hour at 375- 400F. All scooped out and now I need to run to the store to get the heavy cream. Please stay tuned. I think this must be enough for two batches of soup so I will freeze half for the winter.
    1 point
  8. Can you make popsicles with them. Just askin. Would love to eat your punkin soup. You have a great camera or an incredible talent.
    1 point
  9. She’s a beauty alright ! As much as I’ve enjoyed reading all these posts from our friends across the pond doing these awesome Briskets [emoji67]‍[emoji505] , tonight belongs to a simple couple of 3” T Bones with a coating of Black Pepper & Garlic. Gonna flame these bad boys and go get myself a nice Rioja . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. WOW! All I can say. Can't wait ait to see that thing covered in meat!!
    1 point
  11. Not the 1st time I've been called that and I've been called much worse, trust me! No blood, no foul in my book.
    1 point
  12. @Pequod, there are two ways to play this life thing. There is what your mother/father told you: " if you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all". That might be good advice for me but I much prefer the other route. More interesting and you would be soooo bored if we all just said "welcome back Pequod, you're wonderful!".
    1 point
  13. The beefies turned out well, fall apart.
    1 point
  14. Awesome, you are going to need a wide angle lens to get those wonderful food shots.
    1 point
  15. And...? Looking forward to your results.
    1 point
  16. Way beyond me. I'll stick to King Arthur and be perfectly happy.
    1 point
  17. Grab a bag of lump and fill in the space just to be sure with some big chunks. Don't like chancing fuel on a cook rather be sure and confident the fire is going to stay. Happy birthday. Gotta crack open one of those boxes in the garage, gotta say though everyone says it burns forever, toss a coin, you feeling lucky
    1 point
  18. These have just gone in for dinner this evening. I love cooking beef ribs, so tasty!
    1 point
  19. This is amazing. Nicely done.
    1 point
  20. You're nuts, but in a good way. Good to see you back. I like your bread but I won't be milling anytime soon. Going to do a Chicago Southside thin pizza soon though. We've got friends who are very fussy about the particular sourdough pizza that they like. Not going to try to compete. Just aiming to shake their world with a bit of square cutting.
    1 point
  21. Sometimes the simple things are best. Tonight we started dinner with rocket (arugula to the Americans) and three different types of cured meat: KK smoked cured goose breast, proscuitto and capocollo. Followed by grilled quail. They look so small and vulnerable being cooked but they are so so so tasty! Shout out to Movida Next Door in Melbourne for introducing us to how wonderful the quail can be.
    1 point
  22. Pequod, both of those loaves have wonderful crumb, both loaves look beautiful too, and you just gotta love the taste of fresh milled flour.
    1 point
  23. Wahoo, great landing and in case you are wondering we women are interested in the whole process too. Looking forward to more of the story.
    1 point
  24. That's great, thanks Aussie. The link to @churchi's cook is v helpful and I will also look over at the links on other forums that others in that post referred to. My main concern is with the fat burn off. A porchetta is a loin (like churchi's cook) with the skin taken off and then wrapped in a belly. I live in a built up area and subjecting them to the fat burning off during the high temperature phase makes me a not so good neighbour. I will be interested to see how you go with the smoke and the cook.
    1 point
  25. All I had left was one box of the coco char which I want to use for a 1/2 pig tomorrow. You think one box is enough for a six hour 225 degree cook? I do, but it’s for my own 50th birthday party and don’t want to screw it up. [emoji51] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    0 points
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