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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. When are ribs ready? My trick to check readiness is to grab the rack about a third of the way across from the end and to give it a little bounce.. if the meat tears or starts to tear they are ready.. if it breaks you went just a tad too far and the meat will fall off the bone.. I like to have to use my teeth to take a bite but the meat should come completely clean from the bone.. Sound like you need to buy and cook a couple more racks..
  2. To order please send your zip code to To order please send your zip code to BakingStone @ komodoKamado.com
  3. They are 15 1/4" diam, 5/8" thick and weigh 11.4 They are 15 1/4" diam, 5/8" thick and weigh 11.4 lbs..
  4. The long anticipated.. forever in R&D "Fibrament inspired" Baking stone is actually here in the warehouse.. I knew what I wanted, which was a 5/8" thick baking stone that had a very smooth/almost polished face.. Easier said than done.. The Harbinson Walker guys were over the top helpful in preparing the formula that would be food safe and hold just the right amount heat. The problem was in the production of the face.. We finally almost got what I wanted by polishing a thick steel plate, then clamping of a stainless serving tray which has had the back cut out. With some MacGyvering we not only got it cast but got it to release.. The problem is that the very thin pointed lip crumbles and leaves a less than attractive/commercial looking edge. The back and last layer cast is also a bit rippled but this is usually hid by the stainless tray which comes with the stone. After 6 years, I've found that performance comes first.. and this stone deliveries. The stones perform beautifully but have the following cosmetic anomalies. The stones were stained by carbon steel filings when they were drying... The finish would be ruined removing them. Some also received minor scratches on the face when less than thoughtful workers were refinishing the back side. These photos are to show what some stones may have.. When perfect stones are shipped they will be $48 plus UPS or USPS ground. These first batch stones will be sold for $38 plus UPS or USPS ground. Initially these will only be available to KK customers. To order please send your zip code to BakingStone @ komodoKamado.com In the hands of our Firemonkey, this stone performed beautifully.. Quote, "With the KK stone, I just put the stone directly on the upper grill, above an open fire, and let the whole grill come up to about 500-525 degrees. This yields a perfect hand tossed pizza in just the amount of time it takes me to make a new one - about 6-7 minutes. The stone holds enough heat that I can remove one pie and immediately replace it with a new one, and keep churning them out for as long as i need to." http://komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3002
  5. Congrats looks great.. Thanks for the photos.. Congrats looks great.. I think they are the first of an installed KK. Glad it all worked out..
  6. No problem leaving it out. That is the gas burner support.. If you don't have one there is no problem leaving it out.
  7. AEROPRESS Coffee Maker I can't say enough good things about this product.. Great gift for any coffee connoisseur in your life.. Don't let it's simplicity or price fool you into thinking it's a compromise of any kind... AEROPRESS Coffee Maker Take your home roasted coffee and run it thru this innovative coffee maker designed by a lecturer in mechanical engineering at Stanford University. Results are comparable to the $11,000 Clover Machine that Starbucks is installing. Do some Googling and read the reviews.. After I got mine, I bought ten and sent them to all my coffee drinking friends.. http://www.aerobie.com/Products/aeropress_story.htm
  8. Re: novel ceramic cooker Is that last year's Christmas wreath on the door?
  9. Welcome Marcy.. Thanks for posting and welcome..
  10. One day at a time! Didn't your momma tell you, One day at a time! Nice grab..
  11. Flank Steak Perfection... That looks sooo good.. I really think that this and a tri tip are the most underappreciated cuts of meat sold.. Sliced Flank steak with best foods between lightly toasted Thomas' English muffins.. Aaah.. now I'm hungry! When you take the meat in bag out of the fridge.. Are you letting it come to room temperature before grilling it?
  12. New Solution - Plug and play for both fans! I just got off the phone with John and he now has a Guru sized nozzle available. So give him a call and your set.. Plug and play for both fans!
  13. Happy Endings.. Plug and play for both fans! I just got off the phone with John and he now has a Guru sized nozzle available. So give him a call and your set.. Plug and play for both fans!
  14. Good idea.. Good idea.. I've actually been playing around with building a small ramp to ease getting the KK off the palette which is the only difficult/impossible part of the un-crating to do alone. Maybe use one of the four 1/2" boards for that also. Maybe attach them with drywall screws to ease getting them off.
  15. Good idea.. Good idea.. I've actually been playing around with building a small ramp to ease getting the KK off the palette which is the only difficult/impossible part of the un-crating to do alone. Maybe use one of the four 1/2" boards for that also. Maybe attach them with drywall screws to ease getting them off.
  16. Pilgrimage to Big Bob Gibsons I'm really jealous, I gotta get out east and eat some of the famous places. Will you please try to figure out why these images open into thumbnails instead of full size images that I can properly drool over.. I agree with ordering basically Everything.. Sai has a habit of ordering 4 or 5 plates of food for the two of us so she can enjoy a bit of everything in her favorite restaurants.. and then just doggy bag what we can't eat. She does not understand what's odd with it if you bring home what you don't eat..
  17. Great post. thank you. I think that this is the first time we've had a delivery post that rolled tight into a first cook.. And a home run first cook to boot! Congrats on the cook and getting our first matte creme cooker built. That KK caused quite a stir in the factory because how great it looked took us all by surprise and storm. Really elegant in person. The tiles are matte and have a stone texture like the matte blue green. Beautiful KK! Love to see 'um in their new homes too.. Thanks again for the great post!
  18. Looks great, thanks for posting these. Looks great, thanks for posting these. I don't have any of this color in it's new home.
  19. Our first post from Japan.. Land of the original Kamado! I sent Jeremy an OTB to Japan in March of '06.. I was always please to have one back in the land of Kamado..
  20. Umalas Bali this summer 2009 These two were taken out my living room door in Bali, 6 feet from where I sit at my computer.. Life's a beeatch! Live the dream.. Same place a few minutes later
  21. Pretty much takes your breath way.. Damn.. Doesn't get and more beautiful than that.. Pretty much takes your breath way.. Thanks for sharing..
  22. Re: Side table availability I've just Emailed you..
  23. Re: temps Always make sure you have airflow going out the damper top.. Closing the top is the reason your fire will die 99% of the time. Having a little wood for smoke in your first cooks also helps you visualize how much airflow you have. Please check to make sure you are using the TWO POSITION latch.. First position engages when the top is closed.. Then press down firmly on the handle and press the latch towards the body.. It will be a little tight at first but will get easier to close as the gasket breaks down a bit..
  24. The units usually last about 18 months.. Have the units died or just the probes? The probes that came with my unit (ET-73) are definitely lightly built and I can't imagine them lasting too long. They do have heavier duty probes that are supposed to be better but they are $17 a piece if I remember correctly. . The units usually last about 18 months which for the price is almost acceptable. I'm real careful with the probes but still have a few good ones. The high humidity here might be part of the problem..
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