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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2022 in all areas

  1. These were our Super Bowl wings made with a homemade blackberry BBQ sauce/glaze. They were very good.
    3 points
  2. As opposed to @Syzygies, @MacKenzie and @tekobo who like to spend LOTS of your $$ on toys! 🤑
    3 points
  3. Common problem. Your "shutdown procedure" should always include 2 things, once you know the fire is out ( dome temperature drop of at least 50F) - 1) bump the top vent off its seat and, 2) move the lid latch to the 1st position to take the pressure off your gasket. The easiest fix for this is to heat up the top vent from underneath - use a torch, put a charcoal chimney of lit coals on the top grate, etc. One big thing - DON'T use anything to leverage (torque) the top vent "ears" - you can break them off. Once the top vent heats up a bit, try to open it with just your hands, it should be easier. Good Luck!
    2 points
  4. Same day pizza dough. 65% hydration cooked at 625f for ~5 min each. The kids were halfway through the first one by the time I finished cooking.
    2 points
  5. Hello together, My name is Marc, and I guess I am the latest Komodo Kamado owner in Germany After a long wait of two months my (first but for sure not last) Komodo Kamado finally arrived in my garden. It's a matt black pebbles Big Bad and it's a beauty! Set up was not easy though as my garden is located uphill - only two rather narrow stairways lead to it. I ordered a crane to do the job ... And I can tell you seeing the grill hanging in mid air (over my roof...) did make me nervous. However everything went fine and, ...well. See for yourself. As I learned from reading other welcome posts it seems to be customary to post photos of the new family member member I already did 3 jobs on the grill - works like a charm. One question though: Opening the top damper works very smoothly. Closing it however doesn't, unless I close it REALLY slowly the damper jiggles considerably. I assume it needs to be adjusted.. probably with the nut screw inside of the damper? Before I get my hands on it though I thought asking might be smart ... Have a great Sunday Marc
    1 point
  6. Heylo Kenny.. Your grill has a new feature.. the tri-set that your damper top shaft screws into has a bolt on the side that lets you release the threaded center. This will release the pressure.. Please call me if you have any problems.
    1 point
  7. You asked for food pictures... You get food pictures. T-Bone Steaks by Steven Raichlen
    1 point
  8. I use the coffee wood for nearly everything that I smoke to me this is on the same par as sliced bread right at the top of best things …..
    1 point
  9. Way to go! Looks good on that cart. Good luck with your first cook!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I like spareribs and these came out very well. I cooked them at 230 degrees for 5 1/2 hours. Royal Oak lump and cherry smoke wood. I did wrap them this time in butcher paper. Next time I won't just to see if there's a difference in the taste.
    1 point
  12. I don't think anyone of the guys in the street will be purchasing a high-class grill. It's just the kind of guys. They prefer enjoying it at my place... Cover was already in the initial order
    1 point
  13. Tagine. That's that the cooking vessel is called. The recipe has a bunch of ingrediants that I'll post later. The star of the show is pork, but lamb, goat, or chicken is more traditional. You're not supposed to get this thing hotter than 275, but most say 350 tops. The reason for the heat deflector is that you're not supposed to put this thing directly on a stove or oven without something to keep direct heat off the bottom. It can crack if you neglect this. Mine is earthenware, hand painted, and glazed. It's 100% food safe. The meal was very good and we both loved it. I'll fix something with lamb or chicken soon. I bought the tagine from Amazon.
    1 point
  14. The fettuccine turned out ok, gave some to my friend and he really liked it! If I make it again I’ll use spaghetti. Tony I’ll get back to my KK pretty soon my daughter is coming for a visit from Hawaii and she loves grilling. I have a freezer full of meat that just needs to be cooked. Hope everybody are having a great weekend!
    1 point
  15. I am absolutely a no beans person, chili doesn’t have beans !!!!! But my beautiful lady friend likes beans in it so we compromise and I put beans in 😁 I may be dumb but I’m not stupid lol
    1 point
  16. I'm loving it. All the room I need and then some. And it's still very frugal with lump.
    1 point
  17. Those are some fine looking ribs 👍
    1 point
  18. @Poochie - there are two "models" of tagines: serving tagines are elaborately decorated and cooking ones, which has less decorations on it. I have no issues with putting mine directly on my gas cooktop - just warm them up slowly and don't go over medium heat. If you research them, they are traditionally set on top of charcoal fire in another clay pot. I own 2 of them and use them several times a year, as I like Moroccan food. Here's a link to a good source for both "models" of tagines. Moroccan Cookware | Treasures of Morocco No different than the Donabe pots that many of us here have for cooking rice. Goes right on the gas stove. I also have Bulgarian "clay pots" for making stews, which typically go in the oven (cold) so everything heats up uniformly.
    1 point
  19. C6Bill, do you have a dog?
    1 point
  20. I just made some Kent Rollins cream of maters soup, turned out pretty good but I put to much cayenne pepper in it for my taste!
    0 points
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