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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2019 in all areas

  1. You can fit so many pizzas on the 42! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  2. I had an outdoor kitchen built and I am not kidding I wish I didn’t have my gas grill. I use the Evo for breakfast and Komodo every weekend. No regrets whatsoever! Worth every penny in fact my wife’s cousin who bought my old KJ is considering switching! I haven’t quite nailed down my pizza yet. I think I have to heat soak the stone some more. Suggestions? Oh yea the power burner is for brewing beer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. Probably just easier to link to my Youtube channel. But I'll post a few extra pics too. Here is my current CNC mill setup. Myself and a group of friends decided to take an existing mill and slowly upgrade it to what we really wanted. R8 spindle with TTS adapter and power draw bar, heavy duty frame and soon linear rails along with an automatic tool changer. All the upgrades were designed and built from scratch. One of the guys builds the spindles and has a CNC grinder to make the spindle shafts. My YouTube Channel My Emco turret lathe. 1986 vintage that I completely overhauled and added all new control electronics. After pics - updated with an Acorn controller with PLC and temp controlled fan to keep things cool. Before pics. Used to be a large 3 phase motor here and the old electronics were in a separate cabinet. This little BLDC motor I added has 3 times the HP the 3 phase motor had and about 1/25 the weight...LOL.
    2 points
  4. I used to have a CNC machine but sold it about a year ago
    2 points
  5. Bruce, as promised here are some pixs of my garden. One radish plant went to blossom and this is the blossom. Lettuce that was munched on by a groundhog. Not much left of the peas after two groundhogs had them for lunch. I live trapped them and they are now no longer anywhere near my garden. Global basil. Garlic chives are in blossoms at the moment. Peppers are starting to form. Plum tomatoes. Should be a good harvest. Potatoe plants are in bloom. Rhubarb. Pansies in the corner. Tomatoes are in cages, onions to the right. Yellow beans are going to be ready very soon. I love those things. Wax begonia in the ODK. This was the garden a few short weeks ago.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. That's my kind of thinking
    1 point
  8. I understand about space issues. My small CNC room is in the process of getting a major overhaul. Running more power to it right now and switching out all my equipment to sit on top of tool chests so they will be easier to move around as needed. Right now, two sit on a large table, but as soon as I get my new mill enclosure, it's going on a cart just like the Emco lathe above. The small manual mill will easily go on a cart. Once all of that is done, the table is gone and space will be available again. My first back surgery I think was in 2005. It was a cleanout and was younger so it wasn't bad, but only lasted a little under a decade. Second one was a fusion which failed and causes a third to happen within 1 1/2 years (now fused L4/L5/S1). Unfortunately fusions just ruin the discs above and that's already happening about 3 years later (L2/L3/L4). So trying to get everything setup for my retirement now while it's possible. I'm afraid the next surgery will put a damper on my ability to create these upgrades / add ons and new setups. Doing PT and everything else to push it out as far as possible, as there's way too many more projects I want to get finished first....LOL. Trying not to be stupid about them and carefully planning them, little by little.
    1 point
  9. Nice press. Has cider making all over it! When I retired a few years back, I brought in my contractor to build me a brewing room in my basement, so I don't have to haul anything up/down stairs anymore to brew or clean. As I get older, I'll probably buy a scissor lift of some sort so I don't have to lift carboys of wort anymore. Even though I've shifted to all plastic because of the weight of the glass ones, they can still get a bit heavy when full.
    1 point
  10. A regular pizza parlor!
    1 point
  11. Doubt I'll ever go 5 axis on my mill, since it's a rare case to actually need 5 degrees of motion around a central plane (X,Y,Z and basically pan/tilt) and it severely limits your work envelope. Though I do plan on adding a 4th axis and maybe a trunnion table to it, which will allow turning a part. I enjoy designing and building. It's just something I have to do or go crazy. After my second back surgery, started to go a little nuts without the ability to do things. I turned to small hobbies which allowed me to sit and build. For a while I had a side business building custom electronic vaping devices and accessories. It was mostly just 3D printed stuff and used a pro facility to print after doing the prototyping at home. Then got my first lathe and started turning accessories. Was also back at work (barely able) and that got old making stuff for other people and working 12 hr rotating shifts. So after 2 years of doing that, decided to stop and go full on into the CNC world as just a hobby. But it would take me a while and wasn't going to ruin it by trying to turn it into a business again. Finally after the 3rd surgery, which allowed me to finally walk normal again, was able to really get started with all my CNC equipment, piece at a time. Due to lifting restrictions, it had to be equipment which could be taken apart in small pieces, placed and rebuilt. Moved from working shift to a day desk job (with 3 day weekends) and now have just been building and adding on, little by little as my back allows. I'm extremely fortunate to have met up with a group of friends with similar interest. While I have zero interest in the business side, the other two guys are young engineers and wanted a side business. So mainly just been helping them develop products, doing CAD work / beta testing and both of them are now selling the add-ons we made. Really close now to having a 100% complete mill without any premade mill parts coming from a commercial seller. Except of course motion control hardware and software, but they aren't selling that portion since everyone has their own preference. This stuff is mainly for the DIY crowd and not the turn key folks. LOL...they have been trying to talk me into building the electronics boxes for the setup (since that is my background), but still not interested in selling anything. Anyway, it's been a fun ride so far. We still have a lot of work to do, but keeps me occupied with interesting things to build.
    1 point
  12. Awesome looking ODK! Looks like a gas grill unit. I'm guessing you could yank that out of there and replace it with something different/better. Just have to figure out what to replace it with.
    1 point
  13. Can't wait to see what you're up to these days. Glad to have you back and posting again!
    1 point
  14. I am a big proponent of Powdered Brewers Wash (PBW) to soak/clean the grates, rotisserie gear, etc. Works great, cuts through greasy gunk easily, just rinse off with a wet sponge, towel, etc. Easy Peasy.
    1 point
  15. Updating pics that were lost. Yup, another item sold off due to life after 3 back surgeries. But I have new toys that are small enough for me to work with now and provide lots of enjoyment. Will add a new post of my hobbies now.
    1 point
  16. Wow Mac that is quite a garden
    1 point
  17. Gorgeous garden MacKenzie! You show that groundhog who's boss!
    1 point
  18. What a shame Tony. At 2 ft you might be in range to try a trick that I use to beat blight. You give up on expecting a long season and instead cut the leading shoot off, two leaf axils above the first set of flowers you get. That means you get just one bunch of tomatoes per plant but they are forced to form early and quickly because you have stopped the plant putting energy into leaves. Helps if you have a short season too. There is another trick that I have not tried: making new plants from the little shoots that you pinch out between the leaf axils. Should accelerate new plant production if you want another round of plants before the season's end. Might try it myself.
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the tip @PVPAUL. I used the Vindulge recipe. They are super yummy and I have had left over burnt ends for breakfast a couple of times to counter pangs from looking at photos on this forum. Why were there any left over? I didn't tell anyone about them when I first made them, that's why.
    1 point
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