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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. PaulR

    My Pink KK

    Sjees and I thought getting the KK was a biggie.... Nice vintage! No need to say more
  2. Dennis...diversify diversify.... I think he's pretty flat-out at the moment... But he wasn't too busy to put my KK on a ship wooohoo!!
  3. Re: BillyBar I'm waiting for them to build me a version for the 3/8" grills. They seem to be very accomodating, will advise when received....
  4. Can you please keep the rain on your continent (although..... we're in a drought)...lucky you!
  5. Re: Thermopen I ordered one so should be on it's way! Nice and Orange (I figured that would be easy to see...hard to lose ) Thanks for all the feedback!
  6. PaulR


    Welcome to the forum, we used to drink a fair amount of your great californian wines when we lived in Europe... Currently mainly drinking the ozzie stuff. I'm sure that when you decide to upgrade you'll find it a worthy replacement (my order is on the high seas currently!). Happy Q-ing
  7. PaulR

    New Member

    It's a great sport: for the participant in the fields:spend hours on end doing bugger all waiting for a ball to be pitched your way for the participant bowler/fielders: spend hours sledging each other whilst waiting for the umpires to decide whether a result was actually made for the spectators: spend hours on end getting pissed drinking grog on the hill (the grassy bit surrounding most cricket pitches). AND the games usually takes days to finish (I'm not talking about 1 day-cricket or even 20/20) aaahh great times watching the cricket!
  8. PaulR

    New Member

    Naah the poms are always on about the ashes! They're just peefed off that they can't seem to win them lately! I saw on the naked whiz's site something about US cricket? I thought a US cricket was something you find out in the fields eating your crops?
  9. PaulR

    New Member

    Sorry, my team (NFL) hasn't played decently for the last decade.... Their colours are red and gold! (yep them guys). Anyway not a lot of TV coverage showing College Footbal here in Oz (which is a real shame!) . They have Rugby here (2 different codes) and Aussie Football (AFL) .
  10. Re: open pit recipe? That's an ingredient I always use when bbq-ing! I will try the whole recipe and let you know!
  11. I agree with the origin being the komodo dragon but thought it meant "giant" i.e. komodo dragon - giant dragon... komodo kamado - giant kamado? The only one who really know is; Dennis!!
  12. PaulR

    New Member

    I was thinking Ferrari but you and the boss were probably right...
  13. PaulR

    New Member

    Congrats on the purchase and welcome to the forum. What no months of hanging around envying the people who are getting KK's, you just purchased and joined the merry forum? I like! Joining the colour theme discussion. I was going to ask for a different dome colour, but the boss didn't agree and not sure if Dennis wanted to get into the business of building different colours on 1 KK (would look nice I reckon black + red!).
  14. And no, the bigger thing is not a cooler, it's just a big storage bin. It mostly houses my large container of torch gas, my torch, my gloves. Oh yeah, those brown leather gloves laying on top...well, you can't do that with Chubby. I now have one glove without a thumb And I'll tell you, God gave us opposable thumbs for a reason...and that wasn't to have them burned everytime you try to lift something hot without a covering on that opposable thumb Yep we have two of them chewing things on our deck...They especially like BBQ gloves (must be the charcoal taste and smokey flavour ) I was considering to be more precise with my coals when I got the KK but now I don't know I've always used the just "dump them on" and the results have been okay.
  15. Well, I'm not sure what an Eskie is, but they are all storage of some sore or other. One I keep my lump in, and I think the closest thing to the camera is a log that's on end. Funny, I don't remember that being there, and don't know where it may have gone We get our lump in big bags, I just leave it in there.. Esky=Cooler..just ozzie slang (sorry thought it was more generally used). http://www.nylex.com.au/esky/index.htm
  16. One looks like a cooler (esky?) the other two/three are for charcoal storage?
  17. Jehlinger, did you get your new beast/baby (your choice?)
  18. Hi Dennis, layout looks better this way! Can you please add a link to create a new login ID so pages can be posted or setup the wiki to look at the forum userdatabase (if possible?)
  19. I haven't got my KK yet (still in transit) but some of my friends have asked about a "smaller" model (mini-KK). Dennis, is that still on the cards or ? I like the different shape but the heart shape OTB works fine as well... While I'm asking... the big tables (teak) that the OTB would fit into are they being developed? Oh yeah can you please tell my boss I need a payrise so I can afford all these extras!
  20. Curly, what are those plastic thingies on the left...... eskies?
  21. Hi welcome to the forum. The wife hurdle: been there done that, what got her over the line was: - Pizza cooking - Bread making - Great chicken with the rotisserie - Yummy Paella (have a look at the Whiz's beautiful recipe here: http://www.nakedwhiz.com/paella/paella.htm - Oh yeah and I has to sign a statutory declaration to cook at least 3 times a week (not so bad using the KK I reckon).
  22. I managed to change a page... Will look into collating some of the emails (and start that KK manual in the wiki)
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