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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. Thanks Sanny, I think HE will be gorgeous when he makes it down here... I'll ask Dennis for more pictures of the growing lad (is this line of comments getting weird? hmmmm )
  2. Have a look at this beaut! A proud owner (well almost); I only paid for half that's why there's still some tiles missing I guess?
  3. PaulR

    New Site

    Hi Dennis, the new site looks great!! Lots of info! and easy to navigate... Keep up the great work! Paul
  4. That looks great DJ, I asked Dennis for some baby pictures as well... Mine is a bit bluer!
  5. Great pictures! It reads like a tutorial/user manual!! Fantastic effort... Go the KK (I'm glad I finally ordered one!)
  6. The hardest thing is ordering a KK and then having to wait for it to arrive!
  7. U got the black monster (black tiles + black grout) or black textured? I'm ordering a blue Gen II (will do a different post though!). Let's see which one arrives first (I'm closer to Indonesia!)
  8. Hi Cruzmisl, how did you go with the inducer? I'm about to order my Gen II (days away!!!) and would like to connect my guru (reckon I need the inducer tube though?). Did you get the 35,- version with the bulkhead or just the tube?
  9. Firemonkey, they're chewey little suckers... I found out a couple of years ago that amazingly enough I seem to be allergic to snails (massive swelling etc.; doctors get involved with shots!) So I don't eat them anymore, have to say that they taste like....GARLIC with cheese sprinkled on top. So I haven't had them plain (I reckon they have a subtle non-descript flavour). Isn't the thingy in a bottle of Tequila a worm; looks like a cousin of a witchetty grub to me! Are Sea Urchins considered to be bugs (more like crab I reckon) I had those as well (don't ask I was in a Club Med in Africa and the French love them). Wouldn't have those again either fairly gross when you think about it (and especially how they eat them........) I still think that Dennis delicacies are in a different league!
  10. Somebody mentioned it already but I have to admit I have eaten bugs... SNAILS!! Not bad with garlic!!
  11. If y'all wanna talk about eating bugs? How about the Australian favorite: Witchetty Grub: Can't say that I've tried it..... but Dennis be my guest when you visit Down Under!!
  12. I have to admit I'm not too fond of it... It's very "gamey" I think deer comes close (I like boar and rabbit)... You have to cook it right otherwise it gets too chewey!!
  13. I've been to Thailand but don't remember coming across those sucker (well maybe on the floor/ceiling). Good luck eating those.... I'd rather eat Kangaroo!!
  14. Looks great, nicely cut as well.. Enjoy!!
  15. Congrats Central Pork... I reckon the Gen II is the way to for me as well... colour to be decided (I like the black with black grout!!) so expect my wife to pick green....hmmm
  16. I'm a complete newbie at building anything however have some questions: wouldn't the expansion joints weaken the structure of a fairly heavy BBQ? would the heat "seeping" through these expansion joints "damage" the outer layer? PS These questions are because I am clueless re building stuff so please be gentle when flaming me...
  17. Woohoo now you're talking... Love the gas port at the back, so I can leave my gas bottle attached...
  18. PaulR

    left over

    Didn't understand why this had to go to the top..then I checked out page 1. They really really look good... I have to decide on colour but feel that a black one would do nicely (with the black grout....)
  19. I don't have my KK yet, but is the top part the bit that gets dirty most? I have covers for my other BBQ's but thought that it would "look" better to have my KK uncovered all the time (it would be on a covered deck). How do you clean the grates (high temp + scrape?)
  20. Re: Hey Gerard! I can see you! He's NEKKID!!! Hide yer eyes' date=' kids!! [/quote'] Hey Sanny, did you check the reflection in your doggie's left eye??? This is all way to bladerunner.....
  21. Next week didn't happen but I made it today... Delish!!!!!! Nice and crispy potatoes and the garlic was yum (I cut them into slices). We have a rosemary bush/tree in the backyard so we had some fresh sprigs... Thanks for the recipe we'll definitely repeat this one!!
  22. Been raining down here (way down South in Sydney)... Planned to play golf but got rained out (still about 80F so shouldn't complain)
  23. Well let's see I'm aiming to put my official order in in about 6 weeks... Don't know how long it takes to build (or maybe there's stock of the one I want and than it has to be shipped to Oz (not to far from Indonesia though). So I reckon mine is about 8-10 weeks away at least??? Dang!
  24. Glad to bring joy to the forum! I always have friendly neigbours/friends supplying me with beer during BBQs so I don't have to move away from my BBQ Before you ask .............. just the beer!
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