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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Just wanted to let you all know that we are all fine. The Big shaker 7.0 was one island down on Lombok about 25 min flight away.. Bali shook pretty well but no lives lost. Thanks for all your emails and concern..
  2. My landlord extended my lease and so this inspired me to bring the 42" SBB Prototype down to Bali.. Behind on mail now but will give delivery details later..
  3. Steven Raichlen cooks Brisket Tacos on a 42" Serious Big Bad on PBS' Project Fire
  4. How cool is that tool.. Do you know if it's available online? Thanks
  5. It wasn't me, I believe that pellets are like briquettes and hot dogs.. if they are made with good fresh ingredients, they can/should be great!
  6. http://www.creativelive.com Could be a great way to up your game.. Discounted to only $10 Capturing-Food-in-Motion-Steve-Hansen
  7. We updated the forum's SSL yesterday.. Our forum Wizard Churchi will save us later today.. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. 23" Splitter: I agree it only works well with the lower and sear grate. I love using the basket splitter with the 23" because it lets me leave my arm down there to play with my meat without a million BTUs cooking me.. The 23" still holds a volleyball plus volume of charcoal and when it's all lit and screaming it can be daunting to reach in and hold your 3-4" ribeye on it's side for browning.. Yes the 32" and 42" with their traditional grill proportions create MUCH larger shielded areas.. in fact if you are very "hot wall aware" you can grill at screaming hot temps without a welding glove. (do I need a disclaimer here;-) Thanks all for your enthusiastic involvement here..
  9. I'm going to have to disagree with ya here my friend.. Craig aka Meathead at AmazingRibs.com once said only the Primo could create two zones.. I made up this little video to demonstrate how the clearly the two zones were created in a 23" KK. Probably should of cranked it up a bit but it definitely shows TWO ZONES
  10. I'm actually working with a company that is authorized to issue exemptions.. Jumping thru hoops does not even begin to explain what we are going thru.. Luckily we actually had all our "original" production records for the required 5 years back.. All the production testing numbers were required, then double checked against the also requested spreadsheets with the same info.. and their staff has on our dime visited our factory twice.. from Jakarta.. ARGH . Gotta play the game.. I hope to be back in the saddle again before the end of the year!
  11. The more dense (read heavy) the charcoal the longer the same VOLUME will burn.. the dialing in is simply the airflow that sets the volume of burning charcoal.. So Charles is a man of many talents but this time it was not those or any skills that created this 30 hour burn. The reason someone got 85 hours on one 23" basket of charcoal is that it holds more volume and it was my very dense (heavy) coconut shell charcoal.
  12. It's the total weight of the charcoal/carbon you use that delivers X BTUs.. Charcoal from softer less dense woods appears to burn faster but it's the allowed airflow that determines how much charcoal is burning, nothing else. Always remember that "Charcoal always burns at the max volume for the allowed airflow.. Period." You have ignition, and fuel.. the only missing component for combustion is oxygen..
  13. I only discount discontinued products
  14. Why we don't want to cook with wood.. When wood or any biomass is heated the biofuel/wood alcohol/methanol in it turns to gas/vapor.. Because the gas is hot it rises and mixes with the available air/oxygen.. When the fuel-air ratio/mixture is correct it ignites and burns as a flame. If this takes place inside a grill where there is no available air/oxygen it then turns into a thick fog like smoke with large very sticky droplets. This thick smoke burns your eyes of course because it's wood alcohol. Imagine misting your eyes with alcohol. These large molecules of wood alcohol also stick to your clothes and makes you smell like a forest fire. Condensation is how the vapor and flavor is transmitted to your food.. If this vapor condenses on your food it is extremely bitter and acrid.. Nasty stuff. It's my hypothesis that many people smoke their food with this first thick smoke, that's why so many rubs and sauces are ridiculously sweet using high fructose corn syrup because adding sweet to this bitter flavor make can make a semi-palatable "tangy" flavor.. We want the organic material that is released just after the flame or thick fog/smoke is vented.. It's translucent and can have a blue tint.. one often hears to it referred to as blue smoke. Truth is cooking with wood when there is a flame is really cooking with gas.. Old school BBQ joints burn their wood outside until the flame is just about gone and then immediately shovel the remaining charcoal into their grills/smokers.. That's the magic smooth smoke that makes Q out of this world..
  15. My grills are always on SALE... Then again that's without the traditional sale discounts.. Never been one for tradition .
  16. Please always also post photos of the meat when it's finished cooking.. Raw meat on the grill besides showing the grate's size is anything but appetizing and can't be used for Instagram.. Thanks All..
  17. Missed the video.. Wrong end.. that's the end for the pointed meat piercing tip.. I'll call him
  18. Throw them in a cooler with a couple of bottles full of very hot water..
  19. the other bracket is adjustable.. so the shaft length is not an issue.. unless it's too short now. LOL
  20. Double Happy Birthday as my Bday is June 10th also!!
  21. Happy Bday Bruce.. What day was it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Argh.. That is the discontinued bracket, old stock that was packaged with the roti cradle.. My staff sent you the new one in a separate box with all your accessories.. Please look for and use that one.. Box Marked: RP/17-2156 Adjustable Side Bracket Motor For 21" / 23" / 32"
  23. Love to hear it.. Still have not given up.. I've finally got the shipping company to agree to survey my factory to get an exemption.. Hope but still no light at the end of the tunnel..
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