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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Hmm can't go 20 hours? I can I've gone 30 hours filled up to the handles with tamarind lump.. I've never used RO of course but I can't imagine not getting 20 hours well packed bowl. You are cooking on the ONLY ceramic type cooker that's actually insulated with insulation.. (shameless plug) I also usually pour smalls and broken fines over a full bowl to get a very even burn.
  2. Plain Wood? Curly Maple with Coco-Bola.. That's a far cry from plain wood. I love that. I better get off my butt and go find Cozy some rare and wonderful wood for a set before he gets to back ordered.. hobby turns to work/headache and he retires. Nice work Cozy..
  3. Welcome to the forum Glen.. Welcome to the forum, I'm very pleased to see you here. I'm sure you already know many of our old timers. Your wealth of experience and knowledge will be greatly appreciated here. Thank you for joining.. Dennis
  4. Looks purfect to me.. Looks purfect to me.. Did you go high temps at the end to brown up the skin? Basted?
  5. On a slow day too.. Does not make sense as it was one of the slowest days of the month with only 266 unique IP visits. It was one of only 5 days under 300. November average to date 298 per day Max 353 July was our busiest month ever.. The being included at #2 on the About.com “Ultimate, Best of the Best on the market” list helped push us to an all time daily high of 625 and a monthly average of 408! Not bad for the new kid on the block! Thanks all for dropping in.
  6. I'm not taking any chances that what I ship is not the best When I called to report the high-ish ash weight he asked if there were many unburned carbon granules which there were. I screened them out and removed almost 2 grams.. I need to burn much more to know exactly what the % is as my scale only shows full grams. There is a new batch I'm waiting for samples and test results now. I'm not taking any chances that what I ship is not the best. We all know about the supposed to be best and hot air! I also just received a sample of mangrove charcoal.. it's highly praised by the Japanese.
  7. Can't miss with a big butt or ribs. All the new Komodos have been completely broken in, smoke tested and per-heated before leaving the factory.. The cosmetic plaster will burn off in the first hour of heating.. Then you are ready to go. You almost can't miss with a big butt or ribs. I'd save brisket for after you get a hang of it. Remember that when first heating the body is absorbing heat.. Once the body comes to thermal mass and starts giving off heat you will need to dial it back a bit. Have a good cook..
  8. Can't miss with a big butt or ribs. All the new Komodos have been completely broken in, smoke tested and per-heated before leaving the factory.. The cosmetic plaster will burn off in the first hour of heating.. Then you are ready to go. You almost can't miss with a big butt or ribs. I'd save brisket for after you get a hang of it. Remember that when first heating the body is absorbing heat.. Once the body comes to thermal mass and starts giving off heat you will need to dial it back a bit. Have a good cook..
  9. Burrr I love the snow/hail on top.. One favor.. Would you please shoot a full shot with it's legs included. I'm going to make a customers Komodos page. And yes Sanny, they always look so much better in their home.. Factories are not very photogenic..
  10. Re: Corn Toss Where's the beef? uh, I mean Komodo!
  11. Thank God for Admin Spell check! No watching tv, posting with my 2year old Isla on my lap! Thank God for Admin Spell check!
  12. Blast/Flash freezing.. The problem with home freezing is that large ice crystals tear and rupture cell walls.. Blast/Flash freezing is when something is frozen so quickly that only small ice crystals can form and cell walls are not damaged. If the cell walls remain intact,it will not loose fluid when defrosted. The only way to flash freeze your own meat is with dry ice.. wear gloves as dry ice is -109f. Pour about 4" of DI in a cooler then put some tin foil on it. Place some parchment paper on that so your meat won't stick to it, then your meat parchment paper, more tin foil and some more DI on top. Close ice chest but not seal as the DI produces carbon dioxide at pressure. In about a half hour you will have very solid steaks... Kids don't try this at home with the dog!
  13. Sorry just saw this.. Sorry just saw this.. I'll drop one in and try to look thru that lil door!
  14. 100% Absolutely Sure! Are you sure that's the correct spelling 100% Absolutely Sure! KO always before KA especially before odo.
  15. Re: Burner assembly.... Unsold Gen II's ship from Indo with out Burners. Tel Tru thermometers ship from the States as they are from here. I'm adding identifying photos to the manual. As per the manual, tighten the rear hinge spring until the top opens assertively fully but does not hit the top and bounce back..
  16. No Wimp here.. No wimp here but honestly the runny nose and sweats at every meal gets a bit old. We just ordered Dorset and Morich Naga seeds.. 1,000,000- 1,500,000 Scoville heat units. If you would like to push the boundaries of what you think hot is.. Get some of this: Dragons Breath Chilli Sauce at 5,000,000 Scoville heat units it should separate the men from the mice. Squeek squeek! The Chili seed Company.. Try their Chilli Chocolate Almonds.. Good stuff
  17. It's KOmodoing! We've missed you too.. If your going to introduce anew verb, please spell it correctly as not to confuse people. It's KOmodoing! Welcome back..
  18. It's a constant battle here over how many chilies Sai puts in our food to ensure she gets her three times a day endorphin fix from chilies.. Yes, total junkie.. Do a google search to see the chile triggers endorphins story. But the end result is I have to dig chilies off every bite.. I took a shot of the plate to ask her friends if I'm being a wimp or this is just ridiculous.
  19. Bugs on pizza.. yuck! It was mid 600's and climbing when I open to load the pizza.. I think it was in the 6-7 minute area.. I've got a friend bringing me some yeast from Bali.. PC.. Bugs on pizza.. yuck! But those bamboo worms... Your on..
  20. Re: Next try Pizza is supposed to be round, isn't it? hehe Also, no green stuff on my pizza, just lots of pepperoni! -=Jasen=- It started out round but took on this shape when I not so efficiently slid/pushed it off the lubed with flour cardboard paddle.. The garden fresh basil was uniform too.. and a great addition. DJ..Think flavor not green vegi. But as I said, it tasted great The stone was heat soaked about 10 minutes.. maybe best to heat soak it before going indirect..
  21. Next try Yes, I did use the heat deflector... But I think I want to try with out it as I put the stone on the upper sear grill and the cheese on top was done before the dough was browned underneath.. This time I started with the same dough but at room temp and is was just a little better.. This stuff was just springy.. I added lots of flour to it and in it's more dry state I was able to roll out thinner crusts but it still slowly shrunk back up. Gotta get one of those wood pizza scoopers as I used cardboard and getting it off with out the topping all rolling off was a nightmare.. Tasted great.. even the crust! Thanks everybody for all your tips..
  22. Re: High Temp Expansion Joints There were two areas that always got hairline fractures. When discussing this with the guys at Harbinson Walker, I was told if it can not flex/expand uniformly it will open into these hairline cracks. They also told me not to worry about the cracks as they close when the cooker cools and the materials returns to it's cool size. They said it's normal and acceptable. I told them that I wanted to control where the movement was as the cracks could cause customers to worry their cooker is going to fall apart. They said that expansion joints were the only way to prevent these as all material expands when heated. We make cuts 3/8" cuts into the dense refractory material inside in the corners where the hairlines usually were. After the cuts the hairlines never appeared.
  23. Around Halloween dry ice works too! You can also keep the temps low or drop the temp in your brine with lots of ice cubes in ziplock bags dropped in.. Around Halloween dry ice works too!
  24. Greeaat purfect fit! Gotta love it.. perfect fit. Anybody coming over this way?
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