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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi All, Thought it was time to introduce myself. I've been reading the forum over recent weeks having come to the decision to order a KK over recent months. The COVID lockdown last year led to the upgrade and reinvigoration of numerous hobbies, and I had set myself the goal of upping the cooking game in 2021. Our 17yr old gas grill is on its last legs, and I had already decided to go for a proper charcoal BBQ to replace it- a mate at work uses a KJ which he raves about, and then further research led me to the KK website and the new obsession. My habit is usually to do things properly the first time and not have to do them again- and it seems fairly clear that in terms of kamado cooking the KK is clearly the best way to go. We are a 4 person household with young kids, and tend to grill on our gasser at least once a week, but also love to make pizzas at home. With interstate family who often stay with us when they visit, the idea to cook for larger groups easily by preparing a spectacular slow cooked piece of meat appeals- not surprisingly my attempt to slow cook a brisket on a gas grill with a hood didn't go so well! Like many on this forum, I am also a keen home brewer for the last 15 years or so, and updated my brewery during the 2020 lockdown (photos below for those interested)- so in 2021 it's BBQ time. After corresponding and chatting with Dennis I've ordered a 32"BB in matt black tile (in terms of style the wife prefers minimalist- not that that is easy for a KK)- side tables, roti spit, KK cold smoker, baking stone, basket splitter and grill grabbers have also been ordered. Should arrive in 2 months or so. Being imported to Australia charcoal and wood are not options (strict customs here)- so will look for a good local source. Dennis has set me up with a customs agent here in Melbourne, so all of that is already pretty clear. I'd be keen to hear of any tips and tricks from Australian owners regarding delivery and any difficulties you had- hoping it gets delivered on a pallet jack and I can convince them to do more than just dump it in the driveway! Have a garage door in the back of our garage which opens into the backyard- so am hoping I can convince them to run it through; and there are two small steps then into the backyard area (not sure how high those things can be jacked)? No doubt there will be lots of questions along the way. An initial question I have is how you would usually set-up at 32" with a basket-splitter and the half main grate. Let's say I use a half basket set-up; then I have a direct side and an indirect side; but then on which side does the half main grate go for most common day to day use (ie two indirect levels and a direct lower level vs two direct levels and an indirect lower level?). Specifically for Australian owners- would appreciate your recommendations on the following to source locally before the KK arrives: - good sources for hardwood lump charcoal and smoking woods - locally available gas torch or similar for lighting (Bernzomatic JT850 I've seen mentioned)? - Roti motor for 240v and Australian plug - smaller items: heat proof gloves/ baking steel/ any other small essentials Look forward to posting photos when it arrives- and learning lots. It seems a great forum. Remi
    9 points
  2. Well, look at what showed up at my doorstep about 30 minutes ago! Looks like someone ( @Troble perhaps??) ransacked the local Mexican market and shipped it halfway across the country to throw the authorities off their tracks!
    7 points
  3. To celebrate the tease of an early spring (it was 45F), threw some snags on the grill and made some coleslaw to get me in a summertime mood. Our local supermarket (HyVee) makes good bratwursts. These are bacon-cheddar and jalapeno-cheddar. Color on the coleslaw is from the purple crack. Trader Joe's tater tots done in the airfryer, with Peruvian green sauce (the other crack!) @Troble will catch the beer homage!
    4 points
  4. Impressive with the beer making apparatus, neat and clean which only leads me to the thought that the beer must be of a quality brew. After a few cooks on your KK you'll be telling yourself, "Why didn't I come aboard years ago." Although after a quick passing of remorse that regret will fade and you'll be enjoying another fine brew with a superbly cooked meal. The only thing now in the way is a bit of anticipation, it's keeping you waiting....luckily you have a double tap close by to ease the anxieity. Congratulations...calls for a toast
    3 points
  5. Wow, Remi, firstly, congrats on the decision to invest. You are correct in your research and will now be the envy of your mates with their KJ. Don’t embarrass them, the cooking methods are still very similar and you will share recipes and ideas. The KK has far better thermodynamics so what they can do, you can do easier. There are many questions in your post and I may not answer them all. There are several Aussies here- alimac in Perth with Aussie. I’m in Brisbane and there are several more. The best local charcoal is Gidgee wood charcoal. Sourced from south west Qld and I’m pretty sure they distribute to restaurants in Melbourne. I haven’t liked the mangrove charcoal, however, some do. There are plenty of great Aussie woods to add flavour and you don’t need to get caught up with the American woods- they are good, I just don’t think it’s economical to ship them half way around the world when the locally sourced timber is special. Any eucalyptus and particularly the harder timber works, also local fruit trees. Avoid pines, generally softer wood, and milk sap wood like mango. I’ve liked silky oak, carambola, cherry, apple, pear. You don’t need to add much to the charcoal for extra Smokey flavour. Rely on Dennis for his distributors, he is trusted and genuinely wants a good result for us as his customers. Once your KK has cleared customs, you can source any delivery company with a pellet jack to deliver. A sheet of ply will help you over two steps and a 6 pack to bribe the driver will mostly get them to take it to your back yard. The ply is cheap from any scaffolder, concreter or builder you may know. Otherwise, Bunnings will sell it. PM me if you have any other local queries, or sing out to this group- they have plenty of knowledge to share.
