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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. Before you impeach and get porkchop in.. Where is he (porkchop hasn't posted since mid March??) BTW wouldn't Deej be out as well (or did he get his KK and I somehow missed that happy camper post?)
  2. No....the hardest thing is getting the wife to ok the purchase of a KK (when you already have 3 BBQ's on the porch) No....the hardest thing is looking at all these great KK cooks and not having a KK (yet)
  3. 2 replies in 1 minute... Way to go J-man... (I was right though!)
  4. Aren't there 2 notifications: 1 on new message in your inbox (I'll send you a PM) and one on messages in a forum (such as this one?) Is this correct Deej?
  5. Congratulations, I'm hopeful I will post a "happy camper" message from down-under in the very near future !!! Photo's!!
  6. PaulR

    Burner Flame

    I just spend 45 minutes getting my WSM up to temp for cooking... I WANT A KK + GAS GIZMO!! PS The luverly wife hasn't agreed just yet....
  7. PaulR

    Pork Crackling

    Indeedy the Brit version; I was not aware of a cajun version? It's great (when you don't burn it to a crisp like I did)
  8. Congratulations, many more great forum years to come!!
  9. Well I'm waiting for the neigbhours in that case... Got both steps and it's kinda uphill...(and not a lot of room around the back!)
  10. Does anyone have a good method for pork crackling??? I tried a high cook (500F for 30 minutes) followed by a normal cook 325 for an hour and a half but it still didn't work... The middle bit of the crackling (on top) was fine but the sides were not crackled... Oh yeah I then followed up by trying to (midway during the meal) make the side crackling too ... Ended up with charcoal crackling.... SH!T...could have been the beer and wine...and me not being able to judge how it was progressing..
  11. GSWHoops, did you move it by yourself?? I always figured I'd have to get a neighbour to help me??
  12. I'll take anyones crownie! (twist-top in oz nowadays...how rude)... BTW how come they sell crownies in the US???? Anyway the link always went to #10000 which was Deej.. Sorry Sanny
  13. D@mn, I thought you had to work this weekend? shouldn't you get some sleep (um it's friday nigth here but probbly friday morning where U R). We'll keep an eye out on the 11057 number ..does the counter go screwy when an admin (or anyone else) deletes a message??
  14. PaulR


    Yep, btw don't work too hard this weekend and just think of us poor people in Sydney having to go to the beach and cool down in the surf... Wiki's are great maybe we should install some webcam's pointing to the various KK's!!!!
  15. Did you get any photos of the delivery? I'm still waiting to order mine ... but will have some fun getting mine delivered and schlepped to my back porch.... Congrats on your purchase (and quick delivery!)
  16. I reckon this means that Deej was the "silent" winner.. What R U going to do with your price??? I'll definitely will have a crownie if you're buying! But the counter one (on the main page) is still up for grabs albeit a bit hard to actually determine who'll get that one!
  17. It looks like the counter is going mad will all the new posts! Deej, you don't reckon this post: viewtopic.php?p=10000#10000 was the "official" no 10.000??? Anyway when you're down in Sydney i'll buy you a beer!
  18. Hi Samantha, so you don't think Deej already earned it???
  19. What are the bear claw thingies for?
  20. Aussie lamb is the best!!! (granted kiwi lamb is special too but...) yum!!!
  21. Thanks Dennis, now if I only could get that KK purchase authorised! Any news on the 2007 prices and what's included in the various models?
  22. Here's the Southern center of the universe (WAY! down South!) http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=k&om= ... 3,0.011179
  23. Can I ask what "weight" you had on the EZque? couple of chooks or? So 4 cooks (average 3 hours each?). I'm considering the battery operated one since Oz uses 220-240 instead of 110 (haven't confirmed type of adapter with EZque yet) but some of the posts suggest it might work down-under (the adapter provided with my guru definitely didn't work!!)
  24. OUCH.... How are we measuring this? or viewtopic.php?p=10000#10000 You DON'T want to know who it is! The weird thing is that it was on the 1st of Feb!! BT congrats if this link shows the "winner"...!
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