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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. I did.. I thought it warranted it's own life.. I also want to know how one goes pawning..
  2. Re: My thought for the day...... That's because you still have your teeth! The day will come when you may/will want your food a bit mushy. Or maybe not..
  3. Re: mysterious Oddly trimmed piggy ribs.. Looking pretty good as well..
  4. E-Z Que changed owners a while ago. The new owner bankrupted I just received this from one of the Ebay guys, savemoreonbbqfireplace E-Z Que changed owners a while ago. The new owner bankrupted the company. The original owner of the company is negotiating to reacquire the company from the bank. We acquired all of the Viking Stock, and much more. We have 6 & 8 models. They are on our eBay store. Matt
  5. Although tasty.. Although tasty.. I think it's the consensus here that the can or container of liquid is unnecessary in your KK.. And I'm not sure how much of the flavor actually gets into the meat.. I just finished two cooks of Thai stuffed chickens and was shocked at how much water was in the meat of the natural un-brined birds.. (yes I'll post them;-) But your first two cooks look great.. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Senior moment exposed That's what happens when I speed read without my glasses.. Go figure..
  7. Welcome to the forum T Rex. Welcome to the forum T Rex.. I'm pleased your Johnny made it there safely. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of it in it's new home.
  8. "Liquid Sandpaper" surface prep..
  9. Better the condensation drips outside the cooker or inside?
  10. Lots of tar... That's the first I've seen of your tar buildup.. Amazing is an understatement.. This is what I'd imagine happening in a restaurant.. Dj actually came up with both an after solution and a new production solution.. A solution might be a ring that screws onto the damper top shaft.. From center it will have three spokes and an outer ring that reduces the area of contact the top makes with gasket.. This should end the problems. For further production we'll add a positive V over the gasket area on the damper top so this V screws down onto the gasket also reducing the surface area touching.. thanks DJ!
  11. Just noticed we hit 30,000 posts and 451 members.. Thank you for all your contributions and making the forum such a great resource.
  12. Welcome to the forum Bev.. Welcome to the forum Bev, I'm always pleased when someone with lots of knowledge about anything signs up.. We're all hungry for new ideas here. I've just started doing pizzas on a regular basis but I cheat and purchase dough from the local bakery.. I've tried both sourdough and baguette dough. One great for thick and the other thin.. I recently saw a cooking show where they made dough, it looked easy so I'm ready to jump of the deep end and try.. Once again welcome to the forum.. Dennis
  13. Heylo Memo Welcome Memo, Nice to see you here on the forum.. and pleased to hear you got you KK over the border safely.. I'm still waiting for the photo of my first KK in Mexico!
  14. Raise the bar much further.. Ahh come on, have no fear.. raise the bar much further.. If about 16 lbs can go 85 hours.. 7lbs should go about 37 hours..
  15. Ahh I did not do the waiting between - Good idea Ahh I did not do the waiting between but would have to open it up if the topping was browning faster than the crust cooked.. How ever you cook them.. Cooking pizza is lots of fun.. especially if you let everyone make their own pie..
  16. Re: anyone ever cook goat? I've cooked goat shanks a few times. It's really popular here in Indonesia, less gamey/best when aged a bit.. I'll try to dig up some photos..
  17. Pizza Sunday.. I grabbed some dough that the local baker had made up to make bagettes and made up these pizzas with the kids.. I found that about 690º was best for this thickness of dough. I was burning the top before the dough was cooked using the upper grill as I did before. So I moved the stone to the main grill. I'd take a peek at 5 minutes.. if the top looked over cooked, I opened the top and let it cook a bit open.. Best thin crust ever..
  18. Pizza Sunday with the kids.. I grabbed some dough that the local baker had made up to make bagettes and made up these pizzas with the kids..
  19. Only the base should be carried using the harness..
  20. I was going thru and going to get my ducks in a row for spring so I asked the warehouse to send me an inventory.. I discovered that there were 3 grills in ready stock that were not in the forums photo inventory.. They must have been a custom order that was changed before it arrived. One of the Tweed Bronze and Autumn Nebula mix was shipped with a pair of side tables too.. GEN 2.2 Ultimate 23" OTB New elastomeric insulation/adhesive/grout Tweed Bronze and Autumn Nebula mix KK-Gen TM65 $3,800 GEN 2.2 Ultimate 23" OTB **Shipped with pair of CNC Stainless and Teak Side Tables** ($576) New elastomeric insulation/adhesive/grout Tweed Bronze and Autumn Nebula mix KK-Gen TM82 $4,376
  21. Needed to smoke 60 full wings for a party and was all out of apple my poultry smoking wood of choice. So I decided to use my cast iron smoke pot to clean up the hickory a bit. My 4 year old daughter and I made up some flour and water to make the gasket.. 30 minutes later we had the top on and sealed Dropped it into a KK preheated to 250º.. After letting them sit in a freezer for 40 minutes to delay the meat cooking, I coated them with Best Foods and sprinkled them with Pappy's Choice low salt seasoning.. Two levels About 1 hour at 250 and 45 minutes at 350 and then they started to brown up (being frozen let me smoke and cook them longer to melt off more fat.) At this point they pulled apart easily and were pretty much amazing..
  22. I've just learned that David Spradling aka DavidS passed away late last month. He joined us in March of 2006, was one of our first 20 members and top 20 posters. He found Komodo after having a POSK and shared more than 40 years BBQing experience with the forum. I'm sure he's up where all the smoke is blue and briskets are cooked to perfection with chewy bark. My condolences to his wife and family, he will definitely be missed.
  23. Re: Covering your KK Just as you would not park a quality automobile or motorcycle outside, a Komodo's build quality deserves being covered. When you see one in person you will agree. If only to protect it from UV which will eventually fade pretty much anything including the tiles. The insulation used as the adhesive and grout is UV resistant..
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