Greetings KK’ers. Whilst on sabbatical, I have acquired a Mockmill and been experimenting with Fresh Milled flour. The flavor boost is incredible. Quickbreads require no adaptation at all (so far).
My first two sourdough experiments have also been smashingly successful and superbly tasty. A demonstration for your amusement:
The mill doing what it does...milling.
A loaf of 50% fresh milled hard red spring wheat. The other 50% is Giusto’s Artisan bread flour. This was 84% hydration with only sourdough starter as leaven (no commercial yeast), and no other agents like ascorbic acid or vital wheat gluten. This was baked in a cast iron combo pot in my oven and the result was superb. Much better flavor than any whole wheat bread I’ve ever had.
This week’s victim was Spelt Sourdough, using 30% fresh milled spelt, 30% fresh milled high extraction hard red spring wheat (high extraction == some bran removed using a 40 mesh sieve), and 40% Giusto’s Artisan. This was 85% hydration and only sourdough starter leaven. Also, no ascorbic acid or vital wheat gluten. Used an oblong banneton for proofing and oblong clay baker for...well...baking.
Again, a superb result and incredible flavor.