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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. It can be shipped to AU but only by the container full.. It's classified as semi-Hazardous so it can't be sent LCL (less than a container load)
  2. Yup.. I'd definitely go the larger motor. That cradle is massive, better to have more torque than not enough.
  3. Heylo.. Simply put there is no meaningful difference in size between the 23" Ultimate and 22" The Beast's main grates. There is nothing that the 23" can cook that the 22" can not.. The bucket/base is 2' tall which means that you have the same distance from the charcoal basket to the main grate too.. Why would you want to leave a big hole open while baking pizza? Commercial pizza ovens have doors.. except the big dome Italian type that take a half cord of wood every time you fire it up.
  4. I sit them on the lower grate on top of foil I've laid down to create my indirect area..
  5. Hey, it was Kingsford... They told me they carbonize almost a million tons of wood a year. Try to get your head around that volume. They gave grills to their board of directors, factory managers, and Facebook giveaways.
  6. Thank you for your interest and inquiry. I am always happy to explore custom tile finishes. The first problem is that I do not have those colors available and we do not glaze our own tiles. Years ago we made custom tiles for Kingsford but they were ordering 18 grills. The next problem is that we could never make that pattern in tiles alone. it would need to be tiled with both blue and white on some tiles. I'm getting tired just thinking about doing this.
  7. No your 21" Supreme is MUCH larger than a large BGE which is only 18.25" diameter.. 21" left to right and 20" front to rear.. Just saying!
  8. There is a VERY popular place here in Bali that pressure cooks them until you can pull the bones out.. then the grills them with a tamarind, honey, some acid and pork fat from the pressure cooker at high temps until it's blackened and super caramelized.. I'm not one for baby food but if you have to eat it this is tasty..
  9. I've learned it's easier to give people what they want than to educate them. I supply them because people coming from the glazed-pot Kamado world think they're very important. Glazed pot Kamados are basically un-insulated and when the ambient temperature changes/drops the temperature can crash. Having a heat deflector reflecting heat back into the firebox gives these grills thermal mass/ a heat sink to help stabilize temps during these ambient temperature swings. Because KK's are so well insulated, this is not a factor. In fact, the heat deflector requires you to burn more fuel, creating more airflow and more evaporation and less retained moisture in your meat. I suggest, preheating the grill empty and then putting foil on the lower grate the size and the area you want to be indirect. Put your drip pan on top of the foil, install the main grill and put your meat above the area with the foil. Put the upper grill on top of that and more meat. You're off to the races. The foil is much higher above the charcoal than where the heat deflectors sit and will not trap/reflect as much heat back into the firebox. That being said I have not use the heat deflector in one of my grills for probably 10 years.
  10. I understand Eucalyptus working as charcoal but as a smoking wood I'd be concerned that the high oil content would impart off flavors. Eucalyptus oil of course is very aromatic but not the type of flavor profile I would want to eat.. Super dense woods like Gidgee are extremely slow growing.. which means they should probably be conserved not cut down for charcoal. Why cut down a tree that is hundreds or possibly thousands of years old for charcoal? Just my 2 cents.. as someone who has guilt issues over all the trees I've milled over the last 30 years.
  11. Can't believe it's already been two years since I shipped a container of charcoal.. We shipped a container yesterday.. I could not be more pleased. ETA CA . June 15th So that's two containers on the way.. One coco char and the other coffee lump.
  12. I have a Milwaukee shop blower, and I know that if I blast air across the damper top crack I can crank up the fire from the vacuum.. If I have too much ash and am concerned about stirring it up by blowing down into the base or thru the Guru port I use the dome vacuum technique.. I'm impatient and love my Milwaukee shop blower to expedite my burn..
  13. Heylo Lance, If you are talking about "Grilling" direct heat cooking.. What better grills contribute is ease of getting those results. A skilled cook can "grill" over a charcoal starter and with the same meat get similar results.. The quality of the actual steak you are using has more to do with the results as long as you don't over or under cook them.. Yes KK's 3/8" SS grates will give you superior grate marks on our meat. The egg's lil' wire grates cool off quickly when you throw on your steak. And yes as people said above the choice of three distances to grill from is nice. BUT with Low and Slow the results are DEFINITELY BETTER High quality insulation reduces airflow this creates better barbecue. Charcoal always burns at the maximum volume for the allowed airflow, if you can burn less fuel to maintain your cooking temperature, you will have less airflow, less evaporation and Bingo.. more retained moisture in your meat. Reduced airflow also gives you more smoking Q flavor. Condensation is how the charcoal's organic vapor/smoke is transferred to your meat. Common sense would dictate that more retention time (from the reduced airflow) gives more opportunity for this vapor to condense on your meat and therefore you have more smoke flavor on your Q too.. So more retained moisture and more charcoal/smoke flavor.. I'd say that's better barbecue. And with roasting.. the results are DEFINITELY BETTER too.. Remember when convection ovens came out and chefs were ranting about how meat roasted in these ovens was better. Cooked faster, more uniformly.. the food was juicier and moew tender? Well the KK has 5 times the volume of hot-face that gets heat soaked and radiates heat to uniformly cook your food from all directions.. not just heat from the charcoal traveling past your food out the chimney. This gives you more uniform roasting. Round ceramic grills also have a donut hole dead center over your grate. The KK's chimney is in the rear, 80% of the upper grate has the same distance from the grate to the grill's ceiling.. Great for browning and baking.. Just look at photos of roasted chicken on this forum, always surprises me how much more moist KK chickens are. So grilling.. easier and more user friendly but results not necessarily obviously better but these other cooks will be noticeably Better..
  14. When all else fails.. there is always the It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to receive permission approach..
  15. I've been helping men fulfill their dreams for quite some time now.. I always suggest tracking down a photo of a huge used, rusty offset cooker that looks like a big ol' choo-choo train.. Leave it on your desktop when you go to work in the morning.. She will be thrilled when you are back looking at KK's
  16. ARgH.. Will report again! I'm sorry last he checked the logs all looked good.
  17. 2019 Best Value Award from AmazingRibs.com, "Platinum Medal = *****. Our highest award, given only to the very best values in a price category, our strongest buy recommendation." Now 6 years running Best Value or Best Luxury Grill.. Thanks for the recognition Meathead!
  18. Yes eventually but before I do that, I'm going to do a mailing to my KK grill customers offering it to them first.
  19. Yup that's right.. we're loading a container of coffee lump today and the container of coco char goes out on the 2nd. I never got my exemption, finally found somebody who has the exemption and we're shipping on their license.. It's going the long way there, will take 6 weeks not the usual 4 but it's getting past the radar and out.. Or I'll confirm tomorrow after it's left.
  20. Argh.. we thought it had been corrected.. Please let me know if anybody else has had issues since last Thursday..
  21. Looks great, I do a dry coffee cardamon rub.. love it. BTW the whole cardamon from World Spice online is soo much more aromatic than the pre-ground store bought stuff. Stinks up the house but is soo tasty..
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