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  1. I have now owned mine for 2+ years.it is under a canvas cover on a roofed pavilion. You can see pictures of it in the forum 'see a kk in your area'. I live in NE Florida, a lot of rain & insects, spiders, etc... I do not have either a rust issue or an insect issue. The steel and finish they use for these is top notch. However, I do expect rust at some point because it is only natural, hell I get surface rust on the best stainless at times. You just clean it up an move on; its called 'life' and it always happens. If you buy the cover they offer and use it once the grill cools, keep the surfaces clean, you'll be fine. Remember, it is a tool, use it like you stole it, enjoy it and don't sweat the little stuff.
    5 points
  2. One of life's great pleasures is to eat in Italy when a particular ingredient is in season. When white truffles are in they are (relatively) cheap and are used generously on eggs, steak, pasta, anything and everything. Don't judge truffles by the overpriced stuff we get in our shops. Getting truffles direct from the man who went out with his dog to find and dig them up the day before feels like a drug deal and gives you the same high. Note: I am not advocating drug taking but I do advocate that you don't pass on truffles if you get to eat them close to source.
    5 points
  3. Yummy. Here is the 16 looking pretty. Rapicca gloves were good for taking the hot smoke pot out after the quail reached 64C IT. Took quails off, raised the temp, basted the quail and put back on to finish. Took about five minutes. Maybe I should have used the lower grate to get crisp quicker. Finger lickin' good.
    4 points
  4. I didn't respond to @buzilo's question when I first saw it because it confused me but I didn't know why. On reflection, just before I went to bed, I thought that the answer must be "it depends". Happily, @Pequod agrees. I have my 32 in a permanent half basket config for two zone cooking. That half basket is probably equivalent to a 23 basket and, as Pequod said, you can generate more airflow through the 32 and so it lights very quickly. Therefore, for a hot and fast cook the 32 is quicker and for heat soaking to cook bread or pizza it is slower. No precise timings here because...it depends.
    3 points
  5. You mean like this one? [insert evil laugh here!]
    3 points
  6. Truffle is a very strong flavor and aroma, if you've even had it plain, so it doesn't take very much at all. The upside of being so expensive. One of the chef tricks is if you're making truffle omelets, you put a small piece of truffle in a plastic bag with the eggs, still in the shell, and let them "marinate" for a couple of days. The egg shells are permeable and the truffle flavor infuses the eggs without overpowering them, plus you can do a lot of eggs with just a small piece of truffle!
    3 points
  7. Thank you Mac, I know what you meant...... I think! Had a couple of hungry boarders over for the weekend. Spit roast pork leg with veges tucked around the edges. Cauliflower, spuds, sweet spuds and pumpkin. The pork was boned out and filled with cumin, onion powder, chillie powder, pepper, butter and purple crack. Initial smoke with some tea tree bark- aka paperbark. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  8. Title says it all, I put a 32” BB on order in matte black. What are the must have accessories? I’m going to do a basket divider for certain along with a cover. Rotisserie, baking stone, side shelves, double wall drip pan, and coco char are also considerations.
    2 points
  9. For those interested, here is my review of the Worksharp ken onion sharpening tool. Given this tool uses a belt that flexes when blade pressure is pushed upon the belt, it creates a convex edge to the blade. Although I understood the theory of honing a convex edge, until I had achieved this, you really can’t appreciate the difference. The edge doesn’t feel as sharp against your skin, but don’t underestimate how sharp it is when slicing. I can get a razor edge on stones that look and felt sharper than what this tool can do, however, my knives now slice equally well, AND, keep the sharp edge for easily twice the amount of cutting. In fact, I haven’t had to resharpen yet. The one downside is yes, the guides can leave a rub line about 20mm from the edge. There is an extension to this tool with larger belts designed to free run the blade without guides to overcome this- I don’t have this extension, maybe later. It’s easy to use, quick, and provides a longer lasting edge. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. @Tyrusasked, "what's cooking?" on another thread. Not a lot outdoors recently. Toooo cold. Today I am braving the cold and smoking these four quail. Normally I just cook them with salt and pepper but today I am trying out a recipe. This is the first stage with the Pitt Cue Co House Rub. Now then, which KK to use? @MacKenzie had said in the past that the challenge with a 16 is the short distance between the fire box and your food. So I considered the 23. No, I have that set up for pizza cooks and it has a full basket. This cook was better suited to a half basket. Try the 32? It is all set for two zone cooking. Really? A 32 to cook four little quail? Naaaa. So I have got the 16 going with my smoke pot between the birds and the fire. Will report back on how it all turns out.
    2 points
  11. You jest. Getting hold of the best truffles in season and at the right price involves going into the back of shops or standing at a particular place at a particular time, waiting for your "drop". I write down the price per gram each time and the further you get from the person who dug it up themselves, the higher the price got. Unsurprisingly. The best deal was this bag of free black truffles that a friend passed on to us when he and others had had a full day of truffle related cooks and could not finish the haul that they had somehow wangled from somewhere. Truffles. The real deal.
