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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. No rub. Mopped it then put it on. After that mopped every hour. The bark slowly builds as the cook progresses.
  2. No beer but I am/was stocked with liquor and mixers with a few bags of ice to tide me over. Never any worries on the adult beverage or BBQ front.
  3. Definitely mediocre by my standards. I appreciate the compliments but I have high standards for my own food even though my family loves it and thinks I'm crazy when I talk like this. I get better with every cook even when I learn from my own screw ups. Maybe one day I'll get to a level I'm truly proud of. For now I'll take a home run every now and again.
  4. I just look at it as a camping trip with a house instead of a tent. And some awesome grills to go with it.
  5. My family loves my food, mostly it's just mediocre. Every once in a while I get it just right so I think it's out of this world - but not often.
  6. Power is still out. No worries still eating good. My new propane skillet is on brunch duty everyday (best purchase I've made in awhile) and the KK's are doing dinner duty. With no power and having to charge everything via my car I've been too lazy to take pictures.
  7. Something I find interesting - before tropical storm Irma came to town we had 3 or 4 hummingbirds left. Yesterday in the height of the storm a bunch of hummingbirds came back and were at the feeders doing their thing, torrential rain, crazy wind gusts and all. Didn't bother them a bit. This morning, now that the storm has past there are 10 or more hummingbirds buzzing around. Hurricane Irma birds.
  8. Great looking kabobs and bread.
  9. TY everyone. Power is still out since 7am this morning. Going to make some power outage Brunswick Stew tomorrow using some of the leftover pulled pork.
  10. Made this mop sauce last night. Didn't exactly measure anything but this was basically it: 40 oz or so cider vinegar A little yellow mustard. A bit more more ketchup. 2 fresh squeezed lemons A decent amount of fresh cracked Tasmanian Pepper Berries Some fresh ground pink Himalayan salt. Brown sugar for a little sweetening. Bring to a boil then simmer and reduce to the consistency of chocolate milk. Let cool overnight then strain and mop away tomorrow. Put it on at 7am with average temp of 260*. Mopped once an hour to slowly build a bark. This is after 4 hours. Wrapped in foil at 160* internal then cranked it up to 300*. Pulled at 203* internal. Total time 10 1/2 hours. Only pulled about 2/3's of the meat. Have a nice chunk left in the refrigerator for Brunswick Stew.
  11. TY everyone for the tips. Although it is heading for me it'll only be a tropical storm when it gets here. Lots of rain. I do expect to loose power for a day or two. I have a extra large 5 day cooler packed full of ice so I can unload my freezer/refrigerator into it if need be. I also have a bunch of water stored up for flushing toilets. My sister is definitely worried about her house. They also have a really nice motor home that was having issues starting so they had to leave it behind. She's guessing that will get wiped out as it's sitting under a bunch of trees. On the bright side as soon as the KK finishes coming to temperature a Boston butt is going on. Using the 16" for that so I can cook a pan pizza on the 19" for lunch. Going to do the butt at 275* so hopefully it'll be done for dinner.
  12. She's a little worried about her house. They are expecting 130+ mph winds to pass her house.
  13. My sister, brother-in-law, 4 German Sheppards and some type of terrier invaded the house about 8:30 pm last. The only dogs I allow to visit the house is my sister's. They have all been to obedience school and know how to listen and behave. After today I should have the next 4 days off to cook some good food. If I can find a decent Boston butt on the way home from work tonight I'll smoke that up tomorrow.
  14. Irma is coming directly for us. Fortunately we are far enough North that it'll only be a tropical storm by the time it reaches the Bistro. I have 5 or 6 bags of charcoal and 1 1/2 tanks of propane. I can cook for awhile even if we loose electricity. Might try and buy a bunch of ice to fill the 5 day cooler. That way if we loose electricity for a few days we won't be forced to cook the entire freezer at one time.
  15. My sister actually came up from FL and arrived last night. Unfortunately it was such a last minute decision she didn't have time to do anything other than pack some clothes and leave. Normally it's an 8 hour drive. Took her 14 1/2 hours. Good decision on her part as the eye over the storm shifted and will probably pass directly over her house. Wish there was time to plan because I would have definitely gotten her to grab a couple of bottles. I actually have a box with some homemade jams ready to send you. I think I need to wait awhile - LOL
  16. I suppose if you overcooked them - don't do that - LOL
  17. Great looking pizza. What makes it different than a Chicago?
  18. @churchi last time I checked they were around $5m. That works out to be an incredible number of orders to fulfill. I have my doubts they'll get them all filled. I would have felt much better about it if they would have stopped the funding at around $1m until they had all orders filled. Charles - a bitter backer - LOL
  19. Hummingbirds don't crash unless it's into a piece of glass with woods reflected in it. Even if it dive Bombs straight at your face, don't move it'll never hit you although it'll come in so fast and close you think it's going to hit you. I believe It was just sitting down on it's rump since it had nothin to grab onto with it's feet. She snapped a couple of pictures and having gotten no nectar out of the bag of lump it flew away. No worries I'll keep the feeders out for another month or so incase there are any on a late migration.
  20. While I was gone today Mrs skreef took a picture of a hummingbird. It landed on the porch next to a bag of Royal Oak Lump and tried to feed on the bar code. Silly hummingbird the feeders in its normal place in the garden. It was a very impromptu picture taken with her phone from a good ways back so not the clearest. Also if you look closely you can see 3 or 4 different spots where he pecked at the bar code. @MacKenzie I knew you would like this one.
  21. Had to look that one up. Will definitely give that a go next Yakatori adventure.
  22. I guess I'm just not into the begging for money on an idea. I tried it. Doubt I'll try again.
  23. LOL - I'll have to work on that, especially the onion volcano. Good idea.
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