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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2018 in all areas

  1. A new smoke house opened up about 10 mins. from me so I had them make me some sausages and I took them home to cook on my KK16. [emoji4] It's dark out there so early in the evening. A light supper that I named, Lunch. [emoji6]
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Thanks Tekobo I have the kitties set up in the master bedroom bathroom. I don’t use it, I use the bathroom in the guest room, long story. Anyway they seem happy and I’m happy. These are the first pets I’ve had in over 30 years. They say pets can help a person live longer so now maybe I’ll make it to 100 LOL
    4 points
  4. Yesterday was the day. My new 23" pebble arrived and we packed up the 23" Dark Autumn Nebula for the trip to Tom's house. Re-used all of the packaging that the new grill came with, even the shrink wrap (I took it off, rolling it onto a 2x3). Made an 8' wood ramp to ease the move into the trailer, used another piece of 1/2" ply to lay on the trailer floor (because of the ribbing). Screwed the ramp to the crate for added stability and ease of transport. Covered with a tarp in the event of rain. from start of unpacking the new grill to stop of loading the 23" Nebula; approximately 4.25 hrs.
    3 points
  5. I was just going to send these pictures to @Aussie Ora in a private message but then thought others may be interested in seeing the comparison. Maybe I can tempt Aussie to take one of the remaining 16's off of Dennis's hands . I have owned the Joe Jr. for about 3 years. Like Aussie, I love that little cooker for small and fast cooks. Used it so much that I told myself I would never be without a mini kamado. Thus when Dennis announced discontinuing the 16 size, I had to get one. The Joe Jr. is going to the family cottage. Here is a side by side picture of the two cookers. The Joe has a slide vent with a Daisy wheel. The KK comes with 2 grates. The Joe comes with one grate, a stand to support the upper cooking level and the heat deflector. I use a pie pan as a drip pan and it fits in between the deflector and the cooking grate. Here is a picture of the round Joe grate on top of the upper KK grate. Both grates are hinged to be able to add charcoal or smoking wood. Here is a picture of the charcoal baskets. The Joe Jr. has a Kick Ash Basket in it. Picture of the lowest cooking position. Picture of the upper cooking position. (no picture of the KK with the lower grate on top of the upper grate for the 3 position). Comments: The Joe Jr. is around 65+ lbs. and is more portable, however it was too heavy to use safely on the boat (bought an Acorn Jr. for the boat). At the same temp cook, the KK burns less charcoal than the Joe (and it hardly uses any) even with stabilizing the KK at cooking temp. They both heat up to temp in about the same time.......the Joe a little faster maybe. The KK holds way more charcoal than the Joe for longer cooks. I put a ceramic plate in the bottom of the Joe under the fire basket to protect the bottom of the Joe...appeared to be a weak spot to me. In just two cooks I found that I could control and maintain temps easier on the KK. The major difference is the quality. The Joe is fragile. The KK is a tank. I have been ready for a new gasket on the Joe for about a year. I have been lucky (careful) and have not cracked the Joe firebox....not going to happen on the KK. For me it boiled down to quality and longer life. I really like using this size cooker and wanted to make sure I would always have one. I was told by someone "in the know" that the Joe Jr. sales were not flying out the door, so who knows if it will be available in the future??? The KK will become my "go to" small cooker and the Joe Jr. will live out it's remaining years at the family cottage. Grab a 16" KK TT before they are gone (Aussie)(Ha!!!!!)
    2 points
  6. At least we made it to November before we got our 1st snow this season. Less than 1" last night, but it counts as the 1st official snow. Should be gone by mid-day.
    2 points
  7. Nice snags, MacKenzie. I'm also lucky that I have a local buddy in the sausage business.
    2 points
  8. It works, you are going to be the proof.
    2 points
  9. Agreed, at least some kind of deal going on there
    2 points
  10. I know you were only joking lol .I just started mucking around with my picks . I'm fortunate enough to get hold of some quality ribs . I trim the fat completely off the top and score the bottom . And dust it with purple crack on the bottom it permeates through and aids in the ring Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  11. Looks good Mackenzie. It probably wasn't an accident that a smokehouse opened near you. I wish I could get that kind of respect.
    2 points
  12. Yeah, that color did look a little like "photoshop" to me, too!
    2 points
  13. Fat chance of that working out for you, Jon!
    2 points
  14. To say Tucker is an amazing person is an understatement He went above and beyond and then some to ensure my used KK got the love his new one did in shipping I drove it home today which is about 3.5 to 4 hours and it arrived without a scratch My coworkers this it looks like a faberge egg it is going to move from the trailer to my backyard lanai this afternoon once the muscles arrive to help I am very excited to fire it up for the first time
    1 point
  15. And the top of the crate is a ramp for rolling it off the pallet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Sorry forgot to attach [emoji3061] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Nice writeup, Jon! I have the baby Grill Dome, but haven't used it in years. With a basket splitter in the KK, I can do all the small cooks that I used to do in the Grill Dome.
    1 point
  20. One of those doesn't match. I wonder if anything could be done? The new kk looks awesome!
    1 point
  21. Only teasing, they look lovely, vibrant mode or not. I just love how you get the ribs falling off the bone and juicy at the same time.
    1 point
  22. What lovely cats Bruce! I think you have made that sink way too cosy for them to choose any other place to sleep. I see food, a nice warm towel lining and no room for you to have a brush and a shave. Have fun, little kittens are great to have around.
    1 point
  23. What a little beauty [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  24. Tee hee. Are you sure that you are not just painting them on? Your smoke rings are so beautiful.
    1 point
  25. Well. I have to say that I am in love with Black Betty. It is great to be able to live out my 16TT fantasies through you. Glad that she fits right in with your arsenal.
    1 point
  26. Awesome! I love the fact that you have managed to hide a KK. Even a 16" is a thing of some substance. Good luck with the will!!!
    1 point
  27. Hi Jon, The new grill looks great....If my wife would not have a heart attack I would get one of these also
    1 point
  28. I always like your cooks Mac, they look delicious. Now I want to cook some sausages. Speaking of cats my daughter talked me into adopting two little kitties Mika and Sheeba they are about 13 weeks old now. They like to sleep in the sink go figure?
    1 point
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