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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2019 in all areas

  1. Two miles from my home unbeknownst to me a Sausage factory exists, a small house you would pass on this country road if you weren't looking. Set aside of it was a large shed occupying the business end and I stopped in and picked a provolone basil sausage to go along with a Sockeye salmon I chose at another market. The woman inside had various flavors of sausages and was in business since 1986. She was presently cooking ribs on a 250 Gallon old oil tank outside of the shed and that was split to open having an attached wood stove vented in. The cooker was covered by a nice old large shed roof with a detachable assembly for the the smoke stack. She offered a Sweet Italian sausage with stewed tomatoes but was all out, tomorrow we'll return to purchase that item. Didn't have my camera to shoot the cooker but tomorrow I'll remember and post it's unique figure. Her Dad started the business, she keeps it going. Two miles as the crow flies, 5 miles through winding roads for me, that is why I never found it.
    6 points
  2. I had two thighs left over from my Cornell chook cook that were still marinating .decided to ark up Jr..Looking good..Ready to go. .and plated with a side of kale sweet potato and feta. . Yum the longer this marinates the more moreish they become. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    5 points
  3. If you look on one end red, a lobster, blue, a crab and shrimp between. Artist drawn and found at a antique store. You see I sometime drop one on occasion and the wife although is slow to anger I always replace with a better piece. This can't go on indefinitely.
    3 points
  4. Skip the seafood kebabs. Actually sounds like lots of fun and great eats.
    3 points
  5. It can be quite windy around here so I thought a heat shield was in order. A friend on mine whipped this stainless L shaped one and I can flip it over depending on if the wind is coming from the left or right. This is heavy duty stainless steel and it will not be flopping around. I added a small fist full of hickory pellets, maybe too much. These potatoes were already boiled. Done, it took about 20-25 mins. Plated.
    2 points
  6. I finally got my hands on a Komodo Kamado Cold Smoker. This thing is awesome. It burns pellets and/or chips and uses an aquarium air pump to inject smoke into your KK either through your Guru port or (for newer model KK's) a dedicated Cold Smoker port. It arrived earlier this week. I've tested it twice so far. I have a high end aquarium air pump and a two gang valve to control the air flow (more air = more smoke). It comes apart without any tools to simplify cleaning. I'm using B&B Cherry pellets. To start it up you put about 1/3 cup of pellets in the hopper tube. You then soak about 2 Tbsp's of pellets in alcohol for a few minutes. Drop the soaked pellets in the tube and light it with a long camping lighter from the side hole, leave the top cap off. After the alcohol burns off (10 minutes) your pellets are burning and smoldering. Fill the hopper with pellets and turn on the air pump and set to high. After a few minutes it's rolling out smoke. Once that was done I set the air pump to low and added a tray with 5 cups of Blueberries. 1 1/2 hours later it's still smoking good. The KK didn't really go up in temp (top temp cold smoker KK, bottom temp KK sitting next to it). Time to pull the Blueberries.  After that was done I kept the cold smoker going and fired up the KK for a low-n-slow rib cook. 5 hours after I fired up the Cold Smoker it's still going strong. Temperature running a little high but I didn't try and bring it down as the ribs went on sort of late in the day and I really want to eat sometime tonight. A nice wisp of smoke. Ribs not done yet (lower temperature) but they are coming along bathed in smoke. A look inside the hopper tube. After 5 hours of smoke the hopper tube is still more than 1/2 full. Did I mention how awesome this is. This thing would easily run 10+ hours set to low with a full hopper of pellets. Cold smoked salmon coming soon
    1 point
  7. Here we go, doctored up a centre cut piece of pork loin with granulated garlic, lots of black pepper and some smoked paprika for this special cook. On to spin with some apple smoke. Done. It was juicy. Plated. Then I realized I had forgotten to plate the spinach. and where is the salad dressing? Back to the fridge. The Meater worked perfectly. It is so nice to see how the spin is going without opening the lid. BTW, Bruce this cook is for you.
