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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. I'll answer that. She did the Naan bread first. Stacked them up waiting for the rest of the meal. 30-60 minutes not a problem.
  2. Great looking brisket cook. All sliced up is mouth watering.
  3. Great looking ribs. What's up with the missing salads lately? I miss seeing them.
  4. Maybe early but they sure look good.
  5. Last nights dinner. Just a few pictures. I really love the stuffed scallops. It's a long prep but the taste is spot on everytime. You can find the recipe here: http://komodokamadoforum.com/topic/6505-reefs-stuffed-scallops/ I did have to use crawfish tails instead of scallops, just couldn't find any small bay scallops this time of year.
  6. I think you are a brave soul sending them money for the meter block. I am a very early (way before they met their first goal) backer of the meter block set. I have written it off as a loss. If it shows fine but the experience has turned me off from doing kickstarter products. I do hope what they told you is true but I'm not holding my breath.
  7. Looking good. Friday - Teriyaki Shrimp Hibachi Style Saturday - steaks, stuffed scallops, asparagus and wild rice Sunday - Mrs skreef doing a whole chicken dish with Blueberry Krispy Kreme donut desert Monday - too early to tell but something easy as I take my son back to college and unfortunately have to go to work on Tuesday. I guess I better start working on dinner as the stuffed scallops is a bit of prep work.
  8. Great looking cook and cutting board too.
  9. Both my KK's have some peeling on the inside of the dome and some peeling down in the firebox. Eventually you'll use the KK enough that the inside of the dome gets black and you can no long see that. No worries.
  10. TY @Bruce Pearson should be great for some quick weeknight meals.
  11. It's a Triton griddle. I think that's an Academy Sports house brand? Academy Sports is a great general sports and outdoor store mainly in the SE USA if I'm not mistaken. They have a fairly large grilling section. Blackstone makes a similarly sized table top griddle but it's only a single middle burner.
  12. Awesome looking breakfast. I'm really glad you're enjoying the Reef Jams. It makes me smile I knew you would appreciate them for the effort that goes into making jam. I'll be honest I'm looking forward to next spring so I can improve the Reef Jams just a little more. Stay tuned.
  13. I recently got a new grill. A 2 burner, table top griddle. Perfectly sized for 2 people. I've played with it a few times. I love griddle cooking. I have been doing them on my KK's since day one. I actually own a different sized CI griddle perfectly fit for both my KK's. When I saw this 2 burner table top griddle I just had to have it. It's just easier and faster for a griddle cook than using CI in a kamado and the results are the Same. Anywho the griddle and tonight's dinner.
  14. Your meals always looks so fresh. Great dish.
  15. Never see those before. What do they taste like?
  16. Now that my son is off to college me and Mrs skreef eat lite meals for dinner these days. This was one of those lite meals. Was just winging it a bit last night. Shrimp and Basil Bruschetta. Accompanied by French Onion Soup. I've made Bruschetta a few times in the past but this was definitely my best so far. Will have to make some more soon and post it as a recipe. Just a few ending pictures.
  17. Nice looking bacon. One day I'll try my hand at bacon.
  18. This really was the best and easiest Naan bread we've ever made. I'm sold on CI Naan.
  19. You all are making me want to try this.
  20. Mrs skreef has the pictures. I'll get her to post them tomorrow, either that or I'll snag them off the camera and I'll do it. BTW great looking Spaghetti.
  21. Last night Mrs skreef did Naan bread in the KK using a yogurt Naan bread recipe and a CI skillet. 500*, 1min 45 seconds per side. They came out perfect. I manned the KK while she rolled out the dough. Cruised right through making 8 of them. I usually do them in the Blackstone Pizza Oven but this worked so well it'll probably be my new goto method.
  22. Very tasty looking. I need to try something like that one day.
  23. ckreef

    Pizza pizza

    Nice looking pizzas.
  24. Sorry for the loss. Glad he went out doing what he loved to do. The rest of us can only hope for that.
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