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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. Did you get one??? where are the photo's????
  2. PaulR


    Let's revive this thread... Any news on the wiki (DeeJ aren't you able to install one being the admin?)
  3. I just got word... KK being shipped next Monday...21 days later...um Australian customs But I will have it soon...woohooo Photo's to follow .....did I say woohoo? WOOHOO PS Jehlinger did you get yours (photo's???)
  4. Customs must be different up there than they are down here. I appreciate the misunderstanding so I'll settle for this one:
  5. Do you know how long your customs usually take? I reckon ours could easily take another couple of weeks to "inspect"? Anyway, I'm still hoping mine will be packed up by the end of this week and on it's way!
  6. Thanks for the feedback I requested a shipping quote (story of my life lately all these shipping costs!).
  7. Does anyone have a thermapen and what are their experiences? Are these as good as they say they are (<4 sec to measure?).
  8. I thought I was being nice... Firemonkey has your KK arrived at US customs yet? I'm hoping that my KK will be shipped at the end of this week. But I still reckon you and DJ will get to cook on your babies before I will... Had another look at the paella recipe by the NakedWhiz that really looks good and should be a treat on the KK!
  9. I'll make sure that next time one of the beers is facing the camera (next time might be a few months off though since we got pretty hammered).
  10. Nice photo of the pair, did you move them since Jan? Are you happy with the billy bar and will it work on both the 3/8 and 1/4 grills or do you buy one for the correct size?
  11. Um there was a baby shower downstairs (that's were the ladies where) and the boys were upstairs on our deck. We though it only fair that they could see what we were up to (umm no good!). Yep Heineken, VB (Victoria Bitter) and Hahn Premium and some wine.
  12. I think that's the guru/stoker vent... And there's another port at the back for my gas gizmo!! Yep he'll look great on my porch (and I will cook on him!)
  13. He's growing up fast! Great looking dark grout!
  14. The Weber bullet is still working so I did ribs: These were the biggest ribs we have seen (must be regular size in the US but here these are considered to be big) they had lots of meat and a nice flavour. You can just make out the smoke ring... Oh yeah, we also had some grog... hmmmmm beer
  15. Progress Picture He's coming along nicely!!!
  16. PaulR

    New Site

    I deserved that! I'll post a picture of my boy (progress picture) shortly...watch the baby picture post!
  17. PaulR

    New Site

    Did you just say that you're clueless? You're really not that bad must be those pills!
  18. PaulR

    New Site

    Hey DJ, I thought you were the website admin as well??
  19. PaulR

    New Site

    Sjees, you guys have all the fun! I assume they're not dancing around the snowy KK!
  20. PaulR

    New Site

    Does anyone else have an "active image" error on the homepage, next to the snowy KK picture?
  21. Bwaaahahahaha, we'll see... Looks like Jasen has dibs on 2 of them... (but since they're in the States I reckon the next shipment should go to Oz?) in which case: side-tables for the ozzie no 2!
  22. Thanks good pic, I don't have any metal-worker friends: handyman yep, sparkies yep plumbers yep...metalworkers nope. Hopefully the tube that I'm ordering will just fit??
  23. Re: I AM IN THE CHARCOAL BUSINESS... I AM IN THE CHARCOAL BUSINESS... I'm working with two graphic designers on the packaging right now. A minimum of four different types charcoals will be exported. As always, I have some new ideas for both charcoal and it's packaging that are original and innovative. My charcoal will be the same quality you have come to expect from Komodo. If I can't do something better and have a plan how to be the best, I don't want to even start. Ok, cat's out of the hat! What are the odds (and relevant pricing) to get some charcoal included in my shipment to Oz?
  24. I have done several searches on the .com.au search engines...no joy. Maybe they] Ozzie charcoal suppliers are not on the net? Although we're in the south pacific Oz is a fair way off from most of the other places around here... I'll ask the local chicken BBQ place where they get their charcoal... Dennis, are you going to produce charcoal in commercial quantities?
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