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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Almost all the Komodos on the container arriving June 20th Almost all the Komodos on the container arriving June 20th have the pre installed inducer tubes. From day one the faceplate was designed to use the short inducer tube not the bulkhead tube. Fred gave me the exact diameter for the short inducer tube to "snap" into.. This diameter is CNC (digitally) cut into the faceplate. The earlier faceplate has it's own tube through the refractory material.. it is redundant to use the longer bulkhead tube..
  2. Hit 49 today.. Makes me think that I'm almost an adult.. Another landmark is that I've been in Indonesia for 21 years this month.. Thanks to every one for all you support on the forum and Komodo in general.
  3. a great Komodo Evangilist! Photos please! Thanks VERY BIG for the report and for being such a great Komodo Evangilist!
  4. This post needs to be here too!
  5. this reheats and burns off the remaining volatiles in the sm
  6. Re: This Bevey of Barbies will be loaded tomorrow It is still the terra blue family.. The terra blues vary greatly from batch to batch. These have much more blue than the brown stone like varigation..
  7. This Box will be loaded May28th This Autumn Nebula and bronze metal tweed belongs to Cozy.. left here for reference only..
  8. Re: inventory and special orders Hello Chuck, Welcome to the forum.. I'll be posting the container being loaded this week today. I ship about one container every 3-4 weeks sometimes a 20' sometimes a 40'. I'm limited to purchasing overruns from the very large tile company so all tiles I've built in the past are not necessarily available. Best to write me and I'll give you call to discuss this.. Thanks for your interest and inquiry...
  9. KK Pizza Stones Rick shipping this next week.. I will be shipping the Pizza stone Rick was test baking on this next week.. Typical of how I do things, Have not done the costing yet. TBA
  10. Don't get any better than that! I can't image better examples/images of the perfect pizza.. I gotta promoting Komodo's pizza making ability.. I gotta loose a few lbs so I can make some pizza like that to eat myself. No way I could only eat a few pieces! Thanks Rick.. You done it again!
  11. Thanks Dave.. Hey Dave.. Great job.. Thanks for everything. That duck looks great.. gotta run one over here and bring it home..
  12. You Tube Video One way to get an idea of cooking with a KK is to watch these videos You Tube Video Part One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OFI0hPyDrs Part Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYqlB9Gzlws Part Three: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H7Vor1gMSs
  13. feeling like I'm mozi food.. Yes, I'm very familiar with feeling like I'm mozi food while swimming at night. We need to fog the garden if a night swim is in the plans..
  14. 2,716 unique IP hits for the 12th alone.. 2,716 unique IP hits for the 12th alone.. The bummer is all the traffic who heard/remembered only half KK's name on the show and then went to the wrong site..
  15. Pool Cage.. As always thank you Google... I had never heard of a pool cage.. but some of them look pretty cool. Are they primarily to keep out bugs and keep the pool clean in an area with lots of trees? They would make a great green house...
  16. Today Show.. Without going much more into it, listen to Chris when he uses it and then remember 5.5 million people were watching and listening.. BTW The KK websites got 2716 unique IP web visits yesterday! Obviously a new record! Thanks Chris..
  17. Carbon steel contamination of Stainless steel I assure you all the stainless on your KOmodo is 304 and from a reputable source. Please read this post which will give you more knowledge about rust on stainless than you could ever want.. Basically bits of carbon can sit on any stainless and grow.. Keep it clean it won't rust. Even water sitting in steel pipes or touching carbon steel then touching the stainless can cause this.. viewtopic.php?t=220&highlight=contamination
  18. 3 Great KK YouTube videos with our very own in house celebrity pit-master, Firemonkey.. Part One: [bBvideo 425,350:2xdcnf9k] [/bBvideo:2xdcnf9k] Part Two: [bBvideo 425,350:2xdcnf9k] [/bBvideo:2xdcnf9k] Part Three: [bBvideo 425,350:2xdcnf9k] [/bBvideo:2xdcnf9k] Thanks Rick.. Great job.. You did us all proud!
  19. I dont know if it could have been any better.. Thanks Jeff.. Just watched it, I'm amazed at how much product coverage we got.. They usually don't like company names mentioned. As you can imagine, I'm over the top pleased. In the first 10 minutes.. I've got 5 calls, 4 emails and already sold the other Big Bronze. I dont know if it could have been any better..
  20. 19.5 VS 23.5 The 19.5" is about 20% smaller and 20% less expensive although side by side it does look like it's smaller than the 20%. It comes with everything it's larger sibling has except the lower grill but the invertible upper/sear grill works as the lower. I think most buyers worry about regretting not getting the larger one sometime down the road..
  21. I found this sample buried in a pile of samples.. I'd like some feedback on this color Is it a home run and worthy of a special order?
  22. This Tuesday, May 12th will be a great day for KOmodo as Chris Lilly will be cooking on an OTB with Al Roker on Today Show.. Hopefully KK will capture some new fans from the 5.5 million viewers! If anyone has the ability to record it and put it up on YouTube I'd really appreciate it, as it's not playing here...
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