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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. A shortbread bottom crust, fresh grilled peaches and a crumble topping. This was going to be a full recipe post but I had a couple technical difficulties along the way. Thinking back on yesterday I believe Publix snuck a batch of cling peaches in on me. You must use Freestone peaches if you're going to grill them, and these peaches were not coming off the pit. Maybe next weekend I'll try again for a recipe post. For now I'll leave you with a few pictures. It was delicious.
  2. Killer cook. They had whole beef tenderloin (choice grade) for $12.99 per lb earlier today at Fresh Market. I almost pulled the trigger. Now I wish I had.
  3. Interesting cook for sure. I've never had beef cheeks before. I'd give them a go.
  4. Good use of all available real estate.
  5. The external pistons to help the dome open is another dead giveaway. KK's use a back spring hidden behind a spring plate/cover.
  6. Great looking burgers. They sound tasty. I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to see a CC cook again.
  7. I almost stopped at the grilled lobster stage but I had already defrosted the shrimp and the ABT'S weren't done yet. But I definitely though about stopping.
  8. For the sizzle corn I grilled the ears with mayonnaise. Then cut it off the cob and sizzled it in that pan for a few minutes with a little sweet Italian salad dressing.
  9. Lobster stuffed shrimp severed with sizzle corn and ABT'S.
  10. Great looking whole fish cook.
  11. Wonder who scored that deal. Maybe it'll show up here one day.
  12. That listing came up on kamado guru. If it's in reasonable condition that's a great deal. Even if you spent another $500-$600 it's still a good deal.
  13. A week or so ago I made some Orondo Ruby Reef Jam. Last night I made some Rainer Cherry Reef Jam and this morning I made a batch of Grilled Peach Reef Jam. These last 2 jams I used a reduced sugar recipe for the first time. I like the reduced sugar it lets more fruit flavor come through. It did setup harder than I like so next year I'll have to figure out how to get a looser set. Anyway a few pictures from the Grilled Peach Reef Jam. Once again I forgot to take a cooking picture. So to sum up this years Reef Jam canning, from left to right: Orondo Ruby Rainer Grilled Peach
  14. Fantastic looking meal. Looks like a fun time on a unusual grill setup.
  15. That's a good looking red meat appetizer.
  16. I use to feel the same way. Once I got my mobile site setup properly I like it better.
  17. Tapatalk won't properly handle the new TOS agreement. That along with a few other Tapatalk issues and John suspended support for Tapatalk indefinitely. I'm sure it's definitely upset some people. The reality is both this forum and kamado guru have decent mobile interfaces without using Tapatalk. I use to be a die hard Tapatalk user but dropped it about 6 month ago and now just login from the mobile site. If you're on a small device you just need to make sure you're on the mobile site not the full browser site. Also the mobile site has configurable activity streams so if can show you content anyway you like.
  18. ckreef

    Cherry Chops

    Cherry glazed pork chops featuring Orondo Ruby Reef Jam and fresh cracked Tasmanian Pepper Berries. The purple crack berries gave the cherry glaze a nice purple hue.
  19. That's awesome. One of these jars of Orondo Ruby Reef Jam has your name on it if you promise not to ruin it with vegemite - LOL
  20. There was no way I was going to let vegemite pollute my fine cherry jam - LOL
  21. Dang it - I was hoping you didn't like them so I could have a double serving of scallops.
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