    2 points
  12. Good tip tony. Thanks. I find truffle a little overpowering too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. It also depends on what you mean by “heat up”. If you mean heat soaked, then due to mass it will take longer. If you mean ready for direct grilling, my 32 is ready faster than my 23. Larger top/bottom vents means more airflow. It’s surprisingly agile for a big guy.
    2 points
  14. I have done Rib Roasts before on the KK. I am doing one tonight but am going to first start it in the oven at 500* for 15 minutes, then put it in the KK to cook and slightly smoke. After the initial cook in the oven, what is the ideal temp to cook in the KK ? Thank you.
    1 point
  15. Hi all!...... I recently lucked into a 2012 Autumn Nebula 23”. Many thanks to those who posted advice and pictures on how to safely transport one without the crate. The only hiccup was not paying attention to the brake light until the pedal started going all the way to the floor. A little brake fluid and problem solved, well almost, but I did make it home without any damage. The previous owner took great care and it looks amazing. The grates have some issues and I’ll post pictures when I get a chance for some advice on how to clean and repair. I’m replacing my 20 year old K7 that has served us well, but it is nothing like the KK. I’ll find a good home for it. My wife has an idea for a new location for the KK since it’s so beautiful. As soon as it’s ready I’ll be firing it up. Thanks again for all the informative posts and great pictures!
    1 point
  16. How long does it take to heat up? I am debating a 23 or 32 I know it’s a big difference. Currently have a 21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Congrats on the decision to invest mstang. You may find the half grate useful if you like to reverse sear. Set up searing grate in, close to the fire and bring your food to within 10% of desired temperature on the half grate- it sits much further from the flame. You can then reverse sear your food without shuffling hot grates around Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Pssst, hey man, wanna buy some white truffles - good shit, man, grew them myself!
    1 point
  19. Welcome @mstang1988! I would say all of those considerations are things worth buying. The one that some never seem to use is the double wall drip pan but I can see it coming in very handy for either catching juices or just stopping flare ups from fatty foods. I am straining to remember what I picked for my matte black 32 and the only thing I did not get was the side shelves/wings.
    1 point
  20. Hi Kirby, Where in NC do you live? I've been lurking on this site since last fall and weighing the pros and cons of jumping in with both feet while reading as many posts as I can. This week I saw where Dennis put the picture of the Autumn Nebula tiles on the website, and thought that just might be the push I need. Seeing the picture of your grill in that color may have pushed me a little closer to the edge.
    1 point
  21. They offer a custom cover but it's $575 and i just couldn't bring myself to get it, especially since i was already over budget. I also have a lot of trees around and I'm afraid the space inside a tented cover would get quickly occupied by spiders and their webs! It will be somewhat sheltered under my roofed in deck. @Tucker, are you having any rust issues? They do offer stainless steel but i didn't even bother getting pricing.
    1 point
  22. Good luck. During my waiting period, I probably amended my order 5 times. I’m sure Dennis loves when people do that [emoji12] (sarcasm). But I’m sure he doesn’t mind really, it is a business after all and the more you buy the better he is doing. You can expect your patience to be tried a bit while you wait, and likely comforted by some retail therapy. I should be taking arrival of mine in the next couple of weeks. My wait has proven to be great for my future cooks and equally poor for my cash flow. For all of the right reasons of course. Can’t wait for the young grasshoppers to show what we are capable of. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. I second everything everyone else has said about the pizza stone. I deliberately did not order one for my 32 and almost immediately regretted not doing so when I started to bake on my 32. The cost of getting one shipped out to the UK on its own would be prohibitive but, super luckily for me, @RokDok appears to have two and is going to let me have his spare one when we finally get to visit him and Mrs RD. And yes, we have discussed it and the spare baking stone does not appear to be a heat deflector but rather a production "second".
    1 point
  24. Forrest, that's a great set up you're going to have. Sadly, the longest two months of your life is ahead lol. I have a few thoughts. In the grand scheme of things, $75 for the baking stone is a small investment. It fits perfectly and will essentially be shipped free. Worth the cost IMO. You may also want to invest in a cover for your cooker. This will depend on where you plan to place the cooker and the weather conditions in Utah. If there is even the chance of the cooker getting wet and temperatures dropping below freezing, it HAS to be covered. As with any porous surface, freeze/thaw cycles can quickly take their toll. Lastly, while not even close to being essential, I find my BBQ Guru makes long cooks effortless. It may be something you can research while you wait. If you haven't figured it out yet, members on this forum are experts at spending everyone else's money Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Pineapple cured ham...... with genuine crackle. With a touch of cumin and paprika. Baked Over a fist of silky oak. The butcher suggests to boil this like a silverside. A light rinse and this is better than baked Xmas ham. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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