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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. He can't quit now, there are only 4 or 5 more months to go and it's all over. Currently he's in position to win overall guru of the challenge series. I'd love to take it from him but not by default because he didn't get his final ending bonus points. I'd have to get past tinyfish too and that is a challenge in itself. Reef's Bistro
  2. Awesome - final delivery companies are usually pretty good at accommodating customers and their delivery needs. If you can talk a good game that is. Reef's Bistro
  3. I don't know about all that but I do know you get better every time you post some pictures. Reef's Bistro
  4. Nice looking ribs. I like foiling but then again my family likes fall off the bone ribs. Reef's Bistro
  5. Looks good but they look a little lonely on that big KK. Needed some potatoes or vegetables on there to keep them company. Reef's Bistro
  6. Great looking burnt ends Rakesh. I never worry about the KK holding temp. As long as it's stable it'll be really close to the same temperature when you look again hours later. . I know controllers give people a peace of mind but the KK alone gives me peace of mind - especially after coming from an Akorn. Reef's Bistro
  7. Really great looking pizzas in the Guru pizza challenge but what a close finish . Bosco and one other tied for first place. Congratulations. . Aussie Ora, ckreef, shuley, skreef, tinyfish and 2 others all tied for second place. . Cschaaf and 4 others tied for 3rd place. . A really good showing for KK owners. Reef's Bistro
  8. It's peach season, get while the getting is good. If you check them out snap a picture of one of the boxes. Maybe a peach I saw going through the packing machine will end up on your grill. . What drives me crazy - most of the GA peaches gets sold out of state. In the GA grocery stores most of the peaches are from CA. Why would I want a CA peach while living in GA. Makes no sense to me. Reef's Bistro
  9. Great looking KK. Sounds like you had fun even with the smashed finger - ouch. Can't wait to see some more pictures. Reef's Bistro
  10. I noticed the temp snafu too. Figured he just got mixed up between c & f. Reef's Bistro
  11. Really great looking cook and really good pictures. Reef's Bistro
  12. I'm feeling the pressure. If I can get out there to get another box I'll make another batch or two. . I did pop open a jar of Reef Jam and a jar of Blueberry BBQ Sauce last night to see how they came out - yummy Reef's Bistro
  13. Awesome. Can't wait to see it out in all its glory. Reef's Bistro
  14. The last of the peaches. Didn't have time to grill all these but the peaches were ready to go so we went for straight up canning. Also froze two packs for use in ice cream. Reef's Bistro
  15. Interesting use of pineapple. Could have then planted the top, although up in Canada it would be more of a house plant most of the year. Reef's Bistro
  16. My sister is coming for a visit last week of July. We're going to take her to the packing place. Maybe we'll buy another box and make up a bunch of small sample jars. Reef's Bistro
  17. Great food and sounds like a fun party too. One day me and Mrs skreef will join you in the festivities. Reef's Bistro
  18. The canned peaches came out looking really good. Can't wait to open one up - you know just to taste test it. . Still have about 1/2 box left to do something with tonight or tomorrow. Reef's Bistro
  19. Nope don't use the oven very often anymore. We try and do most of the cooking outside. . Love my wife, love my bike. I guess we'll keep it in that order although she might tell you otherwise - LOL . Fireworks just became legal last year in GA. I'm loving it. I'm getting to know what fireworks I like best. . It was a full weekend but had a lot of fun. Reef's Bistro
  20. Sounds good. I'll have to try it one day. Reef's Bistro
  21. Interesting read. . I've always done the wrap and cooler rest so I know no other. Reef's Bistro
  22. It was a long full weekend at the Bistro. Here is a quick recap. . Friday night leg quarters. Saturday we got up early and went to Lane Packing. A peach orchard and packing facility. Brought home some supplies for the weekend. Saturday night was date night. . Yakatori Date Night - Where you go nowhere, get your date drunk, and make her cook her own food. . Sounds like the perfect date to me. LOL - Actually it's Mrs skreef's favorite date night. We always have a good time playing with the Yakatori grill. Sunday got up early and drilled my new smoke pot. Dinner was beans fresh off the KK, Brats, and summer slaw. After dinner Mrs skreef made a peach cobbler. While she was cooking the cobbler I got the fireworks lined up and ready to go. Just a small $100 display. Just a couple of pictures from Sunday night fireworks. Why do you want to spend extra money on good fiberglass or pvc mortar tubes like these? Because the cheap cardboard tubes they give you blast apart! A mortar shell going off in all directions at ground level definitely adds to the excitement factor. During all this we were working on various house projects. Even so we managed to find time for a motorcycle ride Monday morning. Got home and spent some time canning various things. Reef's Komodo Peaches, Reef's Blueberry BBQ Sauce, and Grilled Peach Reef Jam. Monday night was a few ribs. That's all I got. Various other threads posted detailing some of this. A great weekend for sure. Reef's Bistro
  23. Our #2 select peaches sat for a couple of days in a warm room so they were ready to go. . First up is a batch Grilled Peach Reef Jam. . Next we moved onto Reef's Blueberry BBQ Sauce. . Third at bat was Reef's Komodo Peaches. . A friend had given me a dehydrator. Figured it was time to try it out with 3 trays of peaches. These won't be done for a couple of days. . Finally the "Fruits" of our labor. Reef's Bistro
  24. I took your advice and had to look away - LOL I admit I did peak and they looked tasty. Reef's Bistro
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