    1 point
  8. How true. Interested in what kind of appetizers you may have in the works. Will you light your guests on fire with spice or take the subtle approach. And the beef, it looks like a winner. If your interested look this one up on Utube,,Smoked Salmon Spread in Cucumber Cup. I did that for my daughters wedding shower as an hors d'oeuvers. Changed it around by cooking the salmon the day before in a traditional way of salt, brown sugar, pepper and dry dill. Made the mix as stated and added cold diced cooked scallops and shrimp. Made 3 dishes and all disappeared. Cold appetizer My wife didn't like my first idea of placing the salmon on a plate surrounded by crackers. Gotta admit this was better.
    1 point
  9. So as promised, pictures of the place. This place is definitely going to be a keeper for sausage night or those special guests. She had quite the selection of sausages obviously but, inclusive were things like candied jalapenos, chilli with 5 local contest trophy's for it on display, bangers, bratwurst, ribs, pulled pork southern style and a variety of marinated meats. Inside the small shop a wood stove sat in corner for winter heat and the inside was all dressed in old knotty pine as well as the floor. A picture of the cooker shows a 250-300 gallon oil tank one would have kept in there cellar as heating fuel storage tank. With the advent of LPG and natural gas piping many converted for it's cleanliness and convenience and some storage tanks were lucky enough to end up as bbq cookers. As I looked out her business window I couldn't help and comment to her from seeing the plants on her back deck how well her marijuana plants were doing. She smiled,..... and assured me they were not in the sausage. I said, you never know...could be a big seller. The splitting area for wood was right out of a magazine, wood stacked under a shed roof quite a distance and about 7feet tall with a number of rows, all oak, white and red. The place just reeked BBQ ambience. So here it is, not the greatest photographer so excuse the lack of detail in quality
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Wow what a feast. Looks yummy
    1 point
  12. Yeah those wings look delicious yum yum yum!
    1 point
  13. I'd munch on them for sure yum Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Nice looking spread @Tyrus. Looking forward to seeing pictures of their operation when you return.
    1 point
  15. Congrats, Tyrus - What a find! Not that we're lacking for good food in these parts, but a little mom and pop (or father and daughter) smokehouse would be a great add to the quiver of places to shop.
    1 point
  16. Tyrus, that looks like a feast.
    1 point
  17. That lump of meat looks superb. Tekabo I'd season this with your favourite spices, leave it in the fridge for at least 10 hours then slow cook it straight from the fridge with the KK temp around 90C- 100C until the meat comes 5C short of the internal temp you like, then crank up the heat and reverse sear. For me, final meat temp is around 50C. For my wife it's closer to 60C. If you like blue, and judging by your last sous vide cook, maybe your preferred final temp is about 45C. Not many people can handle blue. 50- 55C is our preferred compromise? It looks like there is enough marbling in this chunk to handle a long slow cook. The longer time in the KK will allow an even colour and texture distribution through a big chunk of meat and a smokey crust............ mmm, I can smell it! Good luck with the cook. I'm going to have to order my KK this week. This website is driving me crazy.
    1 point
  18. You're teasing me, right. ROFL
    1 point
  19. Sabotage! Some people actually LIKE seafood, Mac.
    1 point
  20. Did the usual marinade in Frank's Hot Sauce, then shook have in a bag with Panko and just left the other half alone. I liked them both, these wings were nice and juicy.
    1 point
  21. Looks like you did sort of a "Shake-n-Bake" on half of those wings, MacKenzie. What was the prep?
    1 point
  22. I called it a heat shield in the title, it should have been wind shield. That is what it was designed for but I did notice that it is an excellent heat shield as well.
    1 point
  23. Looks delicious. I like your wind shield.
    1 point
  24. So, I have been waiting for some months now for some more funky old cow. I finally got a message last week, offering me some strip loins and a rump on the bone. I replied, yes, yes please! Feeling a little overwhelmed now that it has all arrived. 27kg of sirloin steak and a whole rump. What can I say? Wow.
    1 point
  25. Yes, the difference between pellets and chips is remarkable. However, not all pellets are created equal. I tried pellets when I first got my cold smoker two year ago and found that they left an unnatural, tar-like residue. Cheap, no-name pellets. Tried pellets again earlier this year, but sought out higher quality pellets from cookinpellets.com. Worked like a charm. No going back.
    1 point
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