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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2019 in all areas

  1. The contractions are getting closer together. The mid-wife has arrived. Just in the waiting room hoping to hear news. Oh I can't keep this metaphor up - the container ship arrived at port and the 32" Big Bad is being unloaded. Just waiting for the delivery company to call with a drop off date which should be sometime next week. What am I going to cook on it first? Current mood:
    2 points
  2. I am making 2 sourdough loaves of bread and had some leftover ground wheat berries. What to do with this fresh whole wheat flour, pasta came to mind and I was off to the races. Picked an onion, garlic, basil, and tomatoes from the garden. Dinner.
    2 points
  3. I bought the Smartfire for my husband's birthday gift a couple weeks ago. Everything works great! Instead of punching out the ceramic plug in the front, he drilled a 1" keyhole in the rear vent plate. Not sure if everyone has a rear vent. When we bought our KK, we purchased it with the gas burner (never used), so it has a rear vent. Below is a link to the piece of piping he used. He added a cap for when he is not using the Smartfire. He and my son ran a test cook (no meat, just a basket of coals) and it performed well, so the next day we went on a hike all day while cooking pork shoulder. It was nice to be able to check the app throughout the day to see that things were stable and the meat was making steady progress. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MXXYMSW/?coliid=I2B0B3Z6GW3PB1&colid=W2YAI4BADZ8B&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
    2 points
  4. I think when I saw the 627KG packing weight that I realised continuing the birth metaphor might be problematic! 😮
    2 points
  5. 19 days into the drying phase. 24 days from curing beginning. After the first week of drying there was no weight loss. 5 days into the week I realised my condenser tray was blocked and the moisture was staying in the cold room rather than being taken away. This was creating a more humid environment than usual. Weighed this morning and noticed even when I picked up the pieces that the cheese cloth was very dry and the meat was firmer. Weight has dropped from 2 kg's down to 1.84 kg's.- close to 10%. and more importantly, no signs of mould or bacteria smells nutty, herby,and slightly smokey. At this rate I'd guess it'll be closer to 2 months drying in the cold room. Target weight is 1.2 kg.
    2 points
  6. Garden salsa and med rare tri tip, that's what I'm talking about. But the fries? Are they under the plate ,Aussie?
    2 points
  7. All, attached are some photos of my new 21” that I received yesterday. Uncrating and everything went well. Planing my first cook on the grill tonight .....some Cornish hens, sweet potatoes and corn. I’ll work on taking a picture of this as well. The one issue I’m having is the clearance on the spit rod. I understand how to adjust the length of the rod, however when I finally get the clearance to insert rod on both sides it looks like it will fall out of the left side (not stay seated) of the grill. I’m concerned that when I go to use this it will not spin properly or stop spinning altogether. Any suggestions out here in forum land is much appreciated. (Note I’ve successfully set up the length on my 32” and have no issues with this) I’m also excited that I was able to order 20 boxes of CoCo charcoal and 1 box of Coffee Charcoal. I’m going to give away 2 boxes of coco char to some friends with BGE’s in hope that they like it and will want to do a combo / pallet buy the next time I need some. Who knows.......maybe they will even convert to becoming KK owners!!! Best, Paul
    2 points
  8. Love the peach glaze on lamb bloody awesome Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Fresh pasta. Naturally. We’d expect nothing less from you!!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I needed fajitas and margaritas a couple of weeks ago after a solid day unpacking. I picked up that gallon yeti when I was living in Austin; buy one if you don’t own one - so good!! Make one batch of margaritas and they last all arvo and evening
    1 point
  12. Hand forged in Serbia. 1.07 lbs and extra sharp. Tried it out on some chicken tonight. If you get your finger in there it would be a full clean amputation. Pack it in ice and head to the hospital. I'll hide it from Mrs skreef at night just in case I pissed her off and she's feeling a little Iike Loraina Bobbit. LOL
    1 point
  13. Sure you didn't get from the Autopsy room lol .nice score Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Eighteen years ago I was in my office at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC, getting ready to drive to a meeting in Crystal City near the Pentagon, when the news started coming in about the twin towers in New York. First one -- a weird accident -- and then the other -- no accident. A bunch of us were standing around a TV when my friend Ted called and told me to run upstairs to the big back window of our building facing the Pentagon. I did. We stood there watching it burn, with a huge cloud of smoke starting to drift our direction across the river. A short while after that the lab director closed the facility and dismissed everyone. Simultaneously, the security folks closed the gates and put us on lockdown (government operation, or what??), preventing us from leaving. All of the folks in my division went outside to the parking lot -- we figured it was safer there than to be in a building at a military research lab in what was clearly a target area. We stood there in the cloud of smoke. Rumors started spreading of the State Department being hit. And maybe another blast near the Capitol. Then we heard booms in the distance. Lots of anguish and even more confusion. Are we at risk? Are we at war? Later we learned that the booms were from USAF jets being scrambled from Langley AFB to intercept Flight 93 had it made it that far. Finally, after hours of standing in smoke and confusion, they opened the gates and we drove home, watching the rest of the events on TV, holding our families close. Eerily silent skies, except for the one aircraft we heard later that evening...the return of Air Force One heading to Andrews AFB. The next day the stories started coming in. Of friends who were in the Pentagon being knocked to the floor and evac'ing on foot. Others who were dangerously close to the point of impact and barely made it out. Another...a colleague...I never heard from again because he was on Flight 77. As divided as we are today, it's often hard to remember that on that day -- 9/12 -- for a brief moment we became one.
    1 point
  15. Lest we forget . I remember waking up at 4 am getting ready for work turned on the tv and seen the planes hit I thought it was a movie and carried on getting ready .was not until I was driving to work listening to the radio it sunk in that was not a movie. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Yeah def looking forward to it. Honestly I will probably only use the Traeger for chicken and quick smoke items. Made some killer smoked meatballs on the Traeger this weekend. Biggest issue for me is that I always cover my grills when not in use. KK takes a long time to cool down so I tend not to use a Kamado grill if rain will happen before I can cover it. I used my KJ a couple times in the rain but I typically like to avoid it. That being said, I might be being over protective but when I have so much invested in bbqs, I like to protect them. Also have mesquite logs and like to cook some over an open fire
    1 point
  17. Our town just lost a State Trooper who went down to Ground Zero with his canine partner to help with the rescue efforts. He became sick shortly after returning and was fighting serious respiratory related issues for many years. He was a great guy. Brought his dog into our warehouse many times for training purposes. Sad reminder of the issues that many of the first responders are still facing.
    1 point
  18. Colourful and moist looking, had to taste great.
    1 point
  19. Bit late but turned out great ... . Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. KK pizza, cherry tomatoes, jalapeno pepper, and mushrooms. The jalapeno pepper was straight from the garden and it was so hot, I've never had one that hot. Sprinkle on a little basil.
    1 point
  22. Baked Mostaccioli on the 42 KK. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. A special breakfast this morning, a double yolk egg, one with Black Urfa Chili, one with Silk Chili and both with Zanibar Black Pepper. Also KK breakfast, homemade sourdough bread, fresh greens and ripe cherry tomatoes from the garden.
    1 point
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