    3 points
  6. Holy Smokes, Tony, you hit the jackpot.
    2 points
  7. A little late here. I never take pics and post so I know it didn't happen, but I just did a prime rib the other night. I like to reverse sear them. 200° to 250° to an IT of 120° to 125°, remove from KK, tent/rest. Crank KK up to 400° to 450° and put the roast beck on to sear and crisp the outside. Pink from edge to edge every time.
    2 points
  8. That is a delicious meal, spring is on the way dinner.
    2 points
  9. For the Napa part of the trip, it's more trying to restrain myself from joining yet another wine club! Yeah, lots of potential in that box! Will take me a while to get over the "overload factor" though - where to start?
    1 point
  10. Decisions, decisions, expensive beer or expensive restaurant...I see where your leaning. alot of flavor sitting there, let;s see some Mexican magic
    1 point
  11. Sent you a PM. No French Laundry - didn't know that I was doing this trip in time to make reservations. Plus, I'd like to hang on to my retirement account for a while longer - LOL!
    1 point
  12. Post Oak smoked (Syzygies foil method) burgers then reverse seared over a soapstone. Delicious! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Wrong thread. Go here:
    1 point
  14. Tekobo although I agree with you and the Meater is my go to for regular cooks, the Smartfire( or other fan controllers) are brilliant for long, low temp cooks, despite having wires everywhere. I can drive away to an unlimited distance and get on with a day while still monitoring the KK oven temp and internal protein temp through the app in my phone. Work, kids sport, elsewhere commitments are no problem I can raise temps remotely if it’s cooking too slow, and wind the KK oven temp down to 100c if it’s too fast. Braai your last cook leaves my gilled T bones for dead. Have you walked into your butcher and seen lean steaks on sale, then noted half a tray is heavily marbled?.... I hand selected a few of these out. That’s the good wife’s cooked to medium... didn’t get a chance to photo the others. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. Beautiful looking KK BOC. Makes me warm to tiles..... until I remembered that pebbles cook better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. I just realize something I think is pretty cool that I never thought of... I am turning 42 this year. Didn’t think of that until now. I didn’t come from much and I was just thinking about how happy I am that I am fortunate to have one of these bad boys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Nope. I have a box of unused kit with wires. I tend to use multiple probes from my MEATER block if I have to and I am relaxed about some variation in temp if I fail to set the KK vents right. Always learning but still not convinced of the need for blowers and wired probes.
    1 point
  18. It was a rookie mistake. I caught it early enough but a 14h cook was about 8h as a result. But I think the flavour profile would not have changed so I saved some charcoal. Maybe? Useful to share with those new to the KK. A black KK with black bungs and used at night has disadvantages.
    1 point
  19. One step at a time. Not it’s final home or even with the tables yet, but she’s off the block and ready for fire soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Lousy weather means reprocessing old pics. First, a starless Rosette Nebula. Going artsy here, bringing out a 3D effect. And the Heart Nebula revisited. Again, bringing out more depth and 3D effect. Signature is that of my Instagram account for astrophotgraphy, which has been adding 100 followers a week. I’m like Science Elvis. Or at least Science Bosco. 🤔
    1 point
  21. Take the back roads, watch the border crossings and wear sunglasses and speak with a British accent...always worked for me.
    1 point
  22. That they are, but even terrorist need a place to do their thing. "You know the thing", oh can't say that you could get ex:communicated
    1 point
  23. Grasshopper...when you can grab the pebble from my hand you will be ready for a 32.
    1 point
  24. You mean like this one? [insert evil laugh here!]
    1 